Showing posts with label tears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tears. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Finger prints

Fingers fly across the keys as wings would
cut through cloud space,
wishing everyone was watching
this dialectical mastery in the dicing
of an apple pip up, cubed,
without drawing a drop
of blood.

Beads swell and dangle daunting disconnection
of liquid self, wrung inside out.
Friction finds itself most magnetic
just under the tips
tapped dry.
The raised ink stains the held note.

Painting by Giovanni Battista Naldini (c. 1563-65) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Grainy Drops

The rain makes it better.
   The rain is falling.

The hour disperses into sky.

Does it?
Save your words-

The rain makes it better.
Smell space freeing itself...
You will see
          when the mist
                     settles   lifts
                  when the fog
it will be too bright to see directly
Due West             when the sunsets

The tide takes it all in, licking and swallowing the shore
like an ice cream with crunch.

They taste the same. Put your tongue in the rain
Nothing is the matter,
only salt                    remains.

Painting by James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 'Sea and Rain' (1865) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Squiggly lines

Draw the wind for me
                                             That is a line
This is a wave
                                             It is a cloud
it is not raining
                                             It is floating
It doesn't resemble energy to me

Because it can fall or disappear

If I cannot see it, it is not there

                                             What do shadows show
                                   You must move-first to see 
I see stillness, yes
                                   this second, do I breathe
Alive, you must Be.
Not imagine
                                   show me the difference
where water and air masses separate 

conglomerate as clouds 
                                   demonstrating the movement
of nothing.
No thing                     that floats.

Now your turn to draw the water

                              well are not those tears 

Artwork By Вера Владимировна Хлебникова (1891—1941) ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Sob Sonata

The rumbles around sound-
roars that surround--
no discernable locale---
indivisibly missing
musicality, pressing

pieces like piano keys
vibrations strung out
taut us to feel
the re-percussions
in our bones, marrowly
on tune.

Aural artistry struck dumb
by letting too many high notes
off the grid.
This is how it sounds
when tears chime in.

Unlocking grooved records
teetering on a clef and
caught in a cosmic web
solidified as steam,
in thin air,
the words will find you
on the treble
if you feel deeper
than the brute beating
of unsound bodies.

Painting by Thomas Eakins, Elizabeth at the Piano c. 1875 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 10, 2015

A child asked Emily-

A child asked Emily
Where do tears come from?
Wet-I've been-Where
Tears come from-You have
dipped in the Abyss too?

Sprung from spaces-unseen-
Joy has never been-There
to melt away the bitterness
of an icy raw day

Seeping and Weeping push through-
guarded Gates-solid as Blinking
little trifles-Tears-like watercolors
Bleeding flowers drooping wet in the Garden

Image of painting by Winslow Homer (1878) 'Girl in Garden' [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, December 5, 2014

It's a cryin' rain...

We had a gentle storm
(not quite the norm),
It was only visiting, meaning no harm,
not intending to cause alarm.
She softly blew in-
without making a din.

Tip toeing in, tapping outside
whispering wind unable to hide
Blessings for the desert parch,
weather comes in a March,
lining up for a show
as Natures spigot sets the flow.

Today, as we can unclearly see
just kissing full droplets, delicately.
She's in no hurry-
too warm to flurry,
in this tropical geography,
of maternal meteorology.

Silently saturating,
drip irrigating, saving,
seasonal wrath,
for a different path.
Anger saved for another place
as we accept her gentle mist in trace.

Rolling down cheeks,
pointing out leaks,
dripping from the eaves,
quieting the leaves.
Sparkles glittering on the grass

prisms of tears reflecting en masse.

Composed 12/5/14.

Image of painting by Robert Henri [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "Misty Paris" 1890.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...