Showing posts with label aging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aging. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Slate grey

Starting to look like my old self

Or young self

And when I steal a glance

In a random reflection

I have seen

The crazy haired


Clean slate


That has been there

All along

Long time,

No see-

eyes were always grey.


is that the same 

insides out?

Born that way

They say

It goes that way, life




an echo reiterates.

Or so it seems slated,

Starting Over and I

Was Here

As if carved into

A tree.

Painting by Thorolf Holmboe, 'Weeping willows' c. 1907 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Line by line

Life unfolds this way,
the face now resembles our grey matter
what is inside comes out.

The clouds will unravel again,
you can hear the wind 
moving them along.
I am done
telling others to listen.

Paper, then. My life. Drawn to fire.
All those the people carrying dead burdens
on their cracking lips.
They burned books
into their memories and cauterized the wounds
with chanting and invocations
shaped to sound like smoke rings
they read the signs.

As with people and colors
they gather but do not become,
one another,
as with clouds, the heaviest fall
and we say we needed rain.

In these conditions
the symbols bleed together
and it is red

Painting by Emile Claus, c. 1898, 'Ampelio, old fisherman of Bordighera', in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sea minor

The day you were born
It would never be the same
as it ever was.

This day, at that time
started this life
                       from lives past-
Passed through you to you
creating something
from some things that were before
you arrived as you.

This time and time again

many things came first
many more things will come to pass
none have counted you
in years
             -as the last

-pushing through, pulling you-

The only time you
were you,
we met
            through others
matters were made

any day now we will change
into strangers, fate carried vessels
pulling our chords,
                              the other way.

Painting by Ivan Aivazovsky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Recycling poetry

When we are children,
all we take in
is Poetry.
In adolescence
we lean on Prose
without punctuation,
growing longer to gauge the resistance
of rooftops attached to support beams.
It seems maturity makes less time
for more meaning,
the old begin shrinking time
too little to learn anything less
than Poetry.

Painting by Eero Järnefelt, 1895 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Add ages

Don't let them tell you
You had just one job,
they always expected more.
They say, Just be yourself,
as though given a choice.
Stand up for yourself.
Don't believe enough is ever enough,
it is only enough.
The first bird and the last owl
are equal aviators
afflicted with (chronic) fomo-curious-itosis.
Silver bullets and linings should help save us
before things change anymore.
We have nothing better to do
than keep busy, make haste and donate
to causes
we make no effect on reason
such as why the wherewithall has
deteriorated and became dilapidated into
three-wheeling metallic adages.
Don't ask. Don't listen. Don’t look Back.
Don't do them.
Reason is revived with hind-
sight. You will see later.
The Truth
will set you free
to follow your heart,
to do what you love,
to be mindful,
to forgive and forget
and rest in peace
lying down.
Take it.
Your Time

is up.

Painting by Édouard Manet [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

No vacancies

It is the voice, or sound
as far as limits and ripples can----
as loud as the noise altogether

static, each wrinkle folds under
the aging and erosion,
older than dirt lays claim,

lighter than air, dust-skin,
settled palimpsest
on rice paper arms, 

by shreds of rags and stitches 
to cover the cold.
Shivers scream inside, 

turbidity of the spirit, malicious matters
needing shelter; brittle now
by leaves, dry twigs,

words, thorns, starlight and smoke
becalmed back to the senses
in a murmur of metaphor,

rewritten as revelation. 
Must Have.
Must Heard. 

Image credit By Scan by NYPL [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Dead-lines make us dance

I am going to die.
Not today, I really hope.
Inevitably I will it so someday.
Not this one,
I know, I can control that. Will. Be.

Able to stop the Time: why we write. Though,
all know, the endings are not ours.

Cracks in the porcelain grow-stress-lines
like faults at forty. At thirty, we don’t think
of meeting our match-in dem eyes. 

Now Ecstasy we see
helps alleviate the stress.
Chemically, elasticizes the skin,
that tightens in fear, out-looking grim,
youth is fear-less-ignored-immortal.
How could we want more…
sublime with the time we have
had-enough time-time enough.

“Relieved of the burden of passion, and freed from the pressure of desire”
Sounds serene, quiescence, in essence, is nothing left to say
any other way.
Sleep. Sueño.
Nobody stops to Thank Death
for bringing these:
Dreams, drive, to do, be for, we go.
Dead-lines makes us dance.

“The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.”
-Edgar Allan Poe

Image of painting by Thomas Pollock Anshutz [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mirror, mirror, how old am I?

How old am I
                       you asked me
as though I were here first
                       which I was
You were talking with your Grandma
                        enjoying and knowing she'll be
passing soon...

My cousin was born when I was a decade
                        or so already checked-in
She just passed Route 30,
                          her two young girls fine blonde hair
flying in the wind-will be snarled soon enough
                          stopping at the next town “Generation"
just passing thru...

A childhood friend who lost his mother
                            before I could find him again
noticed the 5 o'clock shadow of quitting time
                             resigned to put in some over-time
got a promotion of fast-track
                             merging lane, death draws closer 
but he blazes by....faster than 65

Last time I checked, I was wise
beyond my years
double checking lines, they cue my fears
the scale to weigh the time
gets heavier with one foot off
gauging the mass I now carry
until weightless without reflection.

Composed 4/12/15.

Image By Shymanski, Robert [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 1933, Hegeler Carus Mansion. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Growing Old While Waiting In Line

Growing Old While Waiting In Line

I find myself shrinking with fear,
trembling a touch making contact-in the eyes,
peering through the windows,
beyond the fragile glassy panes.
Shuddering at the cataract reflection-
noticing my naked youth
while waiting in line...

Patience reminds

Your turn will come
when this wait is done
my eyes avoid noticing
further running to a spot
liver on the empty face
of my spotted analog watch
hands fidget childishly
feet shuffle deliberately
I don't have much time
My heart thumps wildly,
Primate pounding fists-
I am Alive!

Discontented rumblings remind
of a scent, a smell, a pale zest,
for Life in this free Time
a penny for my thoughts
with inflation of receding interest
-I ponder-
What's is it worth?Is this the cost-
Of time well spent?
Tic-toc goes the clock...
Perpetual seconds elapse
When we are born do we know?
The time of our death?

Slipping glasses on bridges
rose colored reflections
of what used to be
fitted with sagging drapes
can't hold on to it all-no Time
to hold back- the time Now
replaced Impatience for Pabulum
to do, to have to do
and why not do?

Yet I see through porcelain
dentistry, the hollowed
gum smile, a knowing wink
(flinching blink) I smile back
knowing I'll make it
(on Time)

while waiting in line…

Painting by Karl Aegerter "Waiting in Line". Image from Wikimedia By Taxidermized (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...