Showing posts with label cycles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cycles. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas Presence



I am here 
Warm blooded
In the icy dawn.
Pink blush to periwinkle blues
Paint the sky
Behind eyelashes,
Barren branches,
Heavy hearts hung high
Not just I 
sigh, exhale
thinking only of 
whose day holds heavy fruit,
Hugs, in deep loss and great gains
ripe and rotten. I
Inhale the sharpness of
Those warm with love and
Those hollow in hopelessness.
Those that have just arrived,
Those that have long left,
Those that remain
In this familiar temperance
I feel
Here. And there
Goes, swift as the hours,
enduring as years
Ends and Begins
all Over and
Artwork by Hans Makart 1840-1884), 'Abundantia the gifts of the earth' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 26, 2022

What Floats


Above all

else in the daylight

my favorite sight

or Phenomenon

occurs in the Sky;

Fallstreak holes, lenticular halos atop

tall peaks

and the mighty Mammatus.

I seldom seek

the Why's

As cycles spin

I think I may see them again,

when the Sun's slanted spears


It all-appears 

Darker, more real,

an occurrence

of grounding

without sounding too


Image credited by Alpsdake, in Public Domain (CC0),'Mount Fuji from Mount Ogochi' taken 10/22, 2000 via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The world in a puddle

Shiny onyx paved streets that shine 
like oil
kaleidoscope reflections of topaz gems
yellow lamplights tossed from windows
makes me warm

Lullaby metronomes count water
droplets, clepsydra down the side of the house,
this eave, my gutter
fills, pours this bass beads across paving stones
reminiscent of a game of puddle hop-scotch
I count the treble, 
it answers the hydraulophone
inside me.

That musty smoke that lingers like dye
in the sky, leaking out of rooftop chimneys,
house pipes blow and issue
a rescue signal, 
for those inside.

Countless poets have captured this in smaller 
rain barrels commonly called buckets.
We lost some along the way,
which accounts for the change in overall volume,
by composition, ice is also vaporous. 
Drops do both ways.

Nobody cared,
these were not the ideal conditions for thirst 
or poetry,
water was everywhere, like supply versus demand
as far as they could see, 
there was no end
to verses. 

Image credit By English: thesandiegomuseumofartcollection (Flickr) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Shadow lands

Consulting the calendar
to measure the finite edges of days,
proper rectangular weeks,

Using a ruler, I measure
the distance between
solar cycles inside
circles spin squared up,
and churn stuck in corners 
and lurk in boxes,

Leaving us to use the same angles
And over,
Holidays make tangents, or triangles,

Between meaning and moment

This second
Memory, like haze that fills with light
remember the fog backlit in sun, rolling
over it,
The wind, the wave, the change,
The ends,
whites and blues
begin blending new for someone

We one knew upon a time. 

Image By OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons (When trees and shadows make art) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...