Monday, December 13, 2021


Whispy so faint

or feign like clouds,

like whispers 

of empty voice

filled in breezes

that matter not


hitting something

like chimes

whereby hinting of 

something more

of substance,

a question

lingers like

what matters


Painting by Konrad Krzyżanowski, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.



wanted me to fail-

expected me to-




believed him

who spoke in tongues

dripping with alcohol-


or temptation.


assumed some-

thing some-

one else 

knowing naked and shorn


could never make it through

the frozen nights

of solitude.



were mistaken and

some, like me, would say


betting on the black sheep

betting on the lamb

who is the wolf

you feed-

and the bitten hand

that continues to write through the pain.

Painting by William Sidney Cooper, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Spinning wheel


As far away as we

All are

From where we once stood

not long ago


to what sticks and what flies off


as we are

oblivious to this




nothing is graspable

for one life-


Goes fast and slow


to how our time



And still

try we must

to hold on


where we now


Painting by Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans, 'At the Spinning wheel' c. 1845 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Caution in the wind

It's a good thing that red lights aren't like red flags-

more commonly seen in hindsight.

Color blindness may be more like

selective hearing.

Why are there so many bright

crimson colors kaleidoscoping 

when remembering (him)?

Would those red flags be like;

the ambulance rides, the light coming in

on the sides (gut instinct)

could it be

the blood splatters, bloody hands,

drunken stupors

or the rage, or his cheeks, 

the fire-alarm(s)

the sunsets, the stains

or the business bank account

shiny red as a waxed Macintosh apple


Not once

an apology,

not black or white-

It seemed neon 

not calling me beautiful-anymore

disdain, malice, silence

and absence (even when present),


Now I can see

the grey area 

are the clouds, air-wind made visible,

attempting to contain-


they loom, as omens, but do not stop 

or look back while perpetually

moving forward,

breaking and forming again and again.

And all colors 

are prismatic, it is we that assign

such meanings as

to stop or go. 

Painting by Anna Lownes, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 13, 2021



if someone showed me

the Future

and said This or That

We both know we'd go with

less pain

We go on

without knowing which is which

The will 


the will see-after

which was worse.

This way

we suffer the same fate. 

Painting by Pietro della Vecchia, 'Fortune teller reading the palm of a soldier c. 1626-1678 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Grief is the thing without feathers

Keep going

an hour longer than you think you can...


is not how heavy the load

or capacity 

to measure up

against the weary

whose Joy

dwells in Nothing-

of want

Everything back,

as though undo was a direction

from undone.

When Lost;

the Way, the Hope, the Time,

the trust

the will, the want, the why-

The sun rises its warm cheek 

lighting the low flame

of a fresh poppy 

bursting through the winter mud.

Anyway the next step,

the next moment

finds me

empty and lighter and

unable to grasp ahold

of any-thing-any-body-any-way

right or left

or stay 

strong long enough

to make sense

of Beauty. 

Painting by Auguste Allongé (1833-1898), 'A Walk in the Forest' c. 1873 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, November 5, 2021


Distinctly the pad of her hand

the inside of her thumb

tapping like a tambourine

white dust exploding upward

each solid strike

and dare ask

why do you do that Grandma?

She liked wearing an apron,

To make it all smooth and loose

or something like that

she said.

The white powder 

was not flour

on my parents' kitchen counter

back then the oven made

TV dinners 

better than the microwave.

And as I sift

through the coarse grains 

of the collapsed sandcastle 

of my own making

where I grew into

adding on and adding on

but built too close 

to the tideline-

there was nothing 

softer than flakes of carbon and gold

no solid memories endured 

the crashing

like white shells

of me. 

Painting by Granville Redmond, 'Talk at the beach' c. 1931 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

As in Synonymous


like vault

or treasure keeper-


as in Heart

or locket, like a lockbox

fitted with skeleton key-


simply very heavy

and something




Unable to lift alone

as pallbearer in the past

I feel the dead weight 

familiar remembering

without seeing

This must be why

we bury our dead

in wooden chests such

as these 


Photo credit: Harris & Ewing, photographer, taken 1925 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.



As if I was taken for a ride

without asking for a one-way ticket

wherever not Home

As though it were a nice car

so it meant some safety built-in

As it was

my car

all along

And I let a drunk drive

which explains the carnage

and typical manner

of walking away unscathed

as though blood diluted without alcohol

creates a cushion

in impact-

In fact

the driver always walks away

with a death sentence

that ends 

with a sober


Photo credit National Archives at College Park, taken c. 1970 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 21, 2021



The way the sea lion

thrusts its slick body

into the ink stain

cloud of fish-

snagging perhaps one

or two

feels successful-

As does the damsel dragonfly

darting into plumes of gnats

dissipating like dust motes

in the slanted October sun

devouring one at a time

determined to dine until dusks end. 

The jumbo jet pierces the jeweled

sky, stirring low sounds and tearing 

a hole above

carries bodies

aimlessly, defying time and gravity

yet the traveled disperse


For just one

the chase was everything

but effort

whereas above,

so below,

there was always more

or less 


with a predator

and its prey. 

Painting by David de Coninck, titled 'A peacock, turkey, rabbits, and cockerel in a landscape' c. 1659-1701 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, October 18, 2021

B Tray

As in

not first

but alternate

a back-up after



of not 


B sides



there was no time-



to eat.

Painting credit: Édouard VuillardMadame Prosper Emile Weil at her desk circa 1923. Pastel and distemper on paper mounted on board59.5 x 52.5 cm board; 82.5 x 75.5 x 8 cm frameArt Gallery of New South WalesGift of Margaret Olley 1999.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Command prompt


You know

I couldn't sit down

for the longest time-until now

and realized-that meant I was staying.

In shock

in a new Purgatory

between the life not gone

and the one not yet begun.

Of course 

change isn't This to That

transition is a stretched out process

that sinks, tears, and wears on the traveler.

Perhaps progress

is just change

that never arrives-per se

or takes a seat...

Painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi, 'Rest' c. 19905 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The 10th month

October days are merely

dawn passing the dim torch to dusk.


upon the earthen floor

over our bodies

the elements are intensified

between what lives and what dies

a time

to dwell together

in muted tones.

These October days

all end 

with soul dark nights,

crisp as the apparition

that spurns and nudges 

one to never be


Photo credited by Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 'Gift of Mrs. Ruthe Feldman in memory of Philip Feldman (M.91.377.52)' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The poem

Perched to pounce

on the sheet white page

Ink propels itself

infinite as adrenaline 

from fingertips

feeling for details

Not saying

what was a thought


Another word placed


to getting somewhere closer 

needing a 

tangible witness

to guide.

Painting by August Macke c. 1910, in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

One and one are still one(s)


I know.

Defining the living


from the dead

no more

less is more


heals, they say, better

someday, you'll see, after

waking me from my 



and at times 


Arachnophobic, he was anyway

weakling for his size

entangled in his own webs

he chose to 

attach to hollow branches

before wind wakes

taking down 

all trace

of home, snare, trap, nest

I should feel blessed to be free 

of all the same hospice

And just this


got away alive. 

Photo by Uwe Jelting, 2004 CC0, in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Bought the Farm

As if it would be the death of me

and I cared little

about solving some riddle or 

making some rhyme 

like Old MacDonald

whose repetition

entertains only the

two little pigs

That sat in their sty 

never wondering why-

the noise.

Getting high on their fermented

gluttonous filth made by 

consummation and what has

been long ago 


Entombed as all of us were

by fences, gates, latitudes and gravity,

pathways are constantly Being made 

into muddy ruts.

Here I was 

set free to roam further than any oink


on, unleashed

with a song 

until death do us part where the grass

is deeper green, the air is sharply clean and there are no

twisted or barbed wires to snare and scare

yet one must tire of standing in muck

wet between the cloven hooves.

No less, it was my dumb luck 

to have and to hold

no harm, no farm, no title 

no hand.

No bacon was ever made

from pet pigs pacing their pen in purgatory. 

Artwork by L. Prang & Co., copyright claimant, Domestic Pig' c. 1874 Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Three Haiku between Us

Between Us-Nothing

but Space and Time, grow and shrink

reaching the same light

Now, it is too late

to take it back or let go

so completely gone

Two souls are mated

Being seeks itself alone

there was always More.

Painting by Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904), 'Flowers of Hope' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Another Autumn Awaits


Falling comes naturally

as common as fear 

another body

knocked down-

Learning how to climb

up to the canopy 

out of the arbor awnings

each branch a rung


a ladder 

has no top

The horizon awaits this distant gaze

further than 

a crow flies 

an escape 

too far to grasp, too afraid to take

it all in

to begin again


What is more


body needs to learn

anything except 



before rising again

with an icy wind

at knifepoint

only to return 

home, rootbound


for more.

Artwork by Ellen Thayer Fisher, 'Fall leaves and Acrons' c. 1885 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Rubber band(ages)

Tensing, pulling, readiness, and resistance

as much as we can 


before     -SNAP-

to hold a purpose 

no more 

holding together


when life recoils, takes cover


and becomes slack

limp before


all comes back 

to holding on-

to Nothing


Photo credit by Oroo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Cave man


I stepped up to the mouth

of the dark hole,

a flicker catching my curious

necessity for heat 

as in a fondness for friction

something strong stirs

in this cave

I come to find

as my eyes adjust

not some majestic dragon

as projected upon the moist stone wall

but a shriveled and scarred ogre

unseen to himself and flesh burnt

by the venomous flames uncoiling

from his own sharp tongue


The smoke and singe surround every crevice

a decrepid and deathly stench 

steams from his chest where 

his heart rotted in the darkness

called some body and vacant vessel

vulnerable and afraid 

of all the elements

that make 

a man. 

Photography: Albert Grünwedel (July 31, 1856 – October 28, 1935), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, July 25, 2021


a moment dis-missed

then and then again

trees fell like bodies

this time dis-appears

as if ours to waste.

Artwork by José Nin y Tudó (1840-1908), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Plenty full

Dry dirt cratering

a doe glides across the yard

eats the fallen fruit.

Artwork by Franz Marc (1880-1916), titled 'Deer at Dusk' dated 1909 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Cardiac muscle



who have heard

the shattering of a heart,

of a world

fragmented, knows the 

intent to deafen each piercing note...

Those of Us 

who have struggled with intruding songs and scents, 

are stuck in a triggered trap, clamped

between sharp teeth

and resisting no more,


Some of Us 


with how lovely it is to have lost

than never have had

played a game we did not know.

Intuition, like embers emit no smoke,

but deep connections 

lean candle flames without a breeze.

It can be felt,

on fingertips, burnt leaves, ashes-

heat is Life.

Death is a dampening, silent

as in, buried Alive.

And I know

how these memories 

refuse departure.

On the ancient land where I now stand-

my story is held momentarily

footprints in the red dirt 

alone, cauterized, singed, 

and dappled with sunlight.

Fire with fire.

Most of Us

will not get that close

ever again.

None of Us


the heart that burns

and beats without Us

skipping over

tiny details like nails

hammered into the heartwood. 

Artwork by: Sigmund Grimm, dated 1520 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Wait Capacity


by your own spirit,

soul stuck in a purgatory

until the facts are faced,


what then?

Lucid flesh like

apparition, unheard

and in between 

pain and suffering-despair

and the need to 

continue to breathe

cradling the heartbeat,

insisting endurance

and through it.

There was no There 


carbon copies of conceit,


'I was here'.

Nothing gained

without loss,

as if grief gave more

than it took 

of Us

Distorted shadow figures

have mistaken


for empty.

Painting by Sergey Vinogradov, dated before 1938 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Holding hands

I had a grip.

A naked palm clenched


I had a handle on the thing

softly carrying it with me,

until I noticed

the odd itch of thick blood

sliding down and out 

between my fingers.

Holding on too tight

but feeling nothing 

of pain or wounds

after barely

holding on so long,

I observed myself

doing it wrong.

After all-

the petals had fallen

behind me


choices made for me.

No blessings to count,

no scent

to take in-

and it must have been dead

who knows how long...

Dried and brittle


This is 

how I knew

He loved me not. 

Painting by Carolus-Duran, 'Portrait of Lucy Lee Robbins' by Carolus Duran, dated 1884 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

The Happiness Pursuit


I found Joy


in fleeting moments

such as when 

the forty finches

fly into the ten-foot-tall


for a breakfast buffet

of aphid ecstasy, 

platters sparkling and

moist with dawn dew

while the sun undresses

all the buds and

peels back perfect petals

with warm invitation

as in seduction.

Watching my cat


standing bipedal and erect, 

head cocked and

cackling quite curiously

at the busy borage of birds,

attempting to talk to them.

The finches 

feel no fear

seeming to respect

that we were here


fleeing only when full.

Image credit: Poyt448 Peter Woodard, Hibiscus splendens - flower, a rainforest tree or shrub of eastern Australia taken 11/2005 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 19, 2021



As in

gift again.

We all like treats.

Pavlov proved this with his puppies.

What's more? More treats. 

And more treats, please.

Gluttony leaves no room 

for the famished to breathe,

too much of it all and and and

Consumed consumers consuming

treats that others had or wanted 

to have and to hold,

to stack behind the curtain wall



easily taken away.

The animal obeys

his carnal needs

and remembers.

The human collects

his dull desires

and forgets

we have already had it


Painting by Arthur Heyer (1872-1931), 'Bulldog sound asleep' c. before 1931 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.



Finally married 

that man


left that man

for good

as soon as I could.

Finally saw

the predator

posing as a lover.

Finally found


a deep dwelling place

far away and finally safe.


alone again

and feeling-growing


becomes a knot





is Final.

Painting by John Singer Sargent, 'Parisian Beggar Girl', dated c. 1880 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 18, 2021








lost love



        spaces squeezes


One plus One

is Nothing 

if one is taken away.

When divided 

           remains one

Doesn't matter 


holders or containers

for counting

in circles

and talking 

more or less

one share

of the pi.  

As soon as 


can be drawn

like conclusions,

no connections

could be made


the pull, repulsion,



dark matters

held whole and balanced

         by the space


then and Now. 

Image info:

English: About 1,600 light-years away, in a binary star system fondly known as J0806, two dense white dwarf stars orbit each other once every 321 seconds. Interpreting x-ray data from the Chandra Observatory astronomers argue that the stars' already impressively short orbital period is steadily getting shorter as the stars spiral closer together. Even though they are separated by about 80,000 kilometers (the Earth-Moon distance is 400,000 kilometers) the two stars are therefore destined to merge. Depicted in this artist's vision, the death spiral of the remarkable J0806 system is a consequence of Einstein's theory of General Relativity that predicts the white dwarf stars will lose their orbital energy by generating gravity waves. In fact, J0806 could be one of the brightest sources of gravitational waves in our galaxy, directly detectable by future space-based gravity wave instruments.

Dated June 2005

Credit: Tod Strohmayer (GSFC), CXC, NASA - Illustration: Dana Berry (CXC)

Thursday, June 17, 2021


I long to be

a book upon

that shelf,

an erect 


gazing quietly


The kind of book

with extra 


blank pages


So we can continue

the story

a little past

The End...

Photograph info: 

Public Library- the work of Leyton Public Library Service, Church Lane, Leytonstone, London, England, UK, September 1944
Two young female library assistants rearrange and classify books at Leytonstone Public Library, Church Lane

Dated: 1944

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Beauty Mark


You see,

I was the passenger,

I once taught him-a gentleman

always lets his lady in



he must do this 


I wonder 

when I knew

I wonder if

I was blinded

by a reflection

or the sun.

His profile


my view 

of the ocean at sunset

this warm evening

after treating me

to join him at one of the


He drinks and dines


His shades on, left elbow propped outside 

his Jeep window,

a lit cigarette in hand 

and typical

scowl on his face. 

I was the one

that broke the silence,


he broke promises,


My voice cracked through the granulated air,

I'm supposed to make a list

of 100 things

I like about myself.

Turning to me 


he laughed heartedly

It's hard- I said humbly.

I bet, he mumbled 


while looking far away.

After another silence

grew thick 

My moles, I even listed them-

Name some-


you like about me?

He did not respond


taking a deep drag and

flicking his ash, 

with emphasis

I like your mole too...

In the backdrop behind him,

the horizon cast dying rays 

of violent pink and orange-gold


over all

marking this blissful moment 

of Beauty 


by one.

Artist: Gaston Bussière (1862-1928), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

86 Proof

 My husband rolls over

onto his other hip.

His leaden arm

felling like a cut tree,

his hot deep breath

stews with Tequila

She holds her breath

trying to remain quiet

staring at the ceiling fan,

the young bartender

in our bed,

instead of sleeping by 

her young son, sacrifices

the old proud man, brutish

seems safe enough

strangely his snore

bothers her less

than the cat growling 

at her naked blistered feet


I lie awake dreamless,

the window open, crickets, an owl,

trees readjusting their leaves,


I am unsettled 

knowing how easily

he sleeps,

how easily his breath, 

comes and goes.

A moth trapped inside the porch light cover,

slams the sides

meets a natural death, resisting


how the attraction made him feel alive

instead of finite, fraudulent, 

inebriated, flammable

blame and denial 

she agreed with him


I turn over 

thinking, warning

Be careful of open flames. 

Still life (goes on)

The canvas bled

the day we wed

all color


the ocean

as a witness 

softly eroding

the world under (our) toes

the rain holds its breath

heaven knows

white noise


sometimes crashing, breaking-

promises, hearts 

sharp words into mulched glass


I am

slipping away

and alone at the altar

Only a silhouette

before the sun

blinding me 

as the man of my dreams

Sandman, Shadowman

roll back into

the fog bank offshore

Off the shelf

broken sand dollars

lie still and stacked


only I notice the omen

among the flowers

and painted pictures and poses, 

as if 

a ring

holds on

to promises 

or runs 


and over diluted...

Only cycles remain.

I left the return

of Spring. 

He was gone,

long before

the painting


Photo credit: me of me

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...