Showing posts with label pi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pi. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2021








lost love



        spaces squeezes


One plus One

is Nothing 

if one is taken away.

When divided 

           remains one

Doesn't matter 


holders or containers

for counting

in circles

and talking 

more or less

one share

of the pi.  

As soon as 


can be drawn

like conclusions,

no connections

could be made


the pull, repulsion,



dark matters

held whole and balanced

         by the space


then and Now. 

Image info:

English: About 1,600 light-years away, in a binary star system fondly known as J0806, two dense white dwarf stars orbit each other once every 321 seconds. Interpreting x-ray data from the Chandra Observatory astronomers argue that the stars' already impressively short orbital period is steadily getting shorter as the stars spiral closer together. Even though they are separated by about 80,000 kilometers (the Earth-Moon distance is 400,000 kilometers) the two stars are therefore destined to merge. Depicted in this artist's vision, the death spiral of the remarkable J0806 system is a consequence of Einstein's theory of General Relativity that predicts the white dwarf stars will lose their orbital energy by generating gravity waves. In fact, J0806 could be one of the brightest sources of gravitational waves in our galaxy, directly detectable by future space-based gravity wave instruments.

Dated June 2005

Credit: Tod Strohmayer (GSFC), CXC, NASA - Illustration: Dana Berry (CXC)

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Round and Sound

To find a new center
we can focus on balance,
sides and equilibrium,

Although atrophy never lasts
-nothing to sphere-

Diametrically, we weigh shape,
as if a perfect circle was the ideal
to show the ray.

Light bends, travels,
precedes, tints, radiates,
shape-shifts, falls and lies.

Some angles are smoother
than others,
shorter like radii
Such is life.
Piece of unfinished pi
and I-colored-out-side
seek only to penetrate

Inside the lines

of poetry.

Painting by Vassily Kandinsky, 'Circles in a circle' (1923) in Public Domain via Wikipedia Commons. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The i in Pi

I have a crazy suspicion of around about way roles surround spherical notions selfishly His or Her property keep wholes by center spin the one circular you is located pivotally inside-

I feel a round curiously as animal sense may guide somebody celestial towards strangers who as man alienate body spirit or tether into web for twisting not to confuse rebellion light.

a word a thing numerical or figure taken for whole concepts revealing secrets contained but to say measured with theory or method make from any one diabolic can be trapped centrally askew.

*Each word length occupies the same corresponding digit in this abbreviated representation of pi, or the area of a circle  (Ex: First word ‘See’=3 letters, ‘I’=1, ‘have’=4, etc.). The next number in sequence is (0) making this the end point.

Feature image of: 'Study of Circles on Black' (1921) By Wassily Kandinsky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Time Leapt

I vaguely remember arguing with an accountant
(or mathematician)
about reconciling the Years End with the Leap Second
(or loss carry overs and off-setting capital Gains)
which of course led onto greener pastures,
futures, and master plans
such as the old erratic Julian calendar,
disappearing days, the value of time;
since time is money, paid hourly,
benefits and salaries
traded for living richly-

But, I bet his figures are better than
all my Reckons added up, The ante:
don't gamble if you do not count
on losing.

We've agreed to disagree
semantically about 'Balance'
and whose 'books' are better,
whose red-what-
Whether time matters more
for some
time we've known is not a matter
of physically covering ones assets,
or stock splits-

And yet, this hiccup, jump,
an algorithmic appliance,
rounding off and ballpark-
brought us back around to black holes
(and stellar bureaucracy)
being the center of each universe,
resistance, gravity, monogamy, and
uneven solutions such as slices of pi
or other dark matters where time is converted
instantaneously beyond what we can conceive
in a mind, in a hand, in a life
slips through the cracks,
between fingertips, spills out, tells
all to watch, wait, rely, count on,
change, coinage, patronage and no matter what-
we were never Here too long to be wrong.

Still, I will
deny any transpositional errors or leaping
to conclusions. Definitively:
broken down seconds were
never more

All accounts have been settled.
The time is Now.

Painting by Nicolas-André Monsiau (c. 1800) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Forecasting rain in inches

Step 1) Observe

The atmosphere thick,
we could feel the rain,
almost hear it coming...
While waiting it was only fair
to summarize the bottom line
for the accountant that doesn't
count fiction, the paperbackless
bookkeeper-maths read or black
not grey matters.
He is given by charitable donation, 
two whole words he's never reconciled
to the penny, namely Time and Memory.

Step 2) Hypothesize

Balancing Proust, with pi and infinity,
he admires my interest in chaos theory
from afar
thunder marches up the mountains,
finches scatter in the meadow below,
this feels like dark matter I imagine
filling in corners, spackle, sealing gaps-
clearly, this thinning and spreading
cannot be considered conservation...

Step 3) Test

The moon inches away,
Orion loosens his belt,
in this Age, the ewer overflows its rim-
we notice displacement-
forgetting about the rain and rising water
all around us.

Step 1) Observe
The mind may be mysterious 
most simply because we do not have time 
to solve definitively for X.
Some sentences add up facts, like Faulkner
in august, Proust in jest, all the rest in pieces
to be recalled, summoned as messages
for the neuroscientists
who seek the spark of dendrites in lights,
detonations via regional locations,
wondering why we memory...

Step 2) Hypothesize

It is Situational Awareness.
This is a problem for space
and here I stand pinned 
on this arrowless ray, today
marking my words
for later...

Step 4) Conclude

Those slippery days, segments of totality
some times get away.
We are irrational and grateful
gravity is given without question.  

Photo credit By NASA on The Commons (Barbara Askins, Chemist) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.
"(1978) NASA hired Barbara S. Askins, a chemist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, in 1975 to find a better way to develop astronomical and geological pictures. In 1978, the Association for Advancement of Inventions and Innovations named her the National Inventor of the Year for her invention of a process that restored detail to underexposed negatives that would otherwise be useless. In 1978, Barbara Askins patented a method of enhancing the pictures using radioactive materials. The process was so successful that its uses were expanded beyond NASA researchers to improvements in X-ray technology and in the restoration of old pictures"

Friday, February 12, 2016

Humming hermit in harmonic oscillation

There is no inside or confine
in four stretching dimensions
By how much or for how far
is estimated by supply and
determined by demand
only to be capped with the overriding
maxim, less is more.

Those corkscrew tails
of other times
recycling stories
into bodies we know.

Ass-erting eminent domain
of some higher realm of Real
Property and fixtures ensured room
by erosion and a notion
that all Babble
is shallow and far too narrow
to fit in the grid
of harmonic oscillation.

Universal truths, TOE's, circular assertions
crystal geocentric ramifications like Pi
Facets of and ice, perma frost
that keep us projecting inward
sucking back out from our carbon
vacuous space
a breath of fresh air
when you start to stop
Open up wide,

there is every reason to hide (inside).

Image in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Lady Lion tamer, c. 1897. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...