Showing posts with label cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloud. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2021


Whispy so faint

or feign like clouds,

like whispers 

of empty voice

filled in breezes

that matter not


hitting something

like chimes

whereby hinting of 

something more

of substance,

a question

lingers like

what matters


Painting by Konrad Krzyżanowski, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 27, 2018

A certain ring

Not only is my smartphone listening
to every word

there is the Universe
(which must receive so many messages
the black box is always full)

of echoes, ripples, whole
motes of dust
in Brownian motion

I mentioned the name as it came to me.
My daughter likes the little names
I give other peoples pets.
                    A name that starts with a B
she says to me-
                    Baxter! The woman calls
yanking the leash,
                    C'mon, she pleads.

Of course much has changed besides
my voice, my tone, my hair, my skin,
and I need to start over-
and I need a wage
a dear old friend calls me out of the
to catch up, to ask a favor, to present
an opportunity.

Meanwhile, my daughter and I attend a lecture,
I worry she will be bored, get lost in the
so I compare thee
Nobel to Oscar
at the Academies

There the man of the hour,
Professor, Author, Scientist, Poet, mentor
mentions the film industry
as an analogy

Have you ever seen a one-man show?

You know
somewhere, someone
is listening
to a podcast, to music, to poetry, to birds,
to the running water
for a sign of life.

The signal dissipates
not hitting any home.

the Universe reads our clouds.

 Painting by Sophie Anderson (1823-1903), 'Birdsong' in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...