Showing posts with label lie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lie. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Still life (goes on)

The canvas bled

the day we wed

all color


the ocean

as a witness 

softly eroding

the world under (our) toes

the rain holds its breath

heaven knows

white noise


sometimes crashing, breaking-

promises, hearts 

sharp words into mulched glass


I am

slipping away

and alone at the altar

Only a silhouette

before the sun

blinding me 

as the man of my dreams

Sandman, Shadowman

roll back into

the fog bank offshore

Off the shelf

broken sand dollars

lie still and stacked


only I notice the omen

among the flowers

and painted pictures and poses, 

as if 

a ring

holds on

to promises 

or runs 


and over diluted...

Only cycles remain.

I left the return

of Spring. 

He was gone,

long before

the painting


Photo credit: me of me

Monday, April 9, 2018

Lie Claim

As far as policies go,
Honesty was the one underwritten in blood.

After all the lies and liars,
both black and white,
I read-in plain ink
that the selfish gene-takes over
all of us.
Altruistic illusions of gene-rosity
have delusions of granduer, like Welcome signs
in kingdom come.

Lies lead to more lies like
mitochondria and kudzu.
Entanglement and estrangement are different versions
of the same (k)not.
As an only child with given chromosomes from unknown
I feel more than a tad teal
in a pond full of swans.

They all lie and I recognize these
traits. We learn to float.

With two eyes, ten reasons,
heads or tails,
what was mine is yours,
two cents for a back scratch.

Do animals lie? I asked him just
yesterday. He says they just don’t
tell the whole truth.
I recall the fox, the raccoon and he smiles,
finally, my point-even
when there is nothing to gain.
There is always an angle he adds.

Nice girls never finish anything.

I wanted to get around to
telling the whole thing;

I smell it all over him, breath and body,
under all the covers
I see the disappointment in my daughters' eyes,
I should have been more-
I see my sons deflective shield,
I should have protected him more-
I see my mothers obsession with self,
always wanting more-
I see a step-and a push-
a trip, and fall.
I gather things, gingerly, trying to lose my place,
because these truths were below me now-
I find myself
dancing around the pyre of pants
like the moth
I am drawn to be.

Those genes look as if they were made for you,
he complimented me.
But honestly, he knows
they were handed down this way,
ripped with holes
and a little too long.

Painting by Edgar Degas [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 9, 2016


The T
with its crosshairs
feathered with aech
and too
are used as wings
in a word-Truth-
with you in the middle.
The angels arrow
hits the squinted bullseye,
stuck in a black hole lie.

Painting by Giovanni Baglione, The Divine Eros defeats the earthly Eros (c.1602), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Eve(ning) (Haiku)

Under bamboo ribs
the Fall; leaves expose yellow gold
slanted shadows lie.

Attributed to Kanō Eitoku (狩野永徳) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Right as Rain

Most of us know by now
a lie when offered one.
Sometimes we pretend its shiny
and something marvelously new,
like 'you look beautiful today'.
Well, I'm no idiom, 
but if little white ones cause no pain
a lie can feel good and right as rain.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Was Wishing & Wondering

Knowing you could lie
wherever you are
what would you say
which way
would you go
if I asked if you think
of me
when away
which is always
when you know
I'm elsewhere too
I think of you
wondering, pondering,
thinking and sinking
stones in a well
sigh, oh well
I cannot tell
what it means on purpose
if I could taste
a stone from your land
would it taste like your cheek
on a warm-blooded day
since we share the sun
would you lie
with me?

Image By Agriculture And Stock Department, Publicity Branch [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...