Saturday, December 31, 2016

In the Rain Singing Purple Poems for the New Year

Another one
bites the motes, spits a clod, 
and is claimed by fame, all in a name.
Again, not I 
let the book worms crawl in
and out as though it were all natural
and biodegradable over a lifetime
to deteriorate
this way
all of us bound in romantic tragedy,
we try to forget this poignancy
with age.

What comes
are words not unwise, nor mine.
Summarily, I listen.
My work is done
a hush has fallen.
Including this
one there were four hundred and sixty-nine
times I’ve stabbed at Truth-
only to burst bubbles, finding nothing
inside. I wrestle, is this not episodic
or just melodramatic...
I can guess. 

My pen is dull, I have no credit to my name.
What feels right in living like me
is all wrong for others
(monetarily). I owe them one
for their certainty. 

I feel no Nationalism
or sentiment
may be strong enough
to overcome
its little people. 

And here we are, another orbit around,
One (more) Earth year
To reset
our broken watches and records. 

Play it again Sam. 
Let us dance.
It may be our last chance 
to take it in
Let us hum(an)
auld lang syne. 

History v.1,792

What if we learned our lessons backward
instead of ignoring what lies ahead,
would we start at the end and dig ourselves out
from there
or is Here too near to Now to know?

What if we learned language primary by poetry,
as in, taught this way, 
if we made an educated guess 
we would we think more
if we understood less.

And what about what the ocean says, its native 
cetaceans, their migrations…adaptations.
We would find a place 
in their tragic tales, perchance
see ourselves in the eyes on fish tails,
mermaids and white whales.

Yes, hard to translate
some things don't

what if we listened harder to things that seem
do you think we could hear the earth exhale 
say deep in sleep, could we focus then
on the multiverse-
But here we are fracking up.
Waiting for a guide out of some terrestrial curse.
Would it be worse
to know we were too little to hold on?

We have cumulatively uncovered
more historically,
we have yet to discover
we barely understood
what all of this implied-

Time to speculate
about Grand New Beginnings 
By starting at the infinite Endings...

After all, how could History be 
far too long ago and have not nearly enough
relevance or reverence for Us
by glaring reflection,
with Us reminiscing about the great old days
adding and adorning, making the old new.  

We like changing the story as we go,
we can know just enough 
to make it up
to you.

with no good place to start
chaos will return,
before it was missed. 

Our Resilience is rote,
we have witnessed starting over
and elliptical orbits
again and again.
And I insist, as the diluted optimist,
we are still learning
on a curve,
spilling as we spin.  

Shall we take it from the top?

Painting By Joshua Reynolds [Public domain], Fine Arts Museum in Argentina via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Book covers and titles tell all

If they saw the Bhagavad Gita what would they think?
If they knew any thing or two about truth in fiction,
or which was the stranger 
of the two
If they knew respect is not a costume anyone can wear...
if I cared 
they don't think of me
If they knew my ears were not sensitive enough
to hear small talk
would they only speak louder...spoken over thought.

They were not here when my daughter said we needed 
more bookshelves, requesting wall to wall coverage would be good,
she envisioned this plan, we have more than enough
needless to say, she pleased me greatly.

If I had not been buried in stacks of books
I wonder if she would still want this,
to save me.

If they knew about being a parent-
is it obvious they could care less...
Apparently knowing would never be
good enough
                          to be great. 

Painting by Giuseppe Crespi, c. 1725 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

dropping the ball

As the overhead lights dim and dawn,
memorists and statisticians note
the smuggled force in-formation,
feigns power.
Smarter than the averages
within their means.

If it were up to us
burrowed heads,
footprints and carbonated 
rhetoric would leave a mark.
As observed, hope floats away,
proof we are wingless, too heavy
for syllogisms sake. 

It is not as though we are not necessary.
We are...proof, part air. 
Forecasting all is Fair 
weather wise
we are all 
dead weight-
what about us?

Image By Pixelmaniac pictures (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Leaching lead mountains
Bled where scabs crust with healing
miracles to make

Image credit By Game McGimsey ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


The jade saves its bloom
for the drought, reason enough
to live with little

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Writing it right while the house was quiet

The duplex dreamt and the tenant typed
The reader was making a book; and not

Unlike emulation, was editing generously.
The building in the barrio with a tiny yellow light.

Worlds were created in near silence,
and destroyed even quieter still. The writer wrestles,

with choices and stalled situations, corners 
and trap doors until stuck no more, after all was imaginary.

The darkness provided the right light.
The writer made galaxies with aether.

Contrast and focus, like noise easier to see
when the dimness has long nestled in.

And the scrivener muffles scribbles, while snores and strokes 
of keys alleviate worries, working while the rest slept.

The word wizard cast spells, swept up by sunrise. 
The writer reads what the reader rights, a better ending after all.

*This poem was inspired by the famous Wallace Stevens poem, The House was quiet and the world was calm, featured (also a recorded reading) on the Poetry Foundation website.

Painting by Rembrandt [Public domain], 'A Hermit Reading (c. 1630) via Wikimedia Commons.

Progress Report on Humanity 2016

Progress Report on Humanity 2016

While working on wisdom and other such noble pursuits such as:
charting the last unknown seas of our brain,
decrypting the genetic combination codes,
lighting up dark matter, 
untwisting gravity loops, 
splitting hairs, creating charts, giving away lectures, taking no
foreign concepts as native, naturally
making machines for man to perform his manual machinations-and then some-play
(for fun), making Progress-just almost
and our work is never done...

(As though this provided some security,
it should not.)

Humble has no home here anymore.
Humane roots et al, such as humility, we have learned resulted in
We are too close for guns. 


While busy upstairs in the attic, poison entered the kitchen.
In our genius haste we added this, liberally 
mistaken for a miraculous superfood.
Recalled flavor of the weak. 

Minor matters of consideration include; Moderation of matter
in patterns of fractal parsimony. & Distractions: a surplus of these.

Save some love for later. 
(Should this be encoded)

Meanwhile, we all thought our bodies as interruptions, 
 breaks in concentration and bones, 
and this partly makes us human.
Essentially. To know
and not say a word. 
Why some seem surprised when silence is broken, 
lack of line rehearsal.
An(other) Act
Comedy and Tragedy: Cattle Call!
All of us 
equally adept 
at playing either role. 

Look up, there is none. Technically, 
as the horizon, clear is only relative. 
Look out- better advice. Lucidity. 
The Big picture, we will never know
in a tiny lifetime gathering only so many pieces
to fit in our psalms.
Look in. 
How do you feel?
And this doesn't settle well...

Fathoms deep we have wondered
-was it something I ate?
Toxic. But too late. 
Hate made us human. 
All the forces like electromagnetism, hydrothermal convection, 
and preoccupations like autotrophs adapting to gravity and love 
all liked best to Fall at our feet.
Footprints and fractals, all rewritable. 

Conclusion in Abstract Terms:
We are working on it. It may take a couple more weeks, considering the weather and the way the vowels 
(or opportunities) 
line up. 

Painting By Lavery, John (Sir) (RA) (RSA) c. 1918 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sticks and stones spell...

That name I was given was a tool
to taunt my grandfather-
I was not told-
how to use.
He loved me best, more than his own.
And I have wrestled with its odd shape
and sharp turns on my tongue.

Walked on past when people stumble over it
and twist it to suit their native mouths
translation is just a place to hold things,
this placeholder for me is only temporary...

Life's a bloom until you become part of the potpourri,
which is why the dry blooms last longer.
I would be of the waxflower variety,
piney and if this name a color
it must be yellow-although it sounds more like
an oboe, not a cello.

If you could only touch me, I'd be satin-
My name would grow like a city, Odessa
with more steps.
This misshapen label matches me
even though I know contradictory;
looks like summer, feels like snow.
And so not the tool I thought I wanted
yet when fashioned to fit precisely
the only one that could work on me.

I now know this tool was used
to pry my grandfathers' irritation open
every time he picked it up
and held it tight.

He loved me best.
Its protrusions also make my mouth bleed.
And I have casually passed by when others
grimace and contort it by twisting
their own cherry knot tying tongue.

It is just a name,
to hold me 
in his passing voice 
It fits.

Photo by Ohannes Kurkdjian [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Scratching heads, Sniffing tails

Do you remember how it was 
before we found zero?
Everything had value
and volume
that occupied more than space.

Would it be a lie to reminisce 
about the days before we found fire?
it was black and
white Then powerfully portable
to ashen grey 
as it smolders to day.

This is why they burnt everything they

Nostradamus was nervous,
rightly so, paranoia will destroy 
any weak one in its path.
Have you considered what was 
eerie to Einstein should stay 
Unknown, no?

the words slept green and furious
and letters 
stopped coming...

There was nothing before-
Us, the Big Bang, the Virgin Mary,
a flaring forth, why 
is the sky blue-again?
Truth be told,
matters only
in youth. 
And then the missing link
before Us.

The radiant sun, 
lights the night and moon
in twirling moods, the pi spinning
itself in dark matters,
starlight never seemed
so bright and worth while...

Painting by Jan Mandijn (circa 1500–circa 1560) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Sleepy head, dream your own dream

Something said Sleep, and she did.
Someone said she should Wake-Up, she did not hear.
Some people thought she should give up, quit it-she didn't...
Somebody believed her dream, somebody didn't believe in her, she didn't know whom to believe.
Some thought she could choose, some thought Bad Choices, she dared to try, to lose-she must.
So few knew-
she woke up.

Painting by Johannes Vermeer, A Woman asleep at table (1657) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, December 16, 2016

A good poem is vertigo

(A good poem is vertigo)
                -As if I know. No-
not by my own leaky pen,
                 there are a soaring few
alphabetical alchemists
that throw in
words that are known to explode next 
                                     to each other;
you find fissions and contraries may agree
lilting toward lyricality and
honing in on homonymic epidemics.

True, virtues are silent. 
You cannot walk these off.

And even then, some braver explorers 
                  pillage the nether regions-
savages and murky poetry readers
mineralized and ossified, fumbling and 
                  kneading to make meaning of it all

Those insatiable prose readers, of us
cannibal wordsmiths savorers 
of acids and sugar
                                 find balance

Neutralized, sodium syllables 
grounded us, home again.
The top spun itself 
                   out and ungathered threads
that make any thing, 
when the poem finds its own end.

Painting by Elihu Vedder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...