Showing posts with label language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label language. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Fluent in Word Play

A really good poem smells like a newly printed book to me.
Buying the book doesn't mean you own it. Ingesting is not understanding.
Being really good at doing nothing important does not make it important or good.
Money is made-from paper and metal only, the (inte)rest is in your mind.
Homes are made of metal, plaster and wood-sometimes glass.
Ideas are like soap bubbles, even after they pop they leave a residue.
Just because we may be contacted by cell phone at any time,
it does not require our immediate consent to be touched
-at any time.
Being able to tolerate the rutted steps and familiar roads of nostalgia and slanted memory,
is a flexing of ones Love muscles.
When tossed freely, Patience is a boomerang.
Assholes only make it as far as they can see.
Angels exist to remind us, that we too can be seen thru.
Emotions and weather pass.
Cynicism is simply hope masked with fear.
No worries, I should have the next epiphany by noon.
Literally, how many ways can we say what we mean without meaning something else?
Off the grid does not mean we are unplottable.
The climax always involves us.
If we are entertained, there is no time wasted.
Boredom is the opposite of Happiness, both are vagabond.
Endurance happens over a duration.
Climate change was always a thing,
should we be calling it something else like
Whether weather or whether or not weather records exist?
We were all born liars. We all learned how to walk by falling down, repeatedly.
There is no Privacy in Russia, there is no future tense in Germany,
Americans have coined the Economy, liberally donating interest-free anxiety to All.
There are trees to fall, there is pulp to be extracted, ink to stain our white sheets
and plenty of glue to put it all back together again.
Metaphors are bridges, some burn, and many more
build a new path we could never cross without.
Book burning could have been an act of spontaneous combustion
by poetic ignition.
The smell of burning wood is comforting, despite its dangerous proximity
under our nose.

Painting by Thomas Hart Benton, 'People of Chilmark' 1920 in [Public domain].

Saturday, December 31, 2016

History v.1,792

What if we learned our lessons backward
instead of ignoring what lies ahead,
would we start at the end and dig ourselves out
from there
or is Here too near to Now to know?

What if we learned language primary by poetry,
as in, taught this way, 
if we made an educated guess 
we would we think more
if we understood less.

And what about what the ocean says, its native 
cetaceans, their migrations…adaptations.
We would find a place 
in their tragic tales, perchance
see ourselves in the eyes on fish tails,
mermaids and white whales.

Yes, hard to translate
some things don't

what if we listened harder to things that seem
do you think we could hear the earth exhale 
say deep in sleep, could we focus then
on the multiverse-
But here we are fracking up.
Waiting for a guide out of some terrestrial curse.
Would it be worse
to know we were too little to hold on?

We have cumulatively uncovered
more historically,
we have yet to discover
we barely understood
what all of this implied-

Time to speculate
about Grand New Beginnings 
By starting at the infinite Endings...

After all, how could History be 
far too long ago and have not nearly enough
relevance or reverence for Us
by glaring reflection,
with Us reminiscing about the great old days
adding and adorning, making the old new.  

We like changing the story as we go,
we can know just enough 
to make it up
to you.

with no good place to start
chaos will return,
before it was missed. 

Our Resilience is rote,
we have witnessed starting over
and elliptical orbits
again and again.
And I insist, as the diluted optimist,
we are still learning
on a curve,
spilling as we spin.  

Shall we take it from the top?

Painting By Joshua Reynolds [Public domain], Fine Arts Museum in Argentina via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Growling Bellies (Haiku)

Hunger is not crave.
In a twist of distraction-
noise begets language.

Image of painting by Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Collecting words from the bone pile

The Three Oddest Words
By Wislawa Szymborska
When I pronounce the word Future,
the first syllable already belongs to the past.

When I pronounce the word Silence,
I destroy it.

When I pronounce the word Nothing,
I make something no non-being can hold.

Translated by S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh
Copyright © Wislawa Szymborska, S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh,
 Italo Calvino on Quickness-
"Words, words that make me think. Because I am not devoted to aimless wandering, I'd rather say that I prefer to entrust myself to the straight line, in the hope that the line will continue into infinity, making me unreachable. I prefer to calculate at length the trajectory of my flight, expecting that I will be able to launch myself like an arrow and disappear over the horizon. Or else, if too many obstacles bar my way, to calculate the series of rectilinear segments that will lead me out of the labyrinth as quickly as possible."


Imagine words being 
from their inky chambers
in confinement
of a stroke on whim

Words set free from
the constriction
of definition
by convictions
Language as folk lore
posing as apparitions
opaque and outside
a resemblance

While we wrestle with gravity
Words are grappling with reality

Set against 
the woven fabric canvas
of our chance encounters
in perpetuity
strokes on a whim

I get the impression
of vibrant color on a white day
either way

A container to store ecstasy
dripping down
and running
to meaning 
we para phrase
artfully appraise

Concentrate as you read
these words you may need
inside your head
with your minds i
while standing beside
maniacal mana

Leaning on clouds
we rely
on coming to a compromise
in order to see 
shapes as symbols, like these
thirsty for more
than thin air

An impression
a sense 
of being
with words
we try to share
invoking and provoking
a sense of continuity

An encyclopedic
selfsame essence
Words are the
people pith
that make-up
our masterful myth.

Image by Gerard de Lairesse, 1690 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...