Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Time upon a Once

Progress by definition
has no placement, is no place,
no locale to inhabit, no direction to aim for,
shortened sight, trendless, segmented to an incident
on a banded ray, a spot and notch,
and they still say
'walk this line', don't trip
despite all the circular patterns and
symbols you see, dashes and
overlapping and Venn
diagrams likeness and loveless
line segments that define outcasts and
all the infinite otherness of else.

The atom and Adam were the building blocks,
it was no coincidence that all heavenly bodies
are round,
potentially the more microcosmic the cell,
the larger the body can be.
Conversely, the more macrobiological
cells seem to align and connect
the more progress
feels familiar
crystal eyes-

Progress was just
beyond the horizon
as if it were somewhere we could

Painting By Florence Vernon (Flickr) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, August 4, 2017


We carried decimal places in our pockets,
there was never enough change
to evenly distribute amongst us.

We put pennies under our tongue,
never noticing the green words growing out.
we nestled ourselves inside boxes like silverfish
swimming from page to page.

We wove blankets with blame and empathy for others
and died our thoughts of progress and peril
in complementary colors.

Our choice by natural selection never counted
on such a vast assortment of unparsed persons
holding onto everything in case the anchor 
dislodged and diluted by oxidation,
broken down into byte sized bits.

We will fill any holes with our fitting figures,
leaving no space for any one lone light to escape
in a flicker.

Painting by Charles Willson Peale, Portrait of David Rittenhouse, 1796 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, March 6, 2017

The time is Late

The world had changed overnight,
She thought
She was
Progressing until then
when all the standing people were dumbstruck,
horrified by what had happened here.
She remembered an Eastern way of saying it right,
“May you live in an interesting time”
She heard a Western man in shock say,
“I’ve seen a’lotta things, but I ain’t never seen nuthin’ like this,”
She remembered and could not understand
the meaning.
The world had changed and
Made no sense of interesting
Times under night.

Painting by Titian, Knight of Malta with a clock (1550) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Progress Report on Humanity 2016

Progress Report on Humanity 2016

While working on wisdom and other such noble pursuits such as:
charting the last unknown seas of our brain,
decrypting the genetic combination codes,
lighting up dark matter, 
untwisting gravity loops, 
splitting hairs, creating charts, giving away lectures, taking no
foreign concepts as native, naturally
making machines for man to perform his manual machinations-and then some-play
(for fun), making Progress-just almost
and our work is never done...

(As though this provided some security,
it should not.)

Humble has no home here anymore.
Humane roots et al, such as humility, we have learned resulted in
We are too close for guns. 


While busy upstairs in the attic, poison entered the kitchen.
In our genius haste we added this, liberally 
mistaken for a miraculous superfood.
Recalled flavor of the weak. 

Minor matters of consideration include; Moderation of matter
in patterns of fractal parsimony. & Distractions: a surplus of these.

Save some love for later. 
(Should this be encoded)

Meanwhile, we all thought our bodies as interruptions, 
 breaks in concentration and bones, 
and this partly makes us human.
Essentially. To know
and not say a word. 
Why some seem surprised when silence is broken, 
lack of line rehearsal.
An(other) Act
Comedy and Tragedy: Cattle Call!
All of us 
equally adept 
at playing either role. 

Look up, there is none. Technically, 
as the horizon, clear is only relative. 
Look out- better advice. Lucidity. 
The Big picture, we will never know
in a tiny lifetime gathering only so many pieces
to fit in our psalms.
Look in. 
How do you feel?
And this doesn't settle well...

Fathoms deep we have wondered
-was it something I ate?
Toxic. But too late. 
Hate made us human. 
All the forces like electromagnetism, hydrothermal convection, 
and preoccupations like autotrophs adapting to gravity and love 
all liked best to Fall at our feet.
Footprints and fractals, all rewritable. 

Conclusion in Abstract Terms:
We are working on it. It may take a couple more weeks, considering the weather and the way the vowels 
(or opportunities) 
line up. 

Painting By Lavery, John (Sir) (RA) (RSA) c. 1918 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, October 14, 2016

It's Who and What you Know (about them)

We know more about people we've never known than ever before.

Before now, you did not know who you did not know,
and who you knew mattered mainly to you 
and only those who knew you
mattered more.

More than ever 
whatever you think is known. 
They know you 
and know what you think, or think they do.
They do know more than ever, 
not about what they know, but about what others think they know.
They think they know something about whatever, 
and whatever they think they know 
is something to think about. 

The ones that now think they know you, you need not think you know, 
even though they think you know you know them.

Think about how we know more now than ever before
about people
and maybe people are still learning.
Maybe learning 
whatever others think isn't knowing anything.
Knowing anything is better than not knowing what you know.
Is that what people think? I don't know.
You know, without knowing anything about you, 
I bet you know more about me than me...
who knows nothing and nobody 
ever more than ever before.

Painting by Abraham Solomon (1854), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...