Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sound Reason

Poetry cannot
Preach and Listen 
simultaneously make or destroy
sense nor sense-ability.

Rock music and video games 
are responsible for all evils
not to mention
Others who don't do things
like we do.

Literature no longer poses a threat.
People don't read. 
People can spell but are inept

A poem can 
fair enough
hear and here itself becomes an echo,
like music, to sing along, to say,
open to all, an invitation
to taste.

The poet breaks line 
and all paper currency
so the pocket sings

Relax, nobody is listening.

Due to the limitations of early cameras, this is the only known image of American orator Robert G. Ingersoll before an audience. Taken May, 1894 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Global warming Returns

There was fire reflected in his eyes,
and though he had been so kind lately,
been treating me tenderly,

it all shattered 
in the calm evening 
after dinner was served and the dishes were done.

There was no wind but things carried. 

He screamed at me 
from the doorway, from deep in his diaphragm,
‘Get Out Now!’

And I thought he was angry at me 
for a flashing moment-I felt
enraged-by the tone.
I noticed, however,
his face was glowing-not from
the evening sunset.

My eyes went south-
east, thirty feet tall, 
a basket of burning serpents
squirmed atop a roof and were licking  the sky,
devouring a tree,
the roof next door is on fire! 

A black plume expands like dye in water,
like a volcano that erupts before projecting 

In the long hot silence, 
before the sirens in the distance, 
my heart
strains to find a steady rhythm amidst
the pops, cracks and snaps. 

The cats are hiding, children are 
lining the street filming,
hoses are flowing anemic,
I am frozen in place.

I think of how we just survived the flood.

When the fire finally died, 
we waited for the third
and last
good Friday before we may rise and shine
only to be born again
on Sunday. 

Painting by George Hitchcock c. 1904, 'Easter Sunday' in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Book covers and titles tell all

If they saw the Bhagavad Gita what would they think?
If they knew any thing or two about truth in fiction,
or which was the stranger 
of the two
If they knew respect is not a costume anyone can wear...
if I cared 
they don't think of me
If they knew my ears were not sensitive enough
to hear small talk
would they only speak louder...spoken over thought.

They were not here when my daughter said we needed 
more bookshelves, requesting wall to wall coverage would be good,
she envisioned this plan, we have more than enough
needless to say, she pleased me greatly.

If I had not been buried in stacks of books
I wonder if she would still want this,
to save me.

If they knew about being a parent-
is it obvious they could care less...
Apparently knowing would never be
good enough
                          to be great. 

Painting by Giuseppe Crespi, c. 1725 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...