Showing posts with label lesson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lesson. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2016

History v.1,792

What if we learned our lessons backward
instead of ignoring what lies ahead,
would we start at the end and dig ourselves out
from there
or is Here too near to Now to know?

What if we learned language primary by poetry,
as in, taught this way, 
if we made an educated guess 
we would we think more
if we understood less.

And what about what the ocean says, its native 
cetaceans, their migrations…adaptations.
We would find a place 
in their tragic tales, perchance
see ourselves in the eyes on fish tails,
mermaids and white whales.

Yes, hard to translate
some things don't

what if we listened harder to things that seem
do you think we could hear the earth exhale 
say deep in sleep, could we focus then
on the multiverse-
But here we are fracking up.
Waiting for a guide out of some terrestrial curse.
Would it be worse
to know we were too little to hold on?

We have cumulatively uncovered
more historically,
we have yet to discover
we barely understood
what all of this implied-

Time to speculate
about Grand New Beginnings 
By starting at the infinite Endings...

After all, how could History be 
far too long ago and have not nearly enough
relevance or reverence for Us
by glaring reflection,
with Us reminiscing about the great old days
adding and adorning, making the old new.  

We like changing the story as we go,
we can know just enough 
to make it up
to you.

with no good place to start
chaos will return,
before it was missed. 

Our Resilience is rote,
we have witnessed starting over
and elliptical orbits
again and again.
And I insist, as the diluted optimist,
we are still learning
on a curve,
spilling as we spin.  

Shall we take it from the top?

Painting By Joshua Reynolds [Public domain], Fine Arts Museum in Argentina via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Teaching us (poetry)

Her teacher told her a telling tale
of typical teenage turmoil
her own tale
and it was all true.

Learn from me, don't do as I did,
learn the lesson the easy way,
as tutors typically say.

Touched and teary
by the story
she thought she might
want to write a poem
with all the emotional vividry...

She mused on this
as the class continued.
But then,
the teacher yawned
and apologized
for her dreary demeanor
that day, distracting her
another way.

The teacher then explained
how her little baby boy,
had nightmares the night before
keeping her awake until 4,
it was about dinosaurs
inside his pillowcase.

She scribbled all this frantically,
the poem coming faster than she
could write.
She missed the end of the lecture,
but got the point,
she learned a lesson
she will never forget,
poetry is taught in many ways.

Image of painting by Franz Nölken [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...