Showing posts with label poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poems. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Six Reasons to Never Try Poetry

They call them mockingbirds, some are nightingales, a few may be owls or ravens,
but all are really pretending to be the pursuers
while they are in fact the ideal prey.
All are moths-
of which there are more than 160,000.
Drawn to their own demise, despite the heat, they repeat the fire dance,
a Danse Macabre in verse.

In all fairness, one should be warned-

1. You will never be good. Or done. Or get there. Never, nevermore. It will always be wrong, could be better, you should have never tried, a waste of your time, a sacrifice for nothing. If you want to feel a sense of completion or accomplishment, this is not the way. You will never be able to make it go away. Get a drawer, carry a pen, try to forget. 

2. You have only copied others far better than you-who copied those that were far better than they. 

All the words that are strewn about and unsorted,
the ones you polished up and put together and
something spectacular, or smooth, or morbid,
were not yours to put your name on. 
You were not the first person
to make your bed.

3. Warning: Also-they All die beautiful, decrepit and anonymous, poor and misunderstood. They pass away, they are evoked and manipulated, worshiped for saying one thing-over and over-apropos to those who know how timeless interpretations remains. They keep their keys. They take thier fortunes with them. The published, finished, are boarded up, condemned-to looting, pillaging and squatting.

The moth never learns from others smoke. The moth must devour the leaves and petals from poets of other seasons if it is to survive famished and cleansed by morning dew. 
Some say violets capture a certain raw nature, many others pine over roses, and there are those of silk, that bare no resemblance to prose, without punctuation or stamen. 

4. The night is shared by good and bad voices, loudest to those who listen.
5. Color is not necessary for presenting a beautiful display. Light and heat are most attractive when removed.

6. A moth is a critical link in the food chain. 

Fake eyes, ink stains, shadow, ash and dirt colored, clicks and sonar are extra like lyricality. Both predator and prey are symbiotic as reader and writer, both flock to the light despite the smoke and despite the act of dying every night. 

Painting By Michel Bouillon, Vanitas c. 1668 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Do, Rey, Me, My, I

I admit-
I hate poems that start with "I",
which means I also hate this poem.
I mean, there is no "i" in "poem".
There is though, in "poesis" and "meta-
morphosis", just one
I mean, the making of one into many
more I's and i's.
It is not as if I care
about bravely baring the skin or showing some soul,
a sweet tooth for eye candy, and me, me, me...
Besides your self 
what is important to the eye is not the you
others see, really. Not fooling anyone in that mask.
I know you smile when others look at you,
but fail to see your eyes,
I see you mocking me, and I do too,
since it was never about you
only I and I hated it. 

 Photo of Norma Talmadge (c. 1919) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Quantity Quotient

None of it was good.
Others say it must be good enough
and I wrestled with it, tried to full nelson the
blue bloody life out of it
before I quit the last time.

You would think these simple words
which everyone uses every day in all
derivations of misappropriating ways,
would be something quite simple to me
whose word world
never stops flooding
the floorboards.

And I keep flailing around trying to see what will float
but the best words confound me, sunken.
And I cannot begin
to make them make something
to line up and make something.
There is no reaction.

There is no sense to this cold
natural selection, just rejection.
And it need not be the most profound, I most simply
meant to convey complexity in a novel way, some semblance
of chaos in a nutshell, since what sells is
simplicity as it offers beauty for the masses.
There is no madness in ramblings
when there is no place to get lost, and curiosity is what keeps
the clock ticking and nothing is done with
black and white shapes on white paper,
sitting there and undone
from completion
for good reason.

Twenty-four short little stories
seven attempts at a novel,
three keepers, one in no hurry to make it to the end,
or progress, I digress,
I guess it will all make sense later.

After eight hundred and eighty-eighty lousy poems
one word should be worth keeping
the baby in the bathwater.

By UnknownHerkulaneischer Meister, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 
Discovered in 1760, is one of the most famous and beloved paintings, commonly called Sappho. Actually portrays a high-society Pompeian girl, richly dressed with gold-threaded hair and large gold earrings, bringing the stylus to the mouth and holding the wax tablets, notoriously accounting documents which therefore have nothing to do with poetry and even less with the famous Greek writer.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

In the Rain Singing Purple Poems for the New Year

Another one
bites the motes, spits a clod, 
and is claimed by fame, all in a name.
Again, not I 
let the book worms crawl in
and out as though it were all natural
and biodegradable over a lifetime
to deteriorate
this way
all of us bound in romantic tragedy,
we try to forget this poignancy
with age.

What comes
are words not unwise, nor mine.
Summarily, I listen.
My work is done
a hush has fallen.
Including this
one there were four hundred and sixty-nine
times I’ve stabbed at Truth-
only to burst bubbles, finding nothing
inside. I wrestle, is this not episodic
or just melodramatic...
I can guess. 

My pen is dull, I have no credit to my name.
What feels right in living like me
is all wrong for others
(monetarily). I owe them one
for their certainty. 

I feel no Nationalism
or sentiment
may be strong enough
to overcome
its little people. 

And here we are, another orbit around,
One (more) Earth year
To reset
our broken watches and records. 

Play it again Sam. 
Let us dance.
It may be our last chance 
to take it in
Let us hum(an)
auld lang syne. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Truce in Puce

I remember tiny patches
of every day.

little lyrical line to savour
poetic phrase to ponder,
a vague quote to consider,
a few hundred pieces 
of art that evokes awe, or something
equally confusing.
And too, one or two 
new matters of fact 
to digest as my own
information source
and all is in total

I sought likeness in disparaging items
and was most often wrong
all along
I should have been a skeptic.

I need more 
random memory,
and a more efficient CPU
Of course, you are needy too...
I have finally made my way over
terminal money 
        and time circles.

all that on the line, waves,
vibrations, striations, 
I thought were mine to keep,
I cannot fit any more 
in my baggage
so I leave poems everywhere
it is only fair
for Them. 

Image credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ripples of rhyme

There were poems in there...
A whole slew.

Now all I hear is a faint
whisper of you.

The pond is still
from over-fishing.

I have no more pennies
for poetic wishing.

The water waits
without reflection...

Photo By NPS Photo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...