Showing posts with label grey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grey. Show all posts

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Grey area

The grey painted cement 

redundant and radiating

through my body

the days suns rays-

Still, at dusk

clouds conceal

any prism possible

from what could home

from new horizons

by night-


I retreat into

cool slate clean sheets.


I make warmth

of close space

to release 

the solid Time. 

Painting by Johan Christian Dahl(1788-1857), 'Clouds over the Palace Tower at Dresden' c. 1825 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mud day

Thrust outdoors into the somber metallic dawn whose grey washcloth
dripping with fog covers my exposed face and outer extremities, slips into
folded crevasses, as in the crook of an ivory neck, exuding an aroma of must
flooding pores make a body all the more aware of vulnerabilities,
small against the vast backdrop erasing evidence of the transference between strata
and stratosphere.

One leaden foot lurches forward despite the denial of movement on raised skin,
my hair collects the dancing beads and leaves my cheeks ruby
in the shameful way that I have seen how my hair stays grey instead of brown when wet,
and yet no time has (a) past...

the mists persist in making all clouds disperse
at our feet collecting weight on lashed eyes dropping diamonds between the sharp tan blades
repelling the chance for new life, making the bed of earth condensed to gather all the necessary elements for the making of a Mud day.

Painting by Frederic Edwin Church [Public domain], c. 1869-70 via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Shadow lands

The poem cowered
in the dark corner
as does an animal behind a tree
feeling hidden
and safe
in error.

In the open, there was everything
that had been muttered
and nothing more could be said
in translation
of such inspirations
outlined in full color.

Grey and subdued
reflected in the blinded panes
so struck silent was the poet
when words
couldn't convince any body-
lighter was ever better.

Painting by Gwen John [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

What is:Mine

Ashen sky, late hour
we embers smolder low red
settled in the coal.

Painting by Frank Bramley, 'A Hopeless Dawn' 1888 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

In which way

The iron clouds pillar up-
appearing as smoke stacks
of weathered industry.
A white hot moon
dims in the distance,
cooling its crusty heel-
by degree-one feels
cool and aloof, like May.

The flowers will soon turn
their heavy heads toward the sky,
and the palm fronds will sail
and sway, catching wind waves-
still, for now, rising lightly...

When it warms up to-day
it May use more than greys
tinged with purple promises
that Summer burns
just over the horizon.
Yet, May bees, I've learned
aren't always knows.

Photo By kallerna (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The child contemplating comets

What color do you see?
The child asks her mother,
after reflecting-
The blue eyes take care of the oceans,
the green ones tend to grow everything
the brown, found all around,
those brown eyed bodies built the mountains
by blinking.
The child wonders what exactly
the sky sees.
Her mother mentions the birds in a vee,
points to the bees and
The child sees no kindred spirit afloat,
she is grounded and feels pressure.
She scours around the ground
in search of relatives, by proximity,
puts them in a pencil box
after making them shiny,
and then she names them.
The child collects her rocks and hounds her mother
about the origins or babies
of granite and geode
and likes the lineage, the idea
of the clouds trapped in crystals
and how close purple seems to black.
How did the rocks, and
the sand the water get born-
She asks with her eyes squinting out at the night sky.
Were all stars once planets?
She asks that moonless night,
and feels sorry about the answer.
It will be back, her mother explains phases
and patience.
The child misses no more
and wonders what container would be good for keeping
stars. Look around, says her mother,
all that you are
is Here, touching her heart,
let the stars fall where they may...
Is that why my eyes are grey?
She remembers
as though it were as close as yesterday.

Painting by Edward Lear, The Marble Rocks (1882) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Scratching heads, Sniffing tails

Do you remember how it was 
before we found zero?
Everything had value
and volume
that occupied more than space.

Would it be a lie to reminisce 
about the days before we found fire?
it was black and
white Then powerfully portable
to ashen grey 
as it smolders to day.

This is why they burnt everything they

Nostradamus was nervous,
rightly so, paranoia will destroy 
any weak one in its path.
Have you considered what was 
eerie to Einstein should stay 
Unknown, no?

the words slept green and furious
and letters 
stopped coming...

There was nothing before-
Us, the Big Bang, the Virgin Mary,
a flaring forth, why 
is the sky blue-again?
Truth be told,
matters only
in youth. 
And then the missing link
before Us.

The radiant sun, 
lights the night and moon
in twirling moods, the pi spinning
itself in dark matters,
starlight never seemed
so bright and worth while...

Painting by Jan Mandijn (circa 1500–circa 1560) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Fifty-five shades of cadet gray

It was the thick piled blanket of gray
that made the metaphor more simile today.

Cumulative as a collector of dew
indulges in a spendthrift rain of blue.

Cowering behind high pressure,
it may have been up in the air,

but it lay down on all in between,
nestled in nature.

Birds under-cover, the grass
fast asleep,

And audibly thick sound
from gravity's position
I fathom
to scream
inside-it does not carry
you out

I doubt it was definitely only one
up there-
cutting, stomping, sucking, sputtering,
interrupting frontal intersections

Slicing with a mallet, tendering with blades
heart beating to ear drums

a-long the gray highway

two-way mirrors like
our eyes,
the other side of sound

don't bother to look-
it was only one-
a passing Chinook
in the stealth of May.

Image of painting by James Ward, Sky Study [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...