Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nature vs. Nurture

Madness. No.
Happiness is fleeting glints
called Moments
we had it all

going along, the way we rolled
dice, high and wide
and thought throwing our cubic weight
around displaced any

matter our way at all.
Red. I read it in black and white,
No. I saw an orca pass through,
rarely, winter in San Diego

so it was weird, and then I remember
they are more traveled than we
and speak louder
amongst themselves, miles away

intonation carries, not by volume
of course-migration.
This is the name we gave to travel
frequently, and holiday and cetacean

all of our conceptual ponds.

No. This makes sense.
We were just busy with containing
must and should, which we may need
to carry with us atop this

Madness. Spinning out of alignment.
Speed wobbles. Yes or No
should have been enough
for a firefly or bacteria to glow.

Painting by Johan Christian Dahl (1819) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The Glowing Architect

It is 4:02 a.m. and I am already boiling like an unattended pot,
raging my physical states away.

I smell putrid creeping out of every tiny cranny I see
and do nothing but type as look confident, experienced at this
control, as though connected to something, plugged in.

Meanwhile, I am spinning out, fraying and backspacing,
all that was ever tight in the world
unravels at my bare feet.

Materials and shelter, busy bodies building,
there is one right tool for the job,
so why 
have I 
not pulled out my own rusty heart and lubed  
palms or squeaky wheels?

It doesn't fit. May be the wrong size...
I realized this is not what was expected
from how it started, or turn out like
what I tried to right.

You are glowing, they said.

I like the warmth 
on my back as bridges blaze
keeping me orange and distant.
Tension is essential in trades.
Where you see space and room to grow
I have seen structures diminish these.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Remains to be seated

I had been staring at Van Goghs empty woven seat chair,
where he left his pipe, and all the aesthetic advice
of others alone, given room.

Is this pretty, accurate, I wonder
do we really agree to disagree,
I can no longer hear any one.
Yet in this instance, my tile floor is the same,
I wonder where we went…

I wonder would I listen to opinion, like onions,
what makes a beauty, is it unami?
Does beauty know it is some thing
special, sees ordinary and adds extra...

I have a mark on the top of my left foot,
Some call it a mole, I spy on it more usually.
It is often under cover,
unless I am caught barefoot.
It is pretty to me.

I also have a strawberry-
patch that I myself cannot see.
I came this way. Stamped and stickered.

Lately, my blue eyes have turned all grey.
My hair grows on, twisted and tangled.

It helps to see excess skin. Our outfits are now
hanging out of place, dangling heavy dead dreams.

Aging strains our vertebrae,
and wrinkle releasers wreak havoc on new software.
Our critical updates have failed.

Like you, I despised my body for far too long,
it has only gotten worse. It has gotten old.
I wear it down
to nothing.

Somewhere between scars and black
tattoos, my tastes have changed
and details have grown
and fascination falls short.

Aging is pretty when felt deeply.
Somewhere down the hall lies
Beauty, the ugly frame
hangs empty. Which are we,
classically posed
beasts of opportunity
making white
more colorfully...

(non finito)

“I would define the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of Beauty. Its sole arbiter is Taste. With the intellect or with the conscience it has only collateral relation. Unless incidentally, it has no concern whatever wither with Duty or with Truth…” 
-Edgar Allen Poe (The Poetic Principle)

Painting by Vincent van Gogh (1888) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Less is More, More or Less

There have been difficult times
I knew the right thing to say
and I honestly don't know how I knew
the exact words to highlight what had been hidden.
There have been less
trying times, I said
not knowing right from wrong.
Between these
all the good times evade precise
the bad days try to remind us
how easily opinions change in the sun.
The only words left
spaces between.

Painting by Edward Robert Hughes [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Firmament (Hi-Q)

Why always the sky?
Does your hair move in the wind?
Breath is not just mine.

Image credit by Brian W. Schaller (Own work), Windy Day Great Sand Dunes in Colorado (U.S.A.) [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

In the Rain Singing Purple Poems for the New Year

Another one
bites the motes, spits a clod, 
and is claimed by fame, all in a name.
Again, not I 
let the book worms crawl in
and out as though it were all natural
and biodegradable over a lifetime
to deteriorate
this way
all of us bound in romantic tragedy,
we try to forget this poignancy
with age.

What comes
are words not unwise, nor mine.
Summarily, I listen.
My work is done
a hush has fallen.
Including this
one there were four hundred and sixty-nine
times I’ve stabbed at Truth-
only to burst bubbles, finding nothing
inside. I wrestle, is this not episodic
or just melodramatic...
I can guess. 

My pen is dull, I have no credit to my name.
What feels right in living like me
is all wrong for others
(monetarily). I owe them one
for their certainty. 

I feel no Nationalism
or sentiment
may be strong enough
to overcome
its little people. 

And here we are, another orbit around,
One (more) Earth year
To reset
our broken watches and records. 

Play it again Sam. 
Let us dance.
It may be our last chance 
to take it in
Let us hum(an)
auld lang syne. 

History v.1,792

What if we learned our lessons backward
instead of ignoring what lies ahead,
would we start at the end and dig ourselves out
from there
or is Here too near to Now to know?

What if we learned language primary by poetry,
as in, taught this way, 
if we made an educated guess 
we would we think more
if we understood less.

And what about what the ocean says, its native 
cetaceans, their migrations…adaptations.
We would find a place 
in their tragic tales, perchance
see ourselves in the eyes on fish tails,
mermaids and white whales.

Yes, hard to translate
some things don't

what if we listened harder to things that seem
do you think we could hear the earth exhale 
say deep in sleep, could we focus then
on the multiverse-
But here we are fracking up.
Waiting for a guide out of some terrestrial curse.
Would it be worse
to know we were too little to hold on?

We have cumulatively uncovered
more historically,
we have yet to discover
we barely understood
what all of this implied-

Time to speculate
about Grand New Beginnings 
By starting at the infinite Endings...

After all, how could History be 
far too long ago and have not nearly enough
relevance or reverence for Us
by glaring reflection,
with Us reminiscing about the great old days
adding and adorning, making the old new.  

We like changing the story as we go,
we can know just enough 
to make it up
to you.

with no good place to start
chaos will return,
before it was missed. 

Our Resilience is rote,
we have witnessed starting over
and elliptical orbits
again and again.
And I insist, as the diluted optimist,
we are still learning
on a curve,
spilling as we spin.  

Shall we take it from the top?

Painting By Joshua Reynolds [Public domain], Fine Arts Museum in Argentina via Wikimedia Commons.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...