Tuesday, October 10, 2017

America the Insoluble

Family members, Party members, Americans and 
American'ts: There will be no favors!

Some were lovable, some detestable
at best
loving and despising felt passionate.

In the city, at the hearth, families are
making and breaking ties
and promises. 

Some of which, solidify under stress,
Some are just now breaking down,
None with ease,
All with intention.

The residue of a last name, 
hangs like an apostrophe, drops like the 'e',
and is only detectable in the darkest matters,
where love is made, despite the conditions.

Life-like, we all play
our parts, ruin our roles,
and forget our lines
showing our age.

When a kiss is blown
from seven generations away 
and lands on the cheek of resemblance
it all matters more than a passing breeze
to shoot at.

Collectively, granite, like
Love makes mountains, and
flecks of abhoration make ashes 
fly elsewhere. Never to rest

Blue was expanding.

Touching us all
leaves two hands stained
with family history.

The stars remain

Photo of The Atwater Family in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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