Showing posts with label anger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anger. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The flavor of feelings

That horrid taste
is due to
the guts rotting,
turning sour
was like love
mistaken for instinct,
untraceable poison,
it seeps,
she weeps
and feels like the weak one
shaking under
the world.

But no.

That which once
now toxifies
from inside out,
freely flowing in veins,
through valley's
lies in ruts
and where kisses
once planted
now choking on weeds
telling herself
the mud away

like selfish deeds

never survive
too long
in the forgotten fields
she chokes
on the view
and knew
this place
was putrid.

Painting by Pierre Bonnard, 'Dining Room in the Country' c. 1913 in [Public domain].

Friday, March 2, 2018

Savage souls

Awaking in an angry state is akin to acting the part
of an apparition among the living,
all fume and red plumes of frightening doom.
Gloom radiates an aura, blue inside under dark ceilings and
thunder changes nothing permanently,
Just as the tree that falls alone
grows moss, grows quiet, and softer,
it is still a tree.
I am left pondering the source of this bitter acid
that arises, ferments, builds pressure
and makes fissures up to the surface-
Yet, I feel 
I must
already know
the signs of arson.

There was a day when I was a child
that I wished I could end it all. I tried to die,
I ate the poison apple
and failed to fall asleep for the
happy ending.
I then became enraged
at having been
the subject of someone else’s destructive desire
to fail. I did not disappoint

We have all been told often enough,
‘Patience is a Virtue’, this equals that,
and yet, this is short of equi-valency.
Silence does not speak a word
about solutions, nor does forgiveness map
alternative paths
to higher ground.
Believing is seeing hindsight
with foresight, evidently,
possession is one-tenth free will,
anymore is often less
than enough to kill you.

It was not meant to be
I live to hear the words;
fragmented, at-best, good luck, hard to grasp,
Not the right fit-
And I do not quit

because this
is for me.
And this
finds me
looking happy to have survived,
and finding
anger was a phase of letting go.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Glowing Architect

It is 4:02 a.m. and I am already boiling like an unattended pot,
raging my physical states away.

I smell putrid creeping out of every tiny cranny I see
and do nothing but type as look confident, experienced at this
control, as though connected to something, plugged in.

Meanwhile, I am spinning out, fraying and backspacing,
all that was ever tight in the world
unravels at my bare feet.

Materials and shelter, busy bodies building,
there is one right tool for the job,
so why 
have I 
not pulled out my own rusty heart and lubed  
palms or squeaky wheels?

It doesn't fit. May be the wrong size...
I realized this is not what was expected
from how it started, or turn out like
what I tried to right.

You are glowing, they said.

I like the warmth 
on my back as bridges blaze
keeping me orange and distant.
Tension is essential in trades.
Where you see space and room to grow
I have seen structures diminish these.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

To know and not show

I have a little crimson rage
who gathers his little demi-gods 
inciting a violent riot
assembled in order
to exact 
his welled-up wrath.

His rants and blames
backed up by 
observable trajectory
aimed and arched for the heart.
You missed you fool.

Penetrating rampage,
the bull sees red and enacts
his death charge
allegedly, no more time
to explain.

Veins bulge, blood boils, 
frothing at the surface.
The hide and skin
sizzling volcanic 
and tectonic.

Flying plates,
slamming doors, 
shattering windows,
shards skim
a schism.

Under his direction,
beneath falling debris, 
buried under all sense
of which way is up.

Ungrounded accusations,
underhanded maneuvers
defy gravity, suspended;
a salve of dali 
makes sense.
The Truth 
will always sink 

Image of drawing by By Julio Ruelas (1870 - 1907) (Mexican) (Painter, Details of artist on Google Art Project) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...