Showing posts with label man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label man. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Artist leaving residence

The artist leaves the building.
This time he is
wrapping up
his canvases, colors, and
hairy implements.

He loads and stacks,
lines and lays his tiles, some gently
until tightly packed
for transport.

Some of them,
he jams in just seeming
to fill in
any open spaces he sees.

His neighbor, the lady
living below him,
paints furiously-impressionism,
she is no artist.

She tries to finish
her own piece
before he is gone-
before all falls muted,

from above.
Heaven forbid,
the muse is moving on
to another scene, landscape

perch, set of white walls,
half empty canvases,
or another artistic
aesthetic altogether.

Painting by Thomas Prichard Rossiter, 'A Studio Reception, Paris' c. 1841,[CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Like a cat
tame or otherwise-
A man
will attack if touched
where he is most tender.

Artwork by Gwen John [Public domain].

Friday, August 31, 2018

Look (it) up

Anyway, it was a woman
who actually spoke first.

“I smell a rat!”
said no Henry or Hamlet
Hard(l)y a Thomas, nary a Richard but a Jane Doe
made this first lament 
despite the great efforts spent
assigning credit-worthiness, 
sighting the source, casting quoted blame
upon small creatures.

And ultimately, it comes to require
repetition, a mask
of sense-ability, or sorts
of ilk and stank disguised with must.

The woman slips into the cloak,
it spreads across the floor.

The folded entity
has been
erased from the scene. 
A mole scurries out from the hem
leaving a mark of beauty 
above the spoken word.

Painting by Giovanni Segantini [Public domain], c. 1891 via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Euclid’s Expertise

I’m no expert in subjects like geometry, people or what we call space,
but I am open to learning
about any thing
And I have discovered that even when nobody is looking
the sun will shine somewhere
and no body around will notice
the disarray.
No(round)body wants to believe that rounding up or down
is the same,
or that this terra Nuevo is solid and
stretches flat out
beyond sight.
It is easier to focus on what you know.

It is most difficult to sift dirt for gold nuggets
while wearing white gloves.
I wish I had known we needed phosphorus.

Look at the moon! Soak in the sun. between the two,
the eclipse begins.
From this angle the tone is clear.

Between an apple and an orange,
orchard and grove,
notch and needle, I cannot sew,
so I make more pi.

Good shoes, firmly planted, back then
we did not notice we were stuck.
We bury the dead, cover up our dreams, hide our private parts,
and keep our hands to ourselves without a second thought.
We skim across surfaces,
as if buoyancy was our gift,
it could be.

I am no biologist, but I insist on using my senses
to read lines
left in the sand
that glisten like gold and contain
everything we need to know about measuring up
to the given space
for a square peg on a plane.

We needed to make an
that would resonate further than a single dimension.

Naturally, perfect shapes are quite rare
in nature.
Fractals occur nearly everywhere,
proving patterns are purely
people problems.

Painting by Jusepe de Ribero (1591-1692) in Getty Center [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Thus Spake a Prince of Prussia

Has there ever been a person who lived between
then and now, not now and then?

Dreams do this to us.

Details and physics, waves and sand, 
snow and rainbows, 
the observable highs and the lows,
It was as though fine tuning each note
explains why we dance to the song.

Transportation becomes the Philosophers Steam,
traing thoughts by voice and vapors,
and such as smoking papers
and burnt nerves 
on track. 

There is a picture of Nietzsche,
reclined with his feet on an ottoman,
his hands clutch the lapel of his wool coat
sheepishly his lower lip grazes out in view.
The smile lines say libertine and it is sad,
not needing, for want thereof
last laugh and half mast and full bore.

Mercurial man with his playmates, pretty
little penultimate Plutonians 
falling in and out of love like Spring.
He and she circumvent any obstacles 
and asteroids 
some times in line. 

Delirium, therein they concluded,
the horse, of course, and inherent
potency of white Prague.
What does not kill you did not care 
deeply enough to listen to the voices
and translate gagged passions
into fetters.

With a little apathy,
all complaints have been quelled.

This leaves room to travel.

Ape & essence, Super man, good beyond evil,
the power to will, the tragedy of birth, 
where peacocks, buffaloes and Ecce Homos roam,
these were titles of poems
I believe in ideas and insomnia never sounded
more prophetic.

The past princes would say, we continue to be
pathetic plebes
living now and then, dwelling in then and
now manual means melancholy,
machines write programs in prose
and sign 
every thing, Eternally,

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Nature vs. Nurture

Madness. No.
Happiness is fleeting glints
called Moments
we had it all

going along, the way we rolled
dice, high and wide
and thought throwing our cubic weight
around displaced any

matter our way at all.
Red. I read it in black and white,
No. I saw an orca pass through,
rarely, winter in San Diego

so it was weird, and then I remember
they are more traveled than we
and speak louder
amongst themselves, miles away

intonation carries, not by volume
of course-migration.
This is the name we gave to travel
frequently, and holiday and cetacean

all of our conceptual ponds.

No. This makes sense.
We were just busy with containing
must and should, which we may need
to carry with us atop this

Madness. Spinning out of alignment.
Speed wobbles. Yes or No
should have been enough
for a firefly or bacteria to glow.

Painting by Johan Christian Dahl (1819) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...