Showing posts with label still. Show all posts
Showing posts with label still. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2024

As the crow flies

On still days

with drooping flags

and contented leaves

Sounds somehow soaked in

between the crevices

of broad daylight

I sit as still as my body


shuffling feathers

a crow passes by 

my hair


and the clouds tip-toe 

Along the rounded horizon 

I don't see any

Evidence of spin

and even while held down 

in place and time

I feel the thousand 

mile-per-hour trajectory

Of every thing 

and cannot help

but try to follow

Which way

it all goes.

Painting by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, ' Boy and a crow' c. 1884 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Still life was a blur

<the streets were still at 3 AM>

whist was little wind
caught calm
in a difference between light
and the eye-

still and coming steady,
yet unsettled between a particle or a point.
Line like a wave, bent along the way

solutions becalm the whitened caps,
allay this urgent need to re-
tranquilize together
and sync without dupes,

to parse with perfection
connections hang on,
to now, never was,

Toward or away,
It fades
once death has taken shape
of a relative theory explaining
why you are 

noticing the calm collected
as a safe place.

Painting by Vincent van Gogh, Still life with Quinces (1887-1888) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Gusty or gutsy

If the wind would stop
for a moment, I would know
better to be still.

Image of painting by Winslow Homer [Public domain], The Dinner Horn (1870)via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Ether Between (or a part)

The known is seen
when the pine cones breathe
even severed and separate,
opening in the sun as though
a flower.

And about the rainbow
trout, whose beating heart
placed in my hands
after it had been filleted
and gutted, throbbing
as though 
despite this piercing act
that still
held power.

The birds neck cranes
before it snaps
limp, little legs stiff
yet it is an act, to relax
the cat only to escape
to become devoured.

While a chicken,
it is well known,
hurries for pecking order
placement though far
removed from body.
It runs frantically,
unable to keep its head
it cannot see.

The sudden shudder
a desperate gasp,
noticing the sky,
a place to ponder, a rest stop,
a moments notice pends
on eternity, the energy
suspended and supposing
nobody will notice
what you do not have.

Image by Valentine Cameron Prinsep c. 1897 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...