Showing posts with label quiet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quiet. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September steams

There were stars too-
and of course, it was clear as crystals
with a full ball of mercury rising up
near ninety degrees,
moon shadows with a blue halogen aura
shrank and shriveled,
well before sunrise
everything hung in place,

every breath was held
and humid from being inside the body
where courage gathers
like a photo collection,
(in single dimension)
that could be assembled in someway,
in chrono-or-logical order like constellations
that slip and slide down time lines,
yet no sense would penetrate
nor make land fall.

There I was, looking for something else,
out there
with me
dropping leaves
like I let go
of every thing
on dawns tip-toes,
through light night
pretending not to notice
the disturbing peace.

Painting by Martin Johnson Heade, Passionflowers and hummingbirds c. 1870-1883 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ear worms (Annelida aural)

A rare blue stillness awaits me at three
electric sleep and low idle

This scissored presence moves
closed and blunt
under roof, between walls,
muffled in cotton

up soft words, I sort them,
line up and accumulate these
in stacked strips

with varying lengths-All
leaning against the left

to translate for the birds
already practicing
their mock speeches and weighing the scales

like me, less
to say, we both prepare to navigate

afloat on the surface
cast in the floodlight of suns rays
songs again
tend to dissipate.

Illustration for Dante's Purgatorio 09
by Gustave Doré

First image By Shibata Zeshin [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Piece of quiet

Recluse, recover
Head on pillow, tucked in, begin to think peace and quiet-
A riot swings a racquet the tighter my eyes try not to see
so many sounds blanket as epiphanies.
Snuggly, cotton covers partially, crinkling fibrous shifts-
sounded, a trumpet climbs up the scales, ring in speakeasy tones
two doors down from this bed, this horizontal head.
A boxer dog boofs over the fence, again and again,
the microwave chimes in.
My son strategizes and vocalizes his next cyber move with friends in virtual vociferousness.
In the next room, my daughter squeals, secrets I guess, tamping down her girlie giggles.
The man on the couch coughs, catches his breath then chuckles at the idiot box,
in muffled notes the next door neighbors converse in tension talking circles all tied up in Nots.
A muscle car motors by, fuel floats in the window crack, the bass is left behind
on the pavement, the other side, by the five, waves of autos roll by as white noise, 
white caps, following white perforated lines, swooshing along over catseye caps.
The neighbors' small child cries in huge bursting idles this bedtime,
the grey cat on my left side sighs, letting down his heavy head, insisting
nothing is that interesting.
A dove coos to his lover, and purr
the phone vibrates atop the oaken tiny rec-table, my stomach churns bile,
Blood swirls around my wetware, grey matter, then hits the fingertips hard,
my heart sinking a steady beat,
a door creaks down the dark hall, a glass in the sink, the faucet flows, pipes hiss, 
door whines,
and falls shut.

Painting by Augustus Egg [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Monarchy of October

From my quiet pitch in my pj's
the dawns dark fire rekindled
under the coal clouds
embers embracing day 
remembering and warming
their undersides
pink lily liver bellies 
waiting for white to shine on...

The shadows never slept,
spoke the moon softly
who watched 
the menage a trois
of Mars, Venus and Jupiter
atop the altocumulus stage
late and lascivious at this hour-

A hush and the sky gives way
to orange, Octobers delicacy
indulgent, licking glad and warm, 
Indians wave
at the passing warm breeze 
the kindred Monarch
of summer reborn 
taking the Santa Ana pass
linger now

A black phoebe cracks
shells in the slow stir
of rise and shine
human voices splinter
lips labor for slivers, 
making first words
whispers and thoughts
are better for the butterflies
already dressed 
for Octobers occasion. 

Image by By Lisafern (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...