Showing posts with label breeze. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breeze. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sky stalker

He was close
      atop the next door
two doors and eight windows away,

I can feel him
not caring
but staring
              at me
cocking his head
and aiming his
       attention my way.

I return his gaze
             between two crows feet
I squint
             and am unable to define
where wing
                    and feather divide

like the wind

no where
how he can soar
               based on feeling
a passing breeze
across his breast

I maintain my ground
feeling anchored
under air

the predator holds its breath
while the raptor releases
a piercing scream
he takes flight
giving one more glance

I stay affixed
under this eave

awaiting a closure
of wing, sky
and the hungry eye.

Painting by Edwin Henry Landseer, 'The falcon' c. 2837 in Public domain.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fair share

A lone loquat leaf
            curled and crisp,
                       tap dances down
the sidewalk

An empty aluminum can
              dented in the middle
                       throws light and marches making
a din down the driveway

The loitering suburban trees
                        fluff their updos
                         while locks of leaves fall down

Two lips pucker in the sun
                          a short Spring song
                           now nearly done
wilting while the bulb goes out

A blurry old man shuffles a shopping cart
                         gripping his estate
                           for near life.
A trim mom runs in the bike lane
                          chasing rolled dollars
                             barreling down the boulevard
A police officer cruises by
                           in his city issued
                              beemer, observing the peace

A couple makes up
                         in the parking lot
as two seagulls squawk over scraps
                         out and out-mollifying
A raven snags the snack pack
argument or a caw on the wind

This is how
gusts, nameless airs,
blow things
out of (pro) portion.

Does that make it more than it is?
If heard
it Is.

Image By Tomwsulcer (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...