Showing posts with label well. Show all posts
Showing posts with label well. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Chasm choir

The way a stone is tossed into a dark well

to find water, a level, to hear it hit


There was no other way

than by placing our whole body weight

upon the suspension bridge-

between slats, between selves

could we feel it have hold

We could stare into the infinite 

and never know the safest way 

to move atop such vast darkness

By one step,

one stone, 

one question, one more word

about trust, what lies


reveals it self 

in sound but out of sight,


landing is only the end 

of falling. 

Painting by Gerhard Munthe, 'At the Well' c. 1886 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Fire Rite

He lit all of my gasoline
and boasted,
This is jet fuel baby,
I burn it all.

It was reckless of me
to expose my reserve tank
within such close proximity
to predictable ignition.

Not even a triangular flag
waves a nauseous warning
over fanned flames,
choked up
only to be licked with sharp tongues.

The day burns its long wick
down to the bare wax molded
mannequin of myself
who whispers Empty

in the end,

when the fire finally consumes itself
he calls it,
Raw Power as combustion
can be counted upon
given enough
to fill the stone curb well

with ashes.

Painting by Nikolai Astrup, 'Midsummer eve bonfire' c. 1915 in Public domain.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hot Spring

Well, we can depend
on the constant flow
of water out of the spigot

In these modern times
nails lined with dirt
hold nothing

And so few knew
cleansing could be so
the cold C
sterilizes me
a residue of salt
inside the deepest wounds

For hope was on the other side

The H begins at the same
If we wait
sometimes longer than others,
immersed in it,
the degree of Hope rises
from tip to tip,
from pipe to vein

Although, we all know
one drop
was never enough
to remove the stains
or replenish the well
and for good

it was always our turn
of the faucet,
our choice
from which side
to draw
out from some hidden
seeming eternal source.

Artwork by Károly Patkó (1895-1941), 'Woman washing herself' c. 1931 in Public domain.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


I choose not to spend pennies of thought
for the benefit of others opinions
who have made no personal investment
into the savings of and for the consideration of
a profitable shared account wherein there is only one
authorized signatory and not that of the opinionated.

Buddhist principles encourage us to
'Let go' of attachment but 'Hold on' to
your spirit, stick with it, lean in-
to the fall, don't hold your breath,
all obstacles are opportunities.

I clear some space and feel smaller.
I create conflict and make a mess.
I clean the slate, gently blowing off all
calcium deposits thin as chalk.

A moment ago, I slept,
Now I know why a funeral is called a-wake.

I have lost it and found a-way
back to the well-
change was inevitably tossed in.

Painting by Kazimir Malevich [in Public domain], 'Woman with pails' c. 1912.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Concerning: Generic Water

In 1986,
we could drink out of the tap
and it was considered barbaric
               (well water as it was)
but it was so good.
That was there, this is now
that everyone drinks in disposable 
pervasive clear canteens.

In 2018,
there was mass poisoning by the sterilizing-
worst case scenario-better safe than sorry so 
saturated with leachating preservatives 
used as a precaution.
pieces dissolved, as they tend to do
         in manufactured self-containment-
well, people and plastics became one,

In the eighties,
I remember walking home, wading in the creek.
My musty Vans tied by their laces to my backpack strap
after school, Genius, I thought, 
bottled water, readymades, ant farms, crystal gardens,
pet rocks, canned air, and jarred fireflies sealed with a kiss.
I ingest the red woods and taste bliss.

In 1978,
at the grocery store,
the generic brand of anything 
was white or yellow, the basic packaging.
It was good enough, cheaper even
to not say everything.

my mother told me I always wanted a toy
and I would toddle up to strange men,
                      (also grocery shopping) 
and ask them if they were my daddy.

I still return from the grocery store without
everything I need.

My kids asked about the Mexican men posted up
outside Home Depot(s), 
I told them about outside labor
          (fathers on back-order) and say
if Toy’s R Us had this (for lazy parents),
they would still be in business.

Nine-tenths of the time,
poverty and water obey the laws
of thermodynamics.
Both are
Being and Event. 

In 2018,
I am grateful for everything that I never had.
She oft-quoted Nietzsche with knowing
where it came from or
it made me stronger.
I cannot see everything my body does for me, thankfully.
It would be terribly distracting to have transparent packaging,
I believe this would make everyone less appealing.

In 1989, 
I can clearly see my naked feet under the flowing water
of the Little Bear Creek,
rippled sun rolls over the enlarged mole
atop my left foot,
my soles are both slippery, I notice
how the liquid moves in a cool hurry
                 but only I move the stones.
I thought of all the Springs passed,
and my own mothering nearer to
reaching the sea, it has dawned on me
we are all temporarily employed
with our shoes, our guns, our molded plastics,
plain packaging
we call watertight-
forgetting this too
is subject to corrosion. 

Artwork: Лесной ручей. Весной. 1890, холст, масло, 75х56 Forest creek. Spring. 1890 {{Creator:Grigorij Grigorjewitsch Mjassojedow}} {{PD-art}} From

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Oh's Well that Ends well...

To embody obscurity, obtusity or seem oblong or obwrong
or much worse obnoxious in and about ones oratory-
One may opt out.
It would be wise to steer clear of these
contortionists twists of voweling and howling and calling
it better or good or original or odd.

Obliterate this need for shapes of things and fitting.
Sometimes things do not fit.
There is no angle here.
There is no diagram or relief map out there.
Omens are only ominous if open to opinions.

It is obvious these are obsessive occupations,
making obscenes and calling them oeuvre,
it is a one man show.

Overtly, it is only overwhelming
to gain insight from inside optical illusionment.
Only by this sleight of hand or a twisting of fate,
on point, before it is over, the opportunity presents itself,
there was an odious
outbursting of objects exclusively
offensive to others.
Oh well.

Painting by Angelica Kauffman [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

O' Frosty Well Wisher

On a crisp October morning
For Once, then something,
                                and walking up to the
knowing-this space of Sunday-
                                light like water
can be contained
in a soul cup.

A leaf
          Bob's on top, floats,
ripples rile his rite to disillusionment to-
the way
some seek these shimmering somethings-
Although, as the pessimist already knows
the echoes
                                 signal emptiness,

When he peers down
                                 beyond superficial self-reflection
he alone wonders
why water doesn't wait
                                 for focus
or stand as straight as a

On Frost,
with the-
                        frozen over,
whispering whiteness wonders
when it will all become clear again,
For once,
then nothing
                    but wishes taken for granite
reliable as a wall.

This poem was inspired by and in conversation with the poem by Robert Frost titled, For Once then something.

Image credit By Syed Usman Ali (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Was Wishing & Wondering

Knowing you could lie
wherever you are
what would you say
which way
would you go
if I asked if you think
of me
when away
which is always
when you know
I'm elsewhere too
I think of you
wondering, pondering,
thinking and sinking
stones in a well
sigh, oh well
I cannot tell
what it means on purpose
if I could taste
a stone from your land
would it taste like your cheek
on a warm-blooded day
since we share the sun
would you lie
with me?

Image By Agriculture And Stock Department, Publicity Branch [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...