Showing posts with label growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growth. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Terminal Velocity

The blur through a window

from a moving train-

Escape is jumping

Off-another adventure

The temptation to forget

Your given name-

Every thing is new


Or more, 

how many places and things

to see

versions of yourself


Through the pane.

Painting by Eva Stort, Deutsch: Blick aus dem Fenster (Schöneberg). Signiert. Datiert 1890' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Duck, duck, & Goose

I see you ducking & hiding
as if this could keep you safe

of course, most enjoy a good game
of hide & seek-

except when there is no-
body looking

for you
the pain sets in,

nesting in the corners
where you have stashed secrets.

Fleeing from danger
is both fight & flight

instead of planting ones
self in the belief of growth & resilience

where you are
is never where you choose to be

there is disregard
for the hidden

wanting to be found
under a shroud of a woven

textiles you gathered,
that felt like encryption,

yet your secrets strobe across
all of our four heads

illuminating the dark valleys
spreading across your scape. 

Painting by Carel Fabritius, 'Hera hiding during the battle between the gods and the giants' c. 1643 in [Public domain].

Saturday, December 15, 2018

a disenchantment of nearsightedness

We searched
each other.
Diving in
with our whole soul,
unafraid of the brackish waters,
darkness, mirth or depth
of each other's eyes

Seeking what we had
lost, once had, where did
we put it, over there, outside,
ourselves, and with the things
that keep us

Spinning wheels in alternating
rotations, going nowhere fast,
or beating our chests like hearts
and pinching nerves to make a
sound come out...

Oh No.
There were so many ways to say,
I see where you are going,
you are getting smaller
as you travel

Painting by Lionel Constable c. between 1849-55, Yale Center for British Art [Public domain].

Saturday, December 1, 2018


I distinctly remember
being told
when I was very small,
the plants and leaves,
of course flowers too,
but branches like
to be touched,
it moved me.

I wanted to spot
the stem bending toward the
rising sun,
I wanted to

all things would benefit
from this sleight of hand,
a touching moment
or the gift
of genuine introduction
to irradiating warmth.

Painting by Grigoriy Myasoedov, 'Forest Spring' c. 1890, in the Public Domain.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The mouth heals fast

Tongue is too fat
to speak-
not because I bit it,
when I should have
known thy musclar
when I should have
known well enough
to shut up.
It is still swelling-
pride protrudes itself,
a warning-

put that in a poem.

And Do Not Step on the grass
while seeds sit on top, germinating
like a poem. Too much
any potential root

It is best not to flex with words
or assign metaphor more meaning
than conceivable
or suffer the stretch.

Here the open gash pushes
the inside out-
hypersensitive to air, this is where
salt heals,
and the best solution
showed its work,
ones carried
over the columned

Painting by Jules Breton [Public domain], 'The wounded Seagull' 1878 via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Does a body good

I was not born a child.

Strange. I was allergic to all milk.
I was openly resented for this
Growing up.
My bones are stronger for this.
Never broken one.
I don’t drink it.

I was raised as an orphan in my family.

I was taken in, hosted, taunted and cast out.
I was not like any other. I was an only child,
a broken mold.

Bearing no resemblance. A reassurance,
that nothing contagious was mixed in the kool-aid.

I was ugly, I was sexy, I was young, I was powerful,
I was smarter than most, I was curious and sensitive
I was giving and giving and gave it all away.

I lied. I faked it. I made and lost it.

I was nothing until I redeemed what
I was worth and after taxes,
it was not equitable to fulfilled.

Half-full and half-cocked.

This fair skin is not thin.
I have grown vicious through exposure
and ferment my sugars.

I have soured and forgotten too often
before I remember, I am

Lactose intolerant and hormone infected.

(But as far as childhood dreams go-
I do like the new milk commercial on TV).

Painting by Harold Gilman, 1918 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, August 31, 2018


To witness growth
one must take a step back
but not remove themselves
from speculation,
change, like belief and bubbles
alter in temperature and light.

As the gardener cannot see his progress
the bloom feels its way,
leaning on its stem,
aiming was its own reward.

Mothers are often blinded
by this slim proximity
notice the pulling chord
that is heard as heartstrings

She knows all things grow over night,
the young years thunder on tired legs,
over time, the smell of blooms and bodies
become intoxicating,

It felt like Summer,
it was Spring by morning.
the light rushed in
ahead of the sweeping breeze,
but we knew it was coming,
we smelled the way
things change.

Painting by Frédéric Bazille [Public domain], c. 1866-67 via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


The poet steps away from the poem(s)
but feels
the groundwater trickle
nourishing the green.

Painting By Fyodor Vasilyev (1850—1873) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Not a lack of empathy could turn us-
or the inability to love the ‘other’-
we small rats.
It separates us.
A green miasma seeping up
from the loamy soil.
Familiar, like family, the smell of our
(grand) Father.
Toes curl and cringe and yet
we knew all about decomposition,
slanging dirt on white walls,
shit that flies and flows downhill.
We recognize, collectively
all information is absorbed,
the leaves in turn
throw shade.

Dark times don't always dictate
a Virgil. This time,
we were early.
It only takes a conceit to break
sacred ground.
All this diurnal mist adds up
and seeps in-
to crystal beads made for
costume jewellery
to be strung across
the sky.

There were stars
where pupils should be.

Scurrying mice and men gather
feeling their way away
from a threat that smelt like a fresh
All information is recreated
to be fertile today.

It stinks making fresh air.

Painting by Tom Roberts [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Growing pains

Something happened
he said
but wouldn't say more,
and he changed.

Something just clicked,
she said, at that age
she guessed
but couldn't say what.

Something felt different,
like stepping into the wrong shoe
but I couldn't tell what-
It was
(left or right).

Painting by Thomas Eakins [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More Lore

Her fingers finally feel longer to her.
The ears and nose never stop growing.
Her feet are done.
Her brother, here first, walked and drove
at his own pace and patience grew taller.
Sprouting new grey hairs that draw silver lines
over peach fuzz, made coarseness more reflective
and full and great amens.

There are no coincidences in story.
The ending we will never read.
Ends meet and repeat.
One of a kind assumes kind came first.
Always out of touch with clouds that contain
snowflakes, we thought we could melt together.
Instead we end up in grey
lines of silver and touching someone with story.

Artwork by Pietro da Cortona, c. 1632-1639, in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

A handle on things

Of course her hands would eventually
Change, I accept the adaptation
And know I must let go of the little one.

Trading the paper and the pencil, manual
We labor, we trade and I watch
The same ring on me, though this one
Is rose gold-
And I cannot demagnetize my eyes or
tear them away from her new woman hands.

It is
The way she holds the pencil
The way she hovers over the white page
The way she hopes it will be good
I am confident

She is in good hands. 

Painting by Marie Bashkirtseff (1881) in [Public domain, Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Two saplings sprang up
on the top of the Eagles Eye ridge line

Each grew taller from the others gentle support
alee with privacy shade,
goading each other on
lush in envy green

It did not take long before you could see
distinct personalities budding
from these two trees
with respect for the space they shared
not thier roots, but in between
branches as arms with finger
leaves and sparsely

By now, from far away some say
even today-you can see how they've grown
reaching for different light.

Image by Asher Brown Durand, Nature Study Trees Newburgh, New York, 1849 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Me, me, me, me

Is it fair to wonder
when I can be the me
I see,
when I think of who
I want to be-
come from where I stand
it looks far as never
and if I am ever as close
as I am now,
I wonder if I will notice
the fair resemblance
to my former self-
or will I wish
to go on
wondering who
the next me will be?

Image of painting by Léon Perrault, c. 1868 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...