Showing posts with label wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wealth. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Broke girl

They say

When you break 

A big bill,

Into smaller ones

It spends faster...

Change is always 


When offering more


what it's worth.


Enough-as a theory.

Change is more 

Of a fundamental


What you see

Is what you get-


For small pieces

Worth saving. 

Painting by George Elgar Hicks, 'Gypsy girl' c. 1899 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


If taking time
or stealing a moment away
is a luxury
interest grows only with age
invested in decadence
a mass
of intangible

There is always more work
to be done,
and not being done
is a better way-
let us never finish
before we have spent
our Time
as if it were all we had
with Us.

Image credit info: Snyder, Frank R. Flickr: Miami U. Libraries - Digital Collections [Public domain].

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Out of sight, out of mind

There was no homeless problem in our town.
The sprinklers had fixed that
one troubling grassy spot.

Sure there were a couple,
but it wasn't an epidemic.
The city wouldn't stand
(for it) (up to it)
a chance
against a larger economic problem.
Oh yes, the wealthier town next door,
they had never seen one.

Recent studies have shown
the middle parts, the guts,
are all without glories and good bacteria.
The classless class as a whole
is one deducted paycheck away
from being homeless.
Who knew it was that easy to give up
or not have what we never needed?

At the shopping center on Tuesday,
a decently dressed man sat on an iron bench.
He did not smell bad. His eyes were not red.
His shoes were not worn thin.
He had no holes. He had no major injuries
that could be seen.
His hairs had all been trimmed
his frame hung
loosely folded
staring at nothing.
As if any more could happen by 10am,
he seemed spent,
and resigned
that the show must go on
without him.

He was chainsmoking
and every in between
cigarettes, he would stand up
for himself,
violently punching the air,
wordless and weaving punches
with his whole body
at invisible villains.
He had money for cigarettes.

The shopping center security had been called
by the elderly woman in the bakery
who only drank one cup of coffee
and complained
about its lack of strength
every day.
The restaurant manager
next door
kept his head down
not saying a word
until his meds kicked in,
until he had a stiff drink.

It was crazy, they all said,
watching the man,
boxing the air.
he does not care what they think,
it was lunatic
the way one could live
like that,
angry at nothing.

Painting by László Mednyánszky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Winning the Lottery

Wealth is having more than you need.
I, too, am guilty of this.
I must confess,
I have laundered some change,
this week.
The same exact six cents
I keep finding in different denim jeans.
And when I think about it,
having an extra six
sense-may not be worth anything
solid, except an extra thought-
that buys a cents of monetary health.

Image By Elembis (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

At the end of a rainbow

Maybe balance is found
when we don't carry
more than we need.

Maybe wealth is found
not wanting more
than we have earned.

Maybe forgiveness
can be found
from others who give.

Maybe love can be found
when we stop looking
for ourselves.

Maybe wisdom is found
when knowing
doesn't answer the questions.

Maybe happiness
is finding wonder where
intangible things
may be...

Image By Jon Sullivan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 15, 2015

From Mo Money to No Money

Every time I peer
                                        deep into the chasm
                                        of raw dead skin in leather folds,
the vacuum issues a harsh scold,
                                        demanding my attention,
                                        ordering my devotion!

I only consent to exhale marked with a scowl-
                                        in private resignation,
                                        abetting the crime
followed by a hollow growl.

Puppet masters play heart strings-
                                        hear the beat, bass tone of guilt.
The tempo tells, chanting, incanting, vexing
                                        your blind habits,
will fall into place.

Stringing us along as though
                                         it knew the way to love yet gives
nothing in return.

Keep the change.

Forget counting all the beans.

What does money have to do with
                                         ways and means?
                                         It buys excuses.
Material dreams are for oxymorons.

What I've found in that narrow slit of wallet-
                                          where the green flags marked camp,
are unopened drawers, little opportune doors, windows cracked by the panes
                                           so the air can return,
                                           recirculating the wealth.
Who knew?
I'd be richer without you.

Image By Unknown or not provided (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...