Showing posts with label riddle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label riddle. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rapid eye movement

It was important to him that he remembered his dream 
so he could tell me-
He remembered his ‘idols’ there, men he looked up to 
from down in the trenches of the real world, 
They were all there,  welcoming, 
they treated him as one of the ‘boys’.
And one of the boys 
gave him a box, a puzzle box which he shook
And some pieces fell out, he felt terrible about it, 
He may have been apologizing to me.
He told me 
how frantically he scoured the floor
So he could solve the puzzle completely 
and please them greatly.
And he did but the pieces came out again and again and I was 
Certain the picture was starting to develop- 
he was dreaming of us.
His father and step-mother while visiting us once, told me about his childhood propensity to steal two jigsaw puzzle peices so at the end of the day, he could be the One who finishes. In the next scene, he was sitting in a room with a low table, on a shaggy rug, the puzzle in the box sat atop, but he was certain there were still pieces missing so he was hesitant to try to put it together knowing it couldn't be completed. I asked him if he wasn’t curious to know what the puzzle pictured, He said it was just a silly dream, And the missing pieces weren’t the thing about the dream, it was the idols, he said. I found it puzzling and pinched myself.

Image credit By Mennonite Church USA Archives [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Rhetorical riddling

Do you know this one?

What is propped up like a scarecrow,
but attracts small children?
What is semi-sweet
covering up?
Don’t answer that. Let us guess,
‘x’ or N/A, or maybe D-side,
all of the above.
And if all of your friends walked into a bar,
does it guarantee
all the horses drink
some algae
grasping at straws?

One golden delicious apple lies
about where it fell from,
while one woman and one man
stand around, wondering, Who
Dropped the first fruit.

If the man in charge of expending
Energy does not spend it by the hour
is he still working at the same rate?

What is blue, but only red when emitted
erratically? Emotion.
Twenty people gathered,
All twenty wanted to be happy. They said
some were-
despite how they stood under
the influence.

How many
Left turns
did we take
to make it all Right

living in circles.

Painting by John William Waterhouse [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Enigmatically Silly

Why aren't riddles called puzzles,
and puzzles called logic twisters?
I don't know.
The math always tries to blend in
with the words
but blurs it all for me.
Teasing my brain is better than my hair,
I guess,
but I am often wrong
brain building blitzes
that run by you when you're looking
even spelled out
like a seven letter word
-(minus two letters)
equals eight,
more than its own weight.
See, it discombobulates
and misstates and
calls this a ball?
I figured it's more like a cold,
which can be caught
but not tossed (out)
with the enigma.

Image By Formanavt (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...