Showing posts with label son. Show all posts
Showing posts with label son. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Juxtapose (in years)

Just suppose:

On an October Monday before noon, 
you sit with your adult child
in a crowded theater to watch a matinee
set in the year 2049.
The others in the dark theater are all Senior
You would think it was 'Discount Day'.
And it may have been.

Then you wonder-
Who will be alive
at the end
of the story? In 2049,
which of us will be there
to hear and see the tiny Finale
and give full credit to the vision
passed on, past, with future tension and
Imaginations fused with Technologies, 
struggling for dominance
each, chasing memories.

Behind those pictures,  
someone remembers them 
as their own. 

What will they take away?

The silence is black.
 It was a dark and stormy night.
There was
Nothing real
about it. 
And then, your adult child asks about his Future

The Time will come,
you promise. 

Artwork credit By Signed lower L by Gernsback's illustrator, Frank R. Paul [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Bob marries Alice in Binary Wedding

Never laying claim to an ethereal ability
Prediction making seemed only natural,
With our eyes this way
Looking ahead must be good for us.
Planning seemed like the best thing to do
In lieu of instructions.

My son was telling me about the latest personal challenge posed by Mr. Zuckerberg,
When something went wrong.
The AI’s began talking amongst themselves, sharing more than data. Speaking more than English.
the fearful said it meant gibberish.
English carries at least seventy percent nonsense, leaving as little as thirty left for the relay of information.
Did Alice and Bob speak in binary, I asked my son,
He said, Who?

We were riding bikes one summer afternoon and a Tesla approached us
letting out a little whine that wound up to a high pitching whir 
as the driver punched it 
around the bend.
I closed my eyes and saw the future there-
Here, at the same time-

The Ped Xing man was talking about the clouds, the thunderheads, the cumulous of a south eastern monsoon, the looming omens above.
The TED X man made a point about the cloud, our backup strategies and Plan A's with B's through Z's.

After all this,
the maintaining of perfect grades in formal academia, 
my daughter decided to pursue Art because she sees clearly now,
“It is what I must do.”
A, B, or See. 

Then, I ran out of ink and steam, my wet ware went dry, my pen bled out, I stopped projecting.

The art that needed us to translate
Potential into Purpose, as A is to B
Reminded Us to Air, what is it to be human
without a vision of humanity in need of the x?

Aiming at nowhere,
you have arrived already. 

Painting By Unknown artist – Artist (c. 1820) in [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Point A

Home is where we start from,
Eliot said,
while one is busy making plans,
planted Lennon trees,
as though making a home and getting somewhere,
were lasting-
things are all ending around you.

It is not as if Paradise was the same as Innocence
and yes,
both disappeared,
were sheared from necessity
like baby teeth and training wheels,
and how it hurts worse
when home
and are overfed.

Home is a net,
or a web.

He picks up the guitar again and gives it
another chance
this time, she says, until
his fingers bleed.

The other one drives herself away
and is made stronger
so far
from home,
her hopes await.

They both grow from the 'here'
they call Home,
while I make myself busy
tuning the strings
to help them hear, or find
harmony in their spheres
and recognize the crystalized tone
of their own spin,
at least phonetically
one Here's
it to be, pronounced
Home or Ohm.

Raised from nothing but ashes.

Photo By Paik, Kenneth, 1940-2006, Photographer (NARA record: 8464462) (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

First love, then night

The son
searches blindly in the thick shadows,
timid and thin, his alabaster skin 
fingering rays for warmth
where matters with heat may penetrate,
he lingered along
to feel the shapes and qualities
worth illuminating.

The son
gives off too much
light of himself,
but cools his burning core when worn
down from spinning out ideas, worries like water
for clouds.

Grey lightens the pressure of beauty in shades
of dilution.

The son
sets his gaze on the fine line,
balanced between now and then
an emerald spark, sometimes called Epiphany
flashes forward before
the embers burn themselves out
and all that fixation
loosens the belt of Venus
able to breath aloof in dusk.

The son
becomes sure
of being risen and having been 
roused, only to be caught 
in a brief glare, he spots 
glimmers of where love
lies and may be
beyond her dissolution. 

The son
will to morrow, who is
peaking at noon,
falls warmer than 
any moon who wanes
when the world was said 
to be done. 

Painting by Cornelis Lieste [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Engine trouble

The man was not just skinny but scraggly.
His mother kept telling him to get a job. He still listened to his mother.
He worked. He worked in an auto-shop learning lubes and fine-tuning-
Until they stopped making them
like they used to.
His father used to 
drink alcohol like a liquor store sprinter. Naturally, he got thirsty too, and drank
and stank the same as his father, his mother would say every day.

Grease or oil, bitter battery acid or brake fluid and gin, 
and all over again, the evolved monkey man
with the sooty stained hands that exclude him from white paper work, shows silver
linings along his brow.

Every now and then he picks up a brush, a ladder, a little girl and moves just a stroke away
from happiness in his days. His mother said she prays for him.

He should have picked up a shovel or an ice pick, manners or a real lady,
but is too weak to make them work
for him.

He falls into a five year hole. 
He comes out in smooth pieces, 
none fit tight and his well-being wont hold water, slipping on surfaces,
He is sees light
And knows he is being saved for another life, another 
day to die, his mother said ladies first when he listened.

The old lady in a broken down car, pulled over on the roadside waves for help, 
it is all white and frozen, steam surrounds her.
The mechanic stops
himself for a moment 
before moving on, 
simply too skinny to spare anything-
a white canvas, waiting for him to return 
the favor.

Painting by Jacob Jordaens, The Satyr and the peasants (1620) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...