Showing posts with label pieces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pieces. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Found art

Another day rolls by
                             and I
along with it

I try
to focus
on a
           in the blur of spin
one catches
and squeezes
            high above
the audible range
            one carries a note,
and belts out
                      lashing with it,
create, wait, create, wait, create, wait
swinging both ways,

and only
                     through the gait
                     known distinctly
as your
and work
as an address.
A watch swings alongside
reminding me of the beat.

It is time to hibernate.

I count the cat's eyes
           staggered and lining up
in the middle of the street
until the glare
into poetic little pieces
like litter.

Artwork by Robert Delaunay [Public domain], 'The Tower and the Wheel' c. 1912-1913, located in the Museum of Modern Art.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Broken down, the All
was noplace, collectively
That there is no longer
there is no there there
no such thing as a moral hunter
there will never be
a thing
that is
wholly itself alone
and shatter-proof. 
There was nothing to see
that would help us
recognize entanglement
as a knot to be undone. 

Artwork by Salvador Rosa (1615-1673) in Public Domain. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rapid eye movement

It was important to him that he remembered his dream 
so he could tell me-
He remembered his ‘idols’ there, men he looked up to 
from down in the trenches of the real world, 
They were all there,  welcoming, 
they treated him as one of the ‘boys’.
And one of the boys 
gave him a box, a puzzle box which he shook
And some pieces fell out, he felt terrible about it, 
He may have been apologizing to me.
He told me 
how frantically he scoured the floor
So he could solve the puzzle completely 
and please them greatly.
And he did but the pieces came out again and again and I was 
Certain the picture was starting to develop- 
he was dreaming of us.
His father and step-mother while visiting us once, told me about his childhood propensity to steal two jigsaw puzzle peices so at the end of the day, he could be the One who finishes. In the next scene, he was sitting in a room with a low table, on a shaggy rug, the puzzle in the box sat atop, but he was certain there were still pieces missing so he was hesitant to try to put it together knowing it couldn't be completed. I asked him if he wasn’t curious to know what the puzzle pictured, He said it was just a silly dream, And the missing pieces weren’t the thing about the dream, it was the idols, he said. I found it puzzling and pinched myself.

Image credit By Mennonite Church USA Archives [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


not late enough
to start now
the sky periwinks
lashes brush over
lids lay overwhelmed
in light shades
I am all melted 
matter that moves
and thinks not 
in solid states
no thing
could hold me here
for more
than one may take
away for another
un finished...

Painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Mouvement (1935) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


admitted none
wanted other
place people
there looking
harmless wishes
willing luck
too much
said thought
corrupt convince
diluted solutions
whims words
wasted wanting
none other.

Painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Red Spot II (1921),  [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, October 26, 2015

One thing at a time

Looking at parts of the hole
I see
minuscule matters
and things such as these
meta seek and micro zoom
You said and I said
We mean
the small pieces, by letter
It's hard to hear
the echo is blurry
what do you see
in the closeness?
there are clouds
clods of dirt and minerals
gems, fools gold
made into shiny clay
by the minuteness of
pulled into Virga
amounting to nothing
but the pressure to become
passing through
what was
a lush landscape.

Image by Grant W. Goodge, NASA, in N. Caroline, Virga from atop Flat Top Mountain.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...