Showing posts with label symbiosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label symbiosis. Show all posts

Monday, April 17, 2017

balancing books

The Undo is the indecide, I choose 
never to go there.
I make, instead,
no excuses.

Shortcuts were his favorite for efficiency 
                                           and displaying his mastery.
I liked the long drawn hand kind 
                                           subject to blur and bruise.
(only delete
favorite button, hot or not
spaceback neverwas 
I may erase even you
neverwhere) -white out-

This is the Upside.

Black blends in.

The downside-
no middle ground
                              or bridge
connecting view between the two
of i to I.

Look (t)here, 
describe what you (would like to) see
outside of inside, it comes 
mismatched but attached-
I pick up the left-overs 
this phenomenon called an ex-
ample of symbiosis.

We refill empty with each other
to persist we insist 
on forget.

As the zero is to one,
nothing (t)here without
in redshift.

Painting by Jacob Jordaens [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Lip locked

“ Matter turns out to have no other substance than spirit itself…In a pure monism it would make no real difference whether we called the one reality God or Nature, mind or matter, water or fire or will, since in any case this substance must be the seat and source of every kind of distant existence…The great stream of “life” is said to run through matter…” -Previously Unpublished Essays of George Santayana, John and Shirley Locks (1969)
We all collide in photonic pride,
mix and co-mingle our palettes
to each his own.
Expressing our cannibal cravings 
in a hungry kiss
as an arc of attraction
thru and through exchange
of energies
as Desire.
Fruits of our Labors.
Mind molds matter  
more perceptibly erected
as spiritual sculpture; 
foundations for 
the body in clay.

Is symbiosis the essence of 
phenomenal bliss, sweet
soul mates in super symmetry?
Dualism fusing with monism,
electromagnetic discharge 
as feedback static
grounded on belief
in single resolution
holographic by belief?

I feel the friction 
in the denial of not knowing
the all that all do
under clear conviction
that nothing is known, certainly,
except what we don't know
nobody knows as much as he doesn't
in real time, 
or (f)actually.

Embrace the wind,
a kiss blown, a fallen star, 
a swollen heart or dry eye
moves nothing but air.
And there we stand, firm-
trying to get through
mind over matter.

“I might sustain the theme indefinitely that you nor I nor anybody knows as much as he doesn’t know. And that isn’t all: there is nothing anybody knows, however absolutely, that isn’t more or less vitiated as a fact by what he doesn’t know.” -Robert Frost

Painting by Edvard Munch, "The Kiss" (1897) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Eyeless in Gaza PI: The Theoretical Unity of Aldous Huxley

"8th Root of Unity"
Image By MarekSchmidt (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The following is a passage cited from the novel "Eyeless in Gaza", by Aldous Huxley (p.467,68) which I have converted into a poem for its elegance in deciphering the properties, proportions, perspective(s) on the concept of Unity (as a whole/hole). 

The unity of life.
Unity demonstrated even in the destruction of one life by another.
Life and all being are one.
No living thing could derive sustenance
from another 
Or from the unliving substances 
around it.
(even in destruction),
(in spite of separation).

Each organism is unique.
Unique and yet
with all other organisms
in the sameness of its ultimate parts;
Unique above
a substratum of mental identity.
Identity and Interchangeableness
of Love, Trust, Courage.

Fearless affection 
restores the lunatic to sanity,
transforms the hostile savage into a friend,
tames the wild animal.

The mental pattern of Love 
can be transferred from one mind to another
and still
retain its virtue...
And not only Love,
but Hate as well:
not only Trust, but suspicion;
not only kindness, generosity and Courage,
but also
malevolence and greed and fear.

Reality of unity,
but equal reality of division-
greater reality, indeed,
of division.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...