Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Post Art-i-fact-o

What happened in here?
They All asked
they made Art
with what they found

with new found Purpose
They said
let us try to Make
something of This

you See more than many
Depth, behind or beyond Being inside
your Time

What happened was-All reaction,
I’s further upon reflection,
absorb color theory, insistent as Form,
stole shape of an idea and Acts upon it.

It happens.
not all see it.
that way more for us
to take in and make out. 

Painting by Władysław Malecki (1883) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Light flavors

without the sun
we can be
Honest, say don’t hurt
because you can enunciate
                        I can.
            I can-say it-
Now you say it
Strong like Bull-
Built like brick

Homeless vagabond renter, 
                         squatter be
categorically dissimilar

part Yokohama
                        by strolls through Ipanema

Say, there goes another
               could eat you up!

What have you to say 
that won't sting?

From where we began
Now finds us in the strangest

I too prefer plums
                        To lemons. 

Painting by Hieronymus Galle (c. 1636-1646) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Composition by ear

The music tutor
Directed the pupil
Watch-Watch-My Hands-
Listen-Hear the sound-
In Here-It feels

and those scales rose and sank
perked up for notes to hang shapes
Of waves on passing ears-
You missed a step-
Here-skip-and where is that note
You played-out of tune-

Try to pretend you play.
and again, the pitching seas rolled,
bodies thrown together, clumped 
Whole words found themselves 
in forgotten consonants,
Bumbles swarm. 

Painting By Frances Hodgkins (1869 - 1947) – Creator (New Zealand; Great Britain) Born in Dunedin, New Zealand. Dead in Dorset, England. Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 26, 2017


She cringes. They knew.

Didn’t say, wouldn’t change
nothing, anything
help or hurt

They wait, mercy resides
patience, temperance,
in these, out there
touch and feel
lost and found
not looking, not seeing,
not needing, not wanting
more than, merely
her presence, her past
come back…

Painting By Félicie Schneider (1831 - 1888) (Sotheby's New York, 29 January 2010, lot 867) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The path is Brodsky

His sentences say
He never repeats them
With eye or I
How would we know?
He is only a product of
an obsession with freedom
Of speech and others

His composure, 
demure, muffled,
He shies away
From his fiction
Life. Sentences.
Written this way.
Point of Departure is too
Point of No Return.

Painting by Isaak Brodsky (1906) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wolf dreams

The  blood flows as current
through and around the brain
spilling into empty as I lay
down to sleep.

We say-Wheels Spin-
is this where we begin and end
that recapped thought, witticism, and dig
deeper as I have a conversation
with self, explaining
why Ezra Pound is not
an American Hero-
although I fancy the lad,
I now understand and so
much evil clumps in corners
the sealed eyes squeeze and fold in
the car repair for son, the phone for daughter
colleges, dinners, stories and towels-
so many towels-folded, washed,
thrown down, tossed, appropriated in the rain,
picked up-creamer but forgot the bunnies
and the pain better not grow or settle down-
the ER is not OK today, I am OK, I say,
I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am
hear-not here,
my body belies deep breathing
and I still think
I sleep
too much.

Painting by Albert Joseph Moore (1875) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


More than once
you find me
Open, accepting
of the visit, intrusion-
Not that
it is-you are

Insistent, indeed and once
I look at you again,
One begins to recognise
A feature-

There-it is-pushing into
view, a rise out of you- 
and I felt I knew you already.

Somehow you seem different, today.
You seem bent by paint, 
or diffused light through crystal as
strung up window ornaments.

It is that smell that tells me
You are close enough to see the
expressions, stretches or sweat, 
through thirst and famine.

More salt is needed,
Wouldn’t you say?

Painting by Valentin Serov, Portrait of Olga Trubnikova (1886) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Sculptor recoils at the mess made

The stone may remain
a mark, a mary,
an adam or a bone,
and thus, it surpasses us.

Immortal or always dead-
does not explain
heat retention
or justify the cold
kept on and in.

Medusa met her match in a mirror,
a moment forestalled by the vividness-
as perpetual disturbance or hair on end-
as in, the felt self
never having been
so repulsed before

sentenced to see, only.
She makes more matter
for company-posterity,
as in a collective semblance
with what is given.

By stone, in stone
the smallest settle
together. Bolder.

Be-cause con-crete crystals,
gold dust flecks spark-les
closer to the smooth surface.

Reflection, like passing winds
erode the images cast in like-ness
breaks down
all That
the stone hoped to be.

Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme, Pygmalion, and Galeta in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Soundless garden

The word noose hung in my head
Another dead
goes away

A pretty pendulum taut under a knot beam
strong enough
I cannot convince myself
Ends are here
                        I feel them approach nearer
draws on
a bead
my unknown heart
my heavy hit
                        ear drums
                        top snares
his rhythm speaks to me
                        who left-

Speak up, I’ll clap my bones,
bang my head
until I snap
my fate
my wave

On May 17th Chris Cornell, an American musician and artist, took his own life-and his art-leaving behind a dear family, a large extended family, close and distant friends and fans that span generations, leaving us all to thrash in the crashing waves of his music awaiting a sense of full color sunset on his vivid passionate life. I hope he may be resting peacefully. 

Painting by Albert Joseph Moore [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

A handle on things

Of course her hands would eventually
Change, I accept the adaptation
And know I must let go of the little one.

Trading the paper and the pencil, manual
We labor, we trade and I watch
The same ring on me, though this one
Is rose gold-
And I cannot demagnetize my eyes or
tear them away from her new woman hands.

It is
The way she holds the pencil
The way she hovers over the white page
The way she hopes it will be good
I am confident

She is in good hands. 

Painting by Marie Bashkirtseff (1881) in [Public domain, Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Trees before forest

Long ago,
I relished, savoring that golden hour
In which people so often flock to the sea
Eyes set on the dipping radiant sun
And me now
Caught completely off-guard, unarmed,
By the bright gold glint reflecting upon
The beige page I cradle,
This glare that makes me lose
Place, interest, grip
in, on, or about anything
but this propositioning, this pen
and a poem
waiting for me
to see it there.

Painting by Tom Thomson [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Sure line

With these borrowed hands still unrecognizable
I have learned to poke and preen this vessel
taking exploratory measures
only within reach

None of the pieces fit together
like hands holding hands holding hands
This is what I got

I need these as is,
to see, together,
to gather

this is why the shells scatter near the jetty
by the sea
by the tide, from sand, into sand, by grain
by the hand full, glass full, by the hour

which explains why we collect empty dollars
one day,
we may fit in

Painting by Julian Ashton, 'Summer morning, 1899' [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Write hot, edit cold

None of it was good enough.

So you see, here, admittedly,
I understand the fire, a self-starter,
it makes decent fuel
the words work better than well.

It means I too- must end this way,
plain as day, Cremation
and yet
Fire scares me honestly.

It may be a miserable moment,
the next page, the new leaf, the blank slate-

Wait-never mind-what was said-dead-again.

Each time it becomes easier to name the wrong noun,
confound even myself, crosswords no longer help.

In other words
I shall not say,
See me
and I will match you.
I am simply sulphuring,
reeking with green steam.

Saturated, and I am too porous for this
laughing at my whole self,
the incompetence I relied upon 
and moments reborn
into better than imaginable-Memory.

All ways worth the weight in white.

Angels giggle at these simmering sounds
mistaken for a narrow fellow in the grass
making coils warm,

it was all the write words
fuming in the sun
without a bone to burn or pick
the ice ages will do the rest.  

Painting By McCord, George Herbert, 1848-1909 (artist); L. Prang & Co. (publisher) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


The spiders all scatter when the rock is pulled up,
worms wiggle 
desperate foreigners in terrestrial elms.

Well, it made me think of what they had been doing
before being caught off guard.

It hails this summer,
so they scream and say-All Parades Postponed-
& then the others look at their calendars and cross out
& cry looking up to the sky pointing green stems in vein.

Kites and clouds occupy the canopies,
caught in the whisk of wayward cycles
and lofty expectations, 
it is only pressure applied in decibels of thunder.

White petals all tremble, rose and lilly blush
at the smoky voice chanting in Gregorian tones,
a language lost to Time and wilt,

where these new colors cannot comprehend
so much red earth and black sand-
& then whispers round
like spider legs,

Trailing off, 
earthworms evacuate

I, Aye, eye
mist the warning
but held my breath. 

Image credit By Royal Air Force official photographer, Hensser H (Mr) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Turning over

At 2:24 dark, the mockingbird, and moon
Conspired to wake me,
I rise, finally, compulsive-
By three thirty both have fallen back down
It is only me awake
In this nook, near a shelf in the world.

The cats all sleep deeply at this hour,
The only ripple above is me.
Already, I have sought in the low light
And scoured the flat surfaces for the source
Of the voice-
As though if I knew this
I could sleep through the music
Conducting words my way

Some sink in
Such as
-Begin and Again-

Painting by Oscar Florianus Bluemner, 'Moon-Night-Mood' (1929) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Her yin

The woman saves babies.
I have seen her catch one
in midair with one hand
as it was falling out of
a walmart cart.

The woman I have seen
juggles jobs, hats, dishes,
bills and priorities,
shifting her wide hip weight
when necessary.

The woman stands in front
of her own children, taking bullets
and returning aim, she puts her arm out
when they are driving
and says it is reflexive.

The woman always worries,
I have seen her furrowed brow
she has origami secrets folded
up in there,
she uses up more than she has with nothing
of self

The woman knows her cliches and expectations,
she recites them easily if you ask,
and somehow
day to day words assemble easily for her,
she may manipulate these into weaponry,
unless she sees
some innocence,
she proposes poisons leaving bodies

Painting by Bronzino (1540) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Sara Nade

Here is that same night bird taking the top of the stage outside the window
Singing light purple notes alone and unashamed of his thin lilting echo
Pitched out and rolling down the quiet village lane over fences
and peeking in windows,
and proud I would be
if I had feathers to wear tomorrow…

There are no reasons or songs the avian knows
by heart, I listen, still interrupted
under the occasional bassos auto rumbling past, 
the bird usually waits for the concrete to cool
back down

Before the night bird at the window
hops himself back up his perch to scale, 
topping his previous arias and picking at
new notes

The world rises in mourning ovation, 
the inevitable death of knights
or a little light disturbance,

I will get used to it. 

Photo By USFWS Mountain-Prairie [CC BY 2.0 ( or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Degrees of profession

Develop a certain
-skill set-
as in business, with cool callousness 
as in karate where
the belt be the crown, that designates 
the title or rank, currently

The executive balancing his arches
strapped acrost the tautly
ill-suited rung to sole,
checks his elevation, adjusts the white collar
and gauges
                    his next move.

undo what was taught to you
as a rule, reject the ready-mades-

the artist sees these to steal everywhere,
his palms itch and brow drips with want, 
keeping it in,
he delicately destroys his visions,
brushing this distorted imagery away-
missing the point
                               of manipulation.

But by degrees of depth
These Two, these too,
Race like Humans
to make names
that mark more than maker, dreg
on the bottom
worse off

The blue suits are more, deflecting danger,
The artist, unafraid of crimson, leaves a line
tethered to nerves
that steal
and is broken 
down to blur.

Self portrait By Manuel Pereira da Silva [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Confessions of Stories Never Told (mainly by Rip G. Larsen)

Sealed and steeled and
in tact, in fact, all there-disheveled
in-side the unripe, oxidized lock box, ideas
tamped down in ply, peeling brittle-edged leaves
papers, actually, assorted, fragmentary thoughts-
in-spiration in scraps, morsels and ort,
accumulatively intended
to become something someday a story,
or Open Works-en-Titled:

Idea, Plot, Wet/ Dry, Action Scenes Black forlorn (negro),
Husband and wife, Idea and Story?

Suede pages soft as tanned hides, see the sunlight and crackle
after fifty long dark years crisping in the metal closet,
delicately, I have shuffled through these-
dead mans buried confessions, yarns my grandfather never spun out,
of ideas kept shuffled up, out of mind -out of mindsight 
only to be come, unfortunately,
resurrected by me,
I see a story to be told,
another resurrection fable-
(when they were true and alive)
His lines cast Here:

Go to ‘Blake’ island for mercy killing,
Witnessing of murder changes husbands mind
Convicts solve his personal problem
By killing his wife-
(he lives)
Write one about a revengeful husband who kills his wife’s murderer,
after he is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Taking down of memorial in wintry square.

Idea-Symbols that always work of superstitions that always work-have some from…(illegible)
Idea-In a human vein, tell the story of a very adroit sponge (use example)Have this trait finally come to a climax with a human ending
Idea-Write one about rodeo philosophers who have life figured out.-Get one of these guys in trouble philosophizing about (illegible) Show his Reaction.
Idea-Two people in some environment struggling for the same thing-person detests the other for the very same faults that he has. One commits a sin and boldly accuses the other of its execution.
Idea How about using a guy who sees too much significance in each little event that occurs. Have him re-act a humorous chime to his disadvantage.
Idea    Sargasso Sea   to ships as  (illegible)  on Howard St. ---One young face in a sea of living corpses
Husband// Very devoted, sensible, Impetuous, Loves wife deeply, Patient, Noble, Drinks to relieve tension, sentimental, sensitive, sense of humor (over)
Wife// Irrational, Intelligent, Sharp-witted, has softening of the brain
Open scene with her in some unintelligible but significant conversation and action and end play with husband in some way-
Beautiful, superstitious, fearful
Vivid Night Dream                         12th Night
Wet                                                    Dry
3”                                                        6”
Much ado about Nothing

Action Scenes
Battle with weather by man
Battle of man with man
Battle of man with animals
Battle of man with unknown
Battle of man with = -woman?  (grandmothers handwriting)
Black forlorn (negro)-His eyes and coat were wrinkled from the evening's sleep
I know you are well educated but do you have any money?

The wife would be killed repeatedly and in theory,
this philosophy should disturb me, but it goes
the crazy wife would die following him, naturally.

The gold lock on the green box was put on by Goldy-locks,
Blondie never laughed at these names that nicked at her nerves-
nor at all his taunting confessions
she noted, (red), too late
of murders he could never commit, accepting his miserable
blue collar fate
he quit
killing his darlings,

and turning attention to himself
went blue in the face
from this treading along of
American live-ly-hood-

Well-by now
we have seen, culture kills all kings,
by this time
unable to slay
all (his)storied thoughts, he locks them up for life,
to for get it out and to be handed down
the line.


Monday, May 1, 2017

Fingertips gather nerves

I got over it.
I had some extra lift,
(Oofta as grandma would say, Chutzpah grandpa would grumble
in accordion)
Don’t think brazen-
Don’t drink that-
It is enough without elaborating
It is extra superfluous to describe-
So let’s not.
So let’s be
Honest. Necessary. Only. Listen.
More understood, more grounded under foot.
The wings will whisper-“I, lashes”
The blood tingles warm, currently a-live.
Everything here was for you to use,
Everything was waiting

Photo By No machine-readable author provided. B & W Kirlian fingertip [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...