Showing posts with label ice age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ice age. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2017

Write hot, edit cold

None of it was good enough.

So you see, here, admittedly,
I understand the fire, a self-starter,
it makes decent fuel
the words work better than well.

It means I too- must end this way,
plain as day, Cremation
and yet
Fire scares me honestly.

It may be a miserable moment,
the next page, the new leaf, the blank slate-

Wait-never mind-what was said-dead-again.

Each time it becomes easier to name the wrong noun,
confound even myself, crosswords no longer help.

In other words
I shall not say,
See me
and I will match you.
I am simply sulphuring,
reeking with green steam.

Saturated, and I am too porous for this
laughing at my whole self,
the incompetence I relied upon 
and moments reborn
into better than imaginable-Memory.

All ways worth the weight in white.

Angels giggle at these simmering sounds
mistaken for a narrow fellow in the grass
making coils warm,

it was all the write words
fuming in the sun
without a bone to burn or pick
the ice ages will do the rest.  

Painting By McCord, George Herbert, 1848-1909 (artist); L. Prang & Co. (publisher) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...