Showing posts with label story ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story ideas. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Confessions of Stories Never Told (mainly by Rip G. Larsen)

Sealed and steeled and
in tact, in fact, all there-disheveled
in-side the unripe, oxidized lock box, ideas
tamped down in ply, peeling brittle-edged leaves
papers, actually, assorted, fragmentary thoughts-
in-spiration in scraps, morsels and ort,
accumulatively intended
to become something someday a story,
or Open Works-en-Titled:

Idea, Plot, Wet/ Dry, Action Scenes Black forlorn (negro),
Husband and wife, Idea and Story?

Suede pages soft as tanned hides, see the sunlight and crackle
after fifty long dark years crisping in the metal closet,
delicately, I have shuffled through these-
dead mans buried confessions, yarns my grandfather never spun out,
of ideas kept shuffled up, out of mind -out of mindsight 
only to be come, unfortunately,
resurrected by me,
I see a story to be told,
another resurrection fable-
(when they were true and alive)
His lines cast Here:

Go to ‘Blake’ island for mercy killing,
Witnessing of murder changes husbands mind
Convicts solve his personal problem
By killing his wife-
(he lives)
Write one about a revengeful husband who kills his wife’s murderer,
after he is sentenced to life imprisonment.

Taking down of memorial in wintry square.

Idea-Symbols that always work of superstitions that always work-have some from…(illegible)
Idea-In a human vein, tell the story of a very adroit sponge (use example)Have this trait finally come to a climax with a human ending
Idea-Write one about rodeo philosophers who have life figured out.-Get one of these guys in trouble philosophizing about (illegible) Show his Reaction.
Idea-Two people in some environment struggling for the same thing-person detests the other for the very same faults that he has. One commits a sin and boldly accuses the other of its execution.
Idea How about using a guy who sees too much significance in each little event that occurs. Have him re-act a humorous chime to his disadvantage.
Idea    Sargasso Sea   to ships as  (illegible)  on Howard St. ---One young face in a sea of living corpses
Husband// Very devoted, sensible, Impetuous, Loves wife deeply, Patient, Noble, Drinks to relieve tension, sentimental, sensitive, sense of humor (over)
Wife// Irrational, Intelligent, Sharp-witted, has softening of the brain
Open scene with her in some unintelligible but significant conversation and action and end play with husband in some way-
Beautiful, superstitious, fearful
Vivid Night Dream                         12th Night
Wet                                                    Dry
3”                                                        6”
Much ado about Nothing

Action Scenes
Battle with weather by man
Battle of man with man
Battle of man with animals
Battle of man with unknown
Battle of man with = -woman?  (grandmothers handwriting)
Black forlorn (negro)-His eyes and coat were wrinkled from the evening's sleep
I know you are well educated but do you have any money?

The wife would be killed repeatedly and in theory,
this philosophy should disturb me, but it goes
the crazy wife would die following him, naturally.

The gold lock on the green box was put on by Goldy-locks,
Blondie never laughed at these names that nicked at her nerves-
nor at all his taunting confessions
she noted, (red), too late
of murders he could never commit, accepting his miserable
blue collar fate
he quit
killing his darlings,

and turning attention to himself
went blue in the face
from this treading along of
American live-ly-hood-

Well-by now
we have seen, culture kills all kings,
by this time
unable to slay
all (his)storied thoughts, he locks them up for life,
to for get it out and to be handed down
the line.


Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...