Wednesday, May 24, 2017


More than once
you find me
Open, accepting
of the visit, intrusion-
Not that
it is-you are

Insistent, indeed and once
I look at you again,
One begins to recognise
A feature-

There-it is-pushing into
view, a rise out of you- 
and I felt I knew you already.

Somehow you seem different, today.
You seem bent by paint, 
or diffused light through crystal as
strung up window ornaments.

It is that smell that tells me
You are close enough to see the
expressions, stretches or sweat, 
through thirst and famine.

More salt is needed,
Wouldn’t you say?

Painting by Valentin Serov, Portrait of Olga Trubnikova (1886) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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