“A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.” -Percy Bysshe Shelley
Showing posts with label pen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pen. Show all posts
Thursday, October 3, 2019
This pen writhes
hisses and spits
poison darts
from the bow of my fingertips.
I wrestle and choke
it down
on an empty
the feeling bleeds through
the collected pulp
smearing the white sheet.
Against bone,
the pressure to cave in
at the first period.
Etching the paper
so that complete erasure
is not an option. I strangle
the words, Go On,
in the process.
Artwork credited by Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, 17th-19th century [Public domain].
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Finely printed news
The woman with the thin narrow hands
trimmed and nude nails,
received the good news
And here she was
and broke.
She was tired and should have slept,
instead, she nearly died
with the pen in between her fingers
and raw knuckles.
Even this was half expected,
she thought the words were enough
but they did not touch her in a good way.
Drawing credit by Ernest Blaikley (1916) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Trees before forest
relished, savoring that golden hour
In which
people so often flock to the sea
Eyes set
on the dipping radiant sun
And me
Caught completely
off-guard, unarmed,
By the
bright gold glint reflecting upon
The beige
page I cradle,
This glare
that makes me lose
interest, grip
in, on,
or about anything
but this
propositioning, this pen
and a
for me
to see
it there.
Painting by Tom Thomson [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Painting by Tom Thomson [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Nom de plume
My pen tells me All
I need to know about Me
More than thought could say
By George Shuklin (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe
To write!
Marking and mucking it up
not ambidextrously
although it may read thusly
manually, this is searching
I write.
I feel the ink flow
I make it come out so
dark and round
bilingually between
print and cursive
encrypted, now I write
more in pen, coded cursives
and dismissives, symbols
instructions only I know
making living language breathe
O how I want,
from my pens' tip to your sweet lips
How so sweet do I know?
I taste the words first.
I write
sometimes it gets loose and away
from me, high and inside
-if I can grab it
and show you-
if I can find it
I can write
until nobody reads cursive
Ye olde quill
becomes nill
turning to teletype
telepathy script better have Edit
I will write
cradling, holding, pulling, drawing out the words
needing to bleed it out
in tendrils
of untranslatable text
while thinking of what to write next...
Image By "Tichnor Quality Views," Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Made Only by Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
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