Friday, October 7, 2016

de Hydration

It may be more satisfying for those that attend high school football games or homecoming parades,
who have mini-vans-or now-called-cross-overs-with stick figure families on the back window and are stocked with three cases of Costco bottled waters at any given time-
they must know, despite the number of passengers,
thirst is the same for all of us.

That middle-aged woman that was on the local news who was arrested for breaking and entering a church and sobbing inconsolably, may have been parched,
her lips were chapped and white last night.
The police on the scene were ill-equipped
to serve her,
or protect her
from the ensuing harsh light of day,
offering no peace but handcuffs.
Do not doubt, she will drink today.

The old meth house near the elementary school that had been boarded up after numerous raids was demolished over two years ago but has become overrun with five-foot and rising weeds.
It was finally fenced off and covered with green construction mesh.
That was weeks ago.
Just yesterday they hauled the heaping mounds of green waste away.
Without the water weight, they could carry more.
The kids walking by learn something new.

Water is no longer free.

At any given time, tears help to alleviate
our own weight in water.

That hydration happens in the hypothalamus, and like all mammals, we are merely
menial doodlebugs donning diving rods, lead and led,
most often leading us to empty wells where water once went and today only traces of humidity remain.

The air is sere here,
even those echoes no longer replenish wonder.
The apocalypse asphyxiates us
while we are set on re-repeating, like sheep bleating out and choking on swollen tongues,
panting and naked as wolves we are.
It is no wonder
we are still thirsty.

Painting image credit By "FREREMORPHEUS" (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Silent Sunday Services

The clock on the wall hammers away
in the quiet house before sunrise, oblivious to Sunday morning

Nary a breath escapes while the beat skips on along-
long whole, holy, sunny sun days-
while others pray I lay behind dreaming doors,
light pouring in, purring snores,
while that clock ticks off
and takes, takes, takes
its sweet time,
this time I think-the time-
Time-it takes too long to make every single
may be wrong.

The kitchen sink taps a tune
into a rose colored glass
muffling its measure
by the minute
optimistic by the hour.

Between that quiet space
of steady shine and rise
coming up on-
it is too easy to lose the pace
or miss the place
where to chime in...
The fridge hums steady and warm,
the oven clean and cool
both standing white in the background.

Painting By Catherine Wiley (Tennessee Portrait Project) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Being Selves-ish

Ego is not the enemy,
it simply needs some control,
like willpower, which
is not a weak force,
like addiction or love.

Nor are neither the culprits
caught in circumstance, tagged It
in the blame game,
standing in the way of wind,
struck ill, accursed, vexed and falling plagued
to indecision, which is not
Doing anything
for them-selves
like self-immersion or suffocation
in one’s self-doubt, like insecurity,
like paranoia and conspiracy
under-lying self-sacrifice…

We are not safe with our selves.

Image of painting by James Sant [Public domain], Courage, Anxiety Despair (c. 1850) via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Water worlds for (Haiku)

terraqueous bliss
bonded biochemical
witness change in THIS

Painting by Ernst Josephson [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 30, 2016

A cool breeze hits a sweaty brow

Too busy to look up
tethered with tension
down my leaden limbs
tiny things gathered
and amassed
yet-so easily dissipated, blown away

Here, first, things first-
someone's last chance
blows by

Painting by Jean-François Millet [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Loch Smith

Before sunrise on this particular morning
I came to see-
quite unmistakably-
right in front of me
a gaping fallstreak hole
hanging wide open, saying high.

The cat and I,
our curiosity got the best of us
and I suppose
I teetered too close to the edges
which tend to be
slippery slopes of padded History-
also called Epiphanies-
and well,
I fell in or out of sorts,
tumbling through a tunnel
my vision blurred briefly-
We can see-

the mountains lining the dappled plain,
the plane piercing the wall of clouds
intermittent keyholes
blink like red EXIT signs in bright blue blips
appearing further away than they seem-

And although it may all appear
as this lucid dream at dawn
-since the hole has long closed-
I was simply unable to resist peeking out,
fell up, skipped in and
if you've wondered where I have been
before the first light.

Photo By Kittelschürze (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Simple sunset sought

This is not life-it is living
hot for a time
wet for a while
until salt only remains...

the ocean swallows us
wholeheartedly we wait at
her ledge at sundown
remixing our urge to merge

in gold lights flecks flicker
a flame bathed in warmth
dazzling its prisms by hint
of change for photophores

Photo credit: By United States Navy [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

(Bone pile)

My lips are sealed with  The caulk of deaf ears. Born for this. Lessons to be learned as chapters Turned  Over, like how to read our bodies ...