Showing posts with label insecurity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insecurity. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Being Selves-ish

Ego is not the enemy,
it simply needs some control,
like willpower, which
is not a weak force,
like addiction or love.

Nor are neither the culprits
caught in circumstance, tagged It
in the blame game,
standing in the way of wind,
struck ill, accursed, vexed and falling plagued
to indecision, which is not
Doing anything
for them-selves
like self-immersion or suffocation
in one’s self-doubt, like insecurity,
like paranoia and conspiracy
under-lying self-sacrifice…

We are not safe with our selves.

Image of painting by James Sant [Public domain], Courage, Anxiety Despair (c. 1850) via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

In the company of strangers

I thought...
Perhaps she wasn't as lonely
as she thought she was...

Perhaps she wasn't able to see
the difference between wanting
to be thought about
and thinking she was wanted...

She was perhaps mistaking
that forgotten feeling
for need...

I thought
being alone
this long, intentionally
she would see, she shows me
her life had been precisely the way
she wanted
it to be, in gratitude for solitude...

I thought wrong
she said she wanted a man
more than she could stand
since she had not planned
for the golden years
or for the gold she knew
she was due...

She was sure
after all those silver lined years
she still had insecure fears
and had forgotten all about
how much
she thinks of herself,
and what she wants.
She is all she will ever need...

A lone she
in a crowd of couples.

Image by Jurij Ĺ ubic [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Who are the meek
Who only see the bleak
Whom we are told
as they shrink old
shall be heirs to the Earth
but do not know its worth
Whose silence is golden
with footprints heavy and beholden
waver their doubts
while their inner voice shouts
snickers and sneers
when gathered amongst peers
self-doubt casts out
the need to belong
Whom are all wrong
Who are posed in preposition
hanging in there by a thread
breathing in the toxic air of dread
hearing the loudest voice
falling for the fallacies
Who makes the choice
to glance in the mirror
projecting prisms of fear
Who do not see the good
Who have misunderstood
the value of life and self-worth
were gifts given to us at birth
which grows interest
in those whom feel most blest
doubt is a dump
a fetid hump
an intrusive and destructive
conniving ally-bearer
of the blinding white lie
twisted tongues tell tales
but the proud prevails
Whose sacred truths
are not spent on the youths
Who hide among the flock
afraid to step aside and walk
to the beat of ones own drum
waiting for confidence to come
Who is just a heartbeat away
unafraid to speak up and say
I wouldn't want me any other way.

Photo (Public Domain) By Vinc3PaulS (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...