Friday, November 29, 2024

Tres (trace)


Today, warm raindrops

glass blurs, the blurry glassy,

sharp sparkles sugar.


Evening, it was good.

Leaves all turned into shadows

sky palette blending.


Broken glass, a cup

a puzzling of pieces

holds onto nothing.

Painting by Claude Monet, 'Pond at Montgeron' c. 1877 via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

And then...


Change is like that strong smell

of cut grass or chopped wood

that stops you still.

Patterns, a symbol can be

an illegible sign, 

at first glance.

Or a certain light at sunset, 

or dark that whispers

Where am I coming from?

You are always going


Next to nothing seems impossible.

I am next.

Painting by Orazio Gentileschi, 'Portrait of a Young Woman as a Sibyl' (c. 1620-1626) from Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024


I have been mad at myself for random


I guess that happens when left to your own


I have forgiven myself 

for all the things I can't 


I guess 

this can happen



I have held onto petty grudges and

I have let go of heavy resentments.

Occasionally, I have strong opinions

but always pick my battles

All of which

I have won.

You've come a long way

some have said.

Starting over 

means you've come 

empty-handed and grateful

for what was not taken.

And what is more

all that you are free

to take-for a time-

Interesting and cursed. 

I don't know

what I do not have,

nor can I imagine

what is better

or worse-


for giving or 

for getting...All

random things

Not worth

getting mad at myself for

or remembering.

ever again. 

Painting by Thomas Dewing, 'Lady with a Rose''c. 1915-1924 via Wikimedia Commons in ublic Domain. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

3rd Act

People teach you

about people.

Loneliness and Solitude



leave more than can be



gratitude & letting go

of things and people 

you were grateful for 


Everything happens...

Burning bridges,

opening doors-

There must be more

than one way

In or out.

One way to look at it

is just that.

People need people

like signposts

for orientation.

Yet never to be 

in the same place

at the same time.

Missing and


can be both 

alone and together.

When you find yourself...

Painting by George Hitchcock, 'Calypso' c. 1906 Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Making time


Maybe it's how,

I gotta go in 10 minutes,

feels so different from-

I have 10 more minutes of sleep-

Or all lights are green

and other days every single one

makes you wait


Patience is virtuous

Following the divorce,

of course,

treading harder than ever

just to stay afloat-

On that same note

trying harder to keep 


instead of always feeling 


Grinding the mill stone

down to the metal



Stop and sink-

Or was it drop and think...

Into a poem

pocketing loose pieces 

while waiting

for the light to change.

Painting by Esperando La Pesca 'Waiting for the Catch' via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Palette or Palate

Grace is always within you

it is said...Hmmm...

I think grace is pink

which is why its hard to find

when all you see is red.

Love is not all crimson cupcakes

still, there is gratitude, 

warm and orange. 

Citrus can be sweet or sour,

it depends on more than taste.

Every word

a jagged cube of ice

to crush or to melt,

linger into nothing...

Yet nourishing

by experience,

like white or wisdom-

or the sun.

What do I know

of divinity-

But hell

and evil, is black 

Absence or All...

Diluting color

of meaning, when

Time is demanded.

Faith is ordered.

I taste metal,

or my own



sensing my fragile

green mortality

All over.

Painting by Vincenzo Irolli (1860-1949), in Public domain, 'Young boy eating a watermelon' via Wikimedia Commons.

Obviously hidden

The treasure chest is locked

of course

I cannot find the key.

Losing it


was self-defense.

And of course

someone asked about its


Privacy excluded,

they meant no offense

to my memory.

But of course

certain things cannot be trusted

with others

Or oneself, really.

That is why

it is safer to hide


Painting by Edward Mason Eggleston (1882-1941), 'Princess of the Treasure Isle' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...