Showing posts with label self-reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-reflection. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2024


I have been mad at myself for random


I guess that happens when left to your own


I have forgiven myself 

for all the things I can't 


I guess 

this can happen



I have held onto petty grudges and

I have let go of heavy resentments.

Occasionally, I have strong opinions

but always pick my battles

All of which

I have won.

You've come a long way

some have said.

Starting over 

means you've come 

empty-handed and grateful

for what was not taken.

And what is more

all that you are free

to take-for a time-

Interesting and cursed. 

I don't know

what I do not have,

nor can I imagine

what is better

or worse-


for giving or 

for getting...All

random things

Not worth

getting mad at myself for

or remembering.

ever again. 

Painting by Thomas Dewing, 'Lady with a Rose''c. 1915-1924 via Wikimedia Commons in ublic Domain. 

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Slate grey

Starting to look like my old self

Or young self

And when I steal a glance

In a random reflection

I have seen

The crazy haired


Clean slate


That has been there

All along

Long time,

No see-

eyes were always grey.


is that the same 

insides out?

Born that way

They say

It goes that way, life




an echo reiterates.

Or so it seems slated,

Starting Over and I

Was Here

As if carved into

A tree.

Painting by Thorolf Holmboe, 'Weeping willows' c. 1907 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...