Showing posts with label echo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label echo. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Chasm choir

The way a stone is tossed into a dark well

to find water, a level, to hear it hit


There was no other way

than by placing our whole body weight

upon the suspension bridge-

between slats, between selves

could we feel it have hold

We could stare into the infinite 

and never know the safest way 

to move atop such vast darkness

By one step,

one stone, 

one question, one more word

about trust, what lies


reveals it self 

in sound but out of sight,


landing is only the end 

of falling. 

Painting by Gerhard Munthe, 'At the Well' c. 1886 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Go Fourth

The fire works
while clutching the cool stem
of rose colored glass
gleaning the glaring
moonlight into amber
crystalized tears

kaleidoscope shaped pins
colors that streak
high, piercing this purple sky
while the clouds bend low
to gather and take in-
side themselves whole
sound waves
to blind and echo
by distortion
and distance

like thunder,
like lightning,
like electricity,
like this short life

as in
that leave only traces
of sulfur
in a sense

bonded and bound
by this friction
as if it were
a release.

Painting by Thomas Fearnley (1802-1842), A Terrace in Moonlight' c. 1834 , in Public domain.

Monday, September 11, 2017


All the same words. All the same words in various orders.
All the same orders, word for word in so many words.
It all sounds the same. It was.
Are we saying the same thing?

Are you reading the same thing? We are saying the same,
reading the same things, so those are not mine?
If it is all the same to you too, it must be as disappointing to you too.

What is this maddening monotony, cacophony?
I am trying to say something original. Nothing was left.
No wonder none understands-meaning-deeper than face,
used all the same pretty words until threadbare, there,
two too many times. Make more!

Also, and Silence, I have said. I have changed for a mind,
momentarily in lieu of reverberating or reiterating more
echoes in empty rooms, pantries, and needs nearly nothing
for nourishment, nothing can be said hereto hear,
to hear only the same small words all lined up
in repoemed formation, loaded with an air of epiphany,
see, repetitive can be reflective, refractive, prismatic
mirror opposites 'true to scale'
said enough, with lips red

Painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, (c.1870) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Skipping sounds

Thrown stones at glass ponds
Reflecting cracks or ripples,
though heard, no echo…

Painting By Józef Chełmoński, Pond in Radziejowice, (1898) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Bottoms up

Have you fallen
into a book, a slump,
into bed
too deep
for another to hear your muffled voice trying to climb out?

If so, please let me know, as I have been seeking
low and high for the loose end to grab onto
falling short of finding the eminent source
of your sound-
could I be late-
are you too far
underneath to speak freely?

we all make choices,
most have moved on.
I have pulled on this rope
without end
wishing and waiting for one more
buried echo-o-o-o-o-o-o...

Painting by Georg Flegel [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Twenty-six characters

Have I repeated myself?
            Yes, to excess.
If it is any consolation,
that too
            has been done.
And if this were a real poem-
            it would be a brush painted kanji-
symbolically inexplicable
            by its symbiotic smooth strokes.
It is flow.

So seriously, let us not pretend
            emphasis-a stress-is an echo-as an anaphora
            the lines look the same,
they are not along the same lines
bound by words
imitating poetry
that is never new-
but you knew This
I have painted it before.

Image from

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


This again,
and spin-ning helix twirlex wound around
centripetal journeys sheered off at the base.
A tetrahedron and gone on and on
as origami is.
Ripples widen the longer we wait,
the in-between
to each his own vibrational state,
one is a wave of itself of
meeting ledges and
recombining in rings
that sing all the chimes notes
and signals the fade away
into the end of the echo,
just so
we should know
it was all said before
ideas take in shapes and sides
based on the circumsphere
we hear-
here ehoes.

Image created By Perditax (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. (Gorceixite crystal).

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Few knew
how little we were
hoping to be noticed

Not that
they wanted more
and less to be seen

Some found
they never heard
(of) the likes of you

Some sought
outside as outcasts
too frigidly

Some stayed
in place and inside
by the fire
alit with artistic rage

Not many
more than we
can handle
without scalding
the tips

And know
none pine
for ringing cedars, pet rocks
or chop words, but quarry
for the echo...

Image of painting By Adolf Mosengel (1837-1885) (Dorotheum) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Fifty-five shades of cadet gray

It was the thick piled blanket of gray
that made the metaphor more simile today.

Cumulative as a collector of dew
indulges in a spendthrift rain of blue.

Cowering behind high pressure,
it may have been up in the air,

but it lay down on all in between,
nestled in nature.

Birds under-cover, the grass
fast asleep,

And audibly thick sound
from gravity's position
I fathom
to scream
inside-it does not carry
you out

I doubt it was definitely only one
up there-
cutting, stomping, sucking, sputtering,
interrupting frontal intersections

Slicing with a mallet, tendering with blades
heart beating to ear drums

a-long the gray highway

two-way mirrors like
our eyes,
the other side of sound

don't bother to look-
it was only one-
a passing Chinook
in the stealth of May.

Image of painting by James Ward, Sky Study [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...