Showing posts with label Toy's R Us. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toy's R Us. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

Concerning: Generic Water

In 1986,
we could drink out of the tap
and it was considered barbaric
               (well water as it was)
but it was so good.
That was there, this is now
that everyone drinks in disposable 
pervasive clear canteens.

In 2018,
there was mass poisoning by the sterilizing-
worst case scenario-better safe than sorry so 
saturated with leachating preservatives 
used as a precaution.
pieces dissolved, as they tend to do
         in manufactured self-containment-
well, people and plastics became one,

In the eighties,
I remember walking home, wading in the creek.
My musty Vans tied by their laces to my backpack strap
after school, Genius, I thought, 
bottled water, readymades, ant farms, crystal gardens,
pet rocks, canned air, and jarred fireflies sealed with a kiss.
I ingest the red woods and taste bliss.

In 1978,
at the grocery store,
the generic brand of anything 
was white or yellow, the basic packaging.
It was good enough, cheaper even
to not say everything.

my mother told me I always wanted a toy
and I would toddle up to strange men,
                      (also grocery shopping) 
and ask them if they were my daddy.

I still return from the grocery store without
everything I need.

My kids asked about the Mexican men posted up
outside Home Depot(s), 
I told them about outside labor
          (fathers on back-order) and say
if Toy’s R Us had this (for lazy parents),
they would still be in business.

Nine-tenths of the time,
poverty and water obey the laws
of thermodynamics.
Both are
Being and Event. 

In 2018,
I am grateful for everything that I never had.
She oft-quoted Nietzsche with knowing
where it came from or
it made me stronger.
I cannot see everything my body does for me, thankfully.
It would be terribly distracting to have transparent packaging,
I believe this would make everyone less appealing.

In 1989, 
I can clearly see my naked feet under the flowing water
of the Little Bear Creek,
rippled sun rolls over the enlarged mole
atop my left foot,
my soles are both slippery, I notice
how the liquid moves in a cool hurry
                 but only I move the stones.
I thought of all the Springs passed,
and my own mothering nearer to
reaching the sea, it has dawned on me
we are all temporarily employed
with our shoes, our guns, our molded plastics,
plain packaging
we call watertight-
forgetting this too
is subject to corrosion. 

Artwork: Лесной ручей. Весной. 1890, холст, масло, 75х56 Forest creek. Spring. 1890 {{Creator:Grigorij Grigorjewitsch Mjassojedow}} {{PD-art}} From

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...