Showing posts with label unknown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unknown. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Chasm choir

The way a stone is tossed into a dark well

to find water, a level, to hear it hit


There was no other way

than by placing our whole body weight

upon the suspension bridge-

between slats, between selves

could we feel it have hold

We could stare into the infinite 

and never know the safest way 

to move atop such vast darkness

By one step,

one stone, 

one question, one more word

about trust, what lies


reveals it self 

in sound but out of sight,


landing is only the end 

of falling. 

Painting by Gerhard Munthe, 'At the Well' c. 1886 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

What is Black & White and Not Read

Dear Poet,
Thank you for your diligent inquiries.
While we appreciate your work, it is not right for us.
In addition, we encourage you to continue to try to fit in-
stead fast, stand under a lone wolf moon at the howling,
or some-such-thing.
Please note-our open minded period is very, well, narrow.
Also, know that you will not be known,
yourself unfit for traditional shapes, bodies of work
form @s.
I almost forgot, Notoriety. Silly me.
You must agree, you will be not known to anybody,
you are generic,
in the white flimsy boxes with the black sans serif
font-ain't it close enough
to alternative nutritional facts?
Anyway, we hope that you are more than satisfied with this
onerous offer.
Please do not let us know later than possible.
(there can be no changes or credit).
Respectful to others,

Image credit by Marjory Collins, described as-'loading sugar in a grocery department' July 1942) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Silver sliver slit of moon
acts archaic atop adorned academies, antiquity
of old ordained, ornate, obstinate, and now obtuse
proclivities, profusely posing purporting professorship,
impelled into impervious impatient improprieties.
Notions by night, nearly now, it's too near novice to notice.
We will wait while the world wakes wearily,
today, teach the truth, telling tales, trusting stories to-
gether, gathering, groaning, gaining girth and gravity as we go
up right, up-tight, up early, up-side-down, unnoticed, in parity, and undulate.
Caught, covered by coal clouds carpeting the charisma
wisps of white words which purple pink
disappear during daylight,
alone little line left
hanging on the hazy horizon, humidity hovers heavily

upon us.

Image By Long, William J. (William Joseph), 1867-1952 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Taking in the Aether & the Higgs Ocean view

You see
             the problem is:
I need someone to help me figure out-
or to talk to,
I muse
in a place
I cannot quite describe
I will not come near
being able to show you
the particles
flying and suspended
suffocating the air with the dots
of the question mark,
they're sometimes called

I see them flying in the air
suffocating and thick against each other
compelled, repelled, forced and willing
mixing cosmic stew, stars colliding
thick with dark matter
I could choke
on the chunks of thick loneliness
attractive pollution, vaporous resolution
the pressure we place
on a black hole, I feel
                                    my heart exploding
in symmetry                with infinity

You see
these words
this world
-what's the matter?
the anti-matter and all that allusion
the illusion said of what should
not see

I feel them touching me
like gravity-a weak force
but you're not floating away
                                             from me yet
                                                                 just expanding your magnitude
So how do I show
that I know
                  the connection-in reflection-
the theories of strings beyond beings
staff that carry the notes
                                      that fall on deaf ears
like blind stars
like us
who would rather
Not see
the day come of the dying sun
with no one
to talk to
but someone not looking
saw it too.

Image By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Image taken by ROSAT shows confined hot gas captured via X-ray providing evidence that the gravity exerted in groups and clusters of galaxies is attributed to dark matter. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...