Showing posts with label elderly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elderly. Show all posts

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Growing Old While Waiting In Line

Growing Old While Waiting In Line

I find myself shrinking with fear,
trembling a touch making contact-in the eyes,
peering through the windows,
beyond the fragile glassy panes.
Shuddering at the cataract reflection-
noticing my naked youth
while waiting in line...

Patience reminds

Your turn will come
when this wait is done
my eyes avoid noticing
further running to a spot
liver on the empty face
of my spotted analog watch
hands fidget childishly
feet shuffle deliberately
I don't have much time
My heart thumps wildly,
Primate pounding fists-
I am Alive!

Discontented rumblings remind
of a scent, a smell, a pale zest,
for Life in this free Time
a penny for my thoughts
with inflation of receding interest
-I ponder-
What's is it worth?Is this the cost-
Of time well spent?
Tic-toc goes the clock...
Perpetual seconds elapse
When we are born do we know?
The time of our death?

Slipping glasses on bridges
rose colored reflections
of what used to be
fitted with sagging drapes
can't hold on to it all-no Time
to hold back- the time Now
replaced Impatience for Pabulum
to do, to have to do
and why not do?

Yet I see through porcelain
dentistry, the hollowed
gum smile, a knowing wink
(flinching blink) I smile back
knowing I'll make it
(on Time)

while waiting in line…

Painting by Karl Aegerter "Waiting in Line". Image from Wikimedia By Taxidermized (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...