Showing posts with label metaphor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metaphor. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Storm front


Nor did I chase

the storms, even as 

they came for me, that way

Did not run

for shelter stops


we wed in between

such pouring days

as if a window


to a raw and fresh world

Where death and birth

dwell in unison

A reddened dawn 

bled deep

into horizon lines, gashes,

words of warning defined


wives tales,

words of prophecy

fairies and fantasies,

Or metaphor

like We could be

Happy, sirens.

Thoughts as thick as 


dissipate for clearer 

skies shall 


Blinding truths


For now 

I stay shuddered

while wet and wiser



Painting by Hart, James McDougal, 1828-1901  (artist); 'The Storm is Coming' L. Prang & Co. (publisher), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Cold tile roof

The cat was absent at breakfast,
a first,
unappetizing feeling found me.

I sought, and called softly
in the pale predawn air
which carries things
a bit too far.

I heard his pleas
directed at me, but could not see

his green flashing pupils
caught my eye
in the mortuary moonlight
looking down
from the rooftop
yelling, cat calling down
at bewildering me.

After I rescued him,
climbed the ladder
convincing him
his life was secure in my hands

we humans,
wondered how
or what
lifted his seventeen-
maybe twenty-pound body
and exposed all
forty-degree night...

Perhaps it's all a metaphor,
like when survival
is not a skill
but we do it anyway.

And it dawns on me,
that in reality,
rescues often
go the other way.

Painting by Camille Pissaro, 'Red roofs, corner of a village, winter time' c. 1877 in Public Domain. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Proof to feel

Exempt from Rule three
'Seeing is Believing',
poets have felt gravity waves for centuries
before proof,
evidenced in the condensed packet called
a 'moment', that hits him square in the numbers

Arresting breath with bondage attention
the neck braces itself out there
nearly knocked into shadowed fear-
don't look here-
it seems safer to watch than feel.

Despite the blind faith and electric lights,
the poet reads the ultraviolet signs as liminal,
hairs will rise only to settle in an
oppressing scream. It thinks it is escaping in
reaching for its own echo, those
vibrations shake the sound loose
from source.

Entanglement matters most
to poets without deflecting further penetration,
those background noises were called white
for lack of definition.

The poet lights his metaphor,
inhaling all that remains too minute
to make time.

Painting By Charles Furneaux (Hawaii Volcanoes National Park archive) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Simile like a lady

They say she was like
No metaphor-thus appears
Everywhere. Here. See. 

Art By Daderot (Own work) [Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

No vacancies

It is the voice, or sound
as far as limits and ripples can----
as loud as the noise altogether

static, each wrinkle folds under
the aging and erosion,
older than dirt lays claim,

lighter than air, dust-skin,
settled palimpsest
on rice paper arms, 

by shreds of rags and stitches 
to cover the cold.
Shivers scream inside, 

turbidity of the spirit, malicious matters
needing shelter; brittle now
by leaves, dry twigs,

words, thorns, starlight and smoke
becalmed back to the senses
in a murmur of metaphor,

rewritten as revelation. 
Must Have.
Must Heard. 

Image credit By Scan by NYPL [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hand me downs

I never claim to know is mine, 
Perhaps it is a preference of plagiarism,
a nose for improper prose,
an insatiable appetite for 
all ilks of altruistic anthema

I could not think 
of a better wheel design.
We have learned.
Where there is smoke was once
                                                    on fire.

Needs and devours
as borrowed without interest.

Solutions are simple echoes, 
what you said you heard
and comes back if it hits the right note
You know how others wrought words 
more harmonized than mine, 
in truth themselves together 
as wording that works
for real-ity-itty-bity life-like
and Practice.
By stretch of imagination or by the life-
span of a metaphor
                                                    by suspension 
and leaps
abound archaic and built to last
for a time-as taut truth
entwined in tension.

Given eyes 
                                                    to see, 
Only art may remind us why
color is requisite to sight.
And why white space is free 
To covet a glance, off the top 
take without change 
of rubberized opinion
or overcharge for overdrawn spirituality
                                                    from a paper One.

I imagine 
remembering clearly-

                            some scattered lines of poetry
in tangled threads, 
rags over-stiched spines, 
poets opine over each others
dead bodies doing it wrong
turning the soil, lying there
and re-cultivating the Garden of
                                                   I Will

                                          Know only 
slowly may one go
to pull open space we need
vacancies never free, but insist
on appearance and flow from Others 
pulled into time by tide. 
we are all sifters, thieves 
of sureness,
presenters of possibilities,
                                           of time-
altering whose in whose
reality-one time, 
rerunning reminiscences
and savoring our own essence
in-decadence in fortitude
never mine in any time-frame

Image By Charles Robinson (The Happy Prince and Other Tales) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

In other wor(l)ds (Haiku)

Sat-com: men build rockets
to penetrate atmosphere
beyond metaphor.

Photo By U.S. Air Force [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Are we speaking the same language?

Haiku VII
What's a meta for?
To build a bridge with nouns like
imagine this thing...

Image of painting by László Mednyánszky (1852-1919), "Forest Creek with a Bridge" [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...