Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Duck, duck, & Goose

I see you ducking & hiding
as if this could keep you safe

of course, most enjoy a good game
of hide & seek-

except when there is no-
body looking

for you
the pain sets in,

nesting in the corners
where you have stashed secrets.

Fleeing from danger
is both fight & flight

instead of planting ones
self in the belief of growth & resilience

where you are
is never where you choose to be

there is disregard
for the hidden

wanting to be found
under a shroud of a woven

textiles you gathered,
that felt like encryption,

yet your secrets strobe across
all of our four heads

illuminating the dark valleys
spreading across your scape. 

Painting by Carel Fabritius, 'Hera hiding during the battle between the gods and the giants' c. 1643 in [Public domain].

Monday, November 11, 2019

Our glasses (hourglasses)

I read in front of them.
I was reading anyway.
They never read.
Even behind my back.

I waited to be sure.
I was never sure
I waited too long.

Liars, thieves, and cheaters
are three of a kind.
I had them all
in hand,
and made a row of bushes
with the tangled vines
for Privacy.

Alone with ourselves
imposes ego as though
we should learn
from mistakes.

The golden rule
is soft, diamonds are forever
handed down
and the rain, perpetually
planting seeds.

The fine print, or return policy
for such a random act
sounds like wind strangled
in narrow channels
but is your paper receipt.

I figured it out
wrong but somehow came to
the correct conclusion
all the same.

There is a kind of
influence, with open palms
that holds no harm
to heat but crystallizes
in salt.

As far as
we can see,
All is in front of us,
there was no plain day
that would be lived this way.

Painting by John Dickson Batten, 'The garden of Adonis' c. 1887 in [Public domain].

Saturday, November 9, 2019

And In the Fourth Place

Nice guys do not race.
Finishing is not the End
All-Be Told to Run.
It may be You have
Anxiety from lack of
Things to want-not Now.
Enstranglement is
too desirous of a Thing
that breathes not-Life.
You got what you want
in the past tense, now what more
does Tension require?

Painting by Louis-Marie Austissier (1772-1830), 'Lady with Basket filled with fruits', c. 1814 in Public Domain. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stages of Petrification

 Out of our cradle
endlessly rocking
so soothing to suck and swing,
we be, Wives to the House
we working women
with clean fingernails.
Rural and dirty, illiterate, failed to be-
come organized and erected,
built and projected by chart.
Fortunate: Educate the ‘poor’,
Entitle the ‘rich’ by degrees and adding zeros
we carry on, pound for pound.
In War
Peace. Conflict. Stability. Conflict.
War, Again. The sequel.
Work harder, work longer, work smarter, weave your
World Wide Webs
Catch the drift and save it for later.
Armed men have arrested the development
of reach, nucleic re-armament fires up
and we women make mud pies
with what we have.
Grow food, “make” food, “buy” food
and storage for later.
Trees to homes to paper planes,
Origamic Plastic Pyramids
surmounting slag on landfill,
a slippery slope, a slide-show.
Bare feet babies scramble to fill shoes
made from recycled tires
and the miles
felt without insoles.
It is too late to change courses.
Adapt. Improve. De(con)struct. It was all made
for you
to find a swing of things, how high
may be gotten before
going all the way around
giving blood
blisters from holding our chains
too tight.

Image of photo By Nikater (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Petrified Forest.

A simile smiles

A close-up of a crater with concentric tiers
denoting depth
except light years away
                            -it was not taken today
Resembling rings signalling ages in decades
of diurnal decay-
A natural atmosphere for well-being.
                            Change occurs in tears,
eternal and sometimes with a why.

Image By NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington [Public domain], Rachmaninoff crater via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Blue faces of things

On that very day,
in another Place,
it was more than
a later hour-

the heavy things
balancing on edges
would finally come down
creating a gentle breeze
over Here

and the nose would pick-up
and strong sense of Elsewhere,
only meaning
there was Poetry
being read in corners.

From the lips,
this music dips between
inkling and imagination
like a murmuration,
how things gather in ceremony

for harmony's sake.
And yet,
all the anonymity allowed
a tiny voice
to move through
this heavy Time,

passing on the thought of
levitation and how it was
never up to us
to do anything about the
thinning air out There.

Painting by Harriet Backer (1845-1932), c. 1883, in Public Domain.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Solid ground

The earth is severely sere here.

The mud has alligatored,

the clay refuses to mix.

October, at the end of Fall,
the ground is cracking open
as if fault lies everywhere,
lies, blaming saints, spirits
and the howling or screaming
of wind through narrow channels
gives way to funneled expression,
dust devils and whistling

severs connections
and strains the crust, curling up
at the corners

The baselessness of these terra firma's
now below sea level
seem deprived of all
but the wound salt.

And while we stretch out
in our gravel beds
the ocean spreads
its legs, the rivers open slender arms and
canyons yawn, too tired to carry more
and have already
spent all
the time
in the world.

In need of nutrients and lubricants,
and seconds,
we wait for the weather to change
it's mind and stay the way it was
predicted to be by date.

Terrestrial we talk of air and water
as if we did al-
with fire.

We have no choice but to dig our ruts
and pace ourselves
to death.

Painting by Arthur Streeton (1867-1943), date unknown, in [Public domain].

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...