Showing posts with label escape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label escape. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Duck, duck, & Goose

I see you ducking & hiding
as if this could keep you safe

of course, most enjoy a good game
of hide & seek-

except when there is no-
body looking

for you
the pain sets in,

nesting in the corners
where you have stashed secrets.

Fleeing from danger
is both fight & flight

instead of planting ones
self in the belief of growth & resilience

where you are
is never where you choose to be

there is disregard
for the hidden

wanting to be found
under a shroud of a woven

textiles you gathered,
that felt like encryption,

yet your secrets strobe across
all of our four heads

illuminating the dark valleys
spreading across your scape. 

Painting by Carel Fabritius, 'Hera hiding during the battle between the gods and the giants' c. 1643 in [Public domain].

Monday, December 24, 2018

ill at ease

Ill at ease
does not mean a discomfort
to the point of nausea
aroused in a state of self-satisfaction.

I suppose it is comforting to know
that this same word, Anxiety,
is on everyone's nerves
and coming out through the lips as
verbal indigestion, along with a liver and onion

How many times have I needed to scream
a curse word
with the most volume possible to project outward,
to release some other demon
banging on the walls of my soul to escape,
as if my sound would shatter

and makes me ill
swallowing this thought back like moonshine.

That was not a question.

Our survival depended upon this fine line between
cooperation and fugitive, patient and shaman,
poetry and prose
words and thier usage.

We made statues of security and braced ourselves
with agendas, acting in stone, we planned, we waited,
we toiled and cried over the temporal state of
poison, we consumed all we could with-

Resistance said not a word
about its origin.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Damsel in distress

When the guards eventually abandoned their posts
this is when, creeping out of overflow,
the words gush forth in a rip current-
coalescing in magnetic links-
weaving white sheets with
brown knots, by her dirty hands;
the escape plan finally hatches
and she knew she would now
let it all out.
Deliberated and free
to mouth the lyrics
all wrong.
She sings them
hums them along
in sweet harmony with self,
knowing all the words
had been mis-taken.

Image of painting by Evelyn De Morgan, Hope in a Prison of Despair (1887) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

S. Cape

Up Back
C    &  m          a          a
o        see          l o n g w a y
m          a        l o n g               out
e           n          n                        h
            d e r i n g                        r      c
                                                y o      o
                                                   u & me
                                        any w h e r e (but).

Image of painting by Juan Gris, 'Still Life with checkered tablecloth' (1915), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sad today, more sorrow tomorrow

Squeezed my eyes so tight
I crimped my nose
trying to seal the heavy drapes
the event horizon
line of eyelash hairs
black holes that hope
I open-
s  l  o  w  l  y  
to rearrange the world
around me
or just wishing to warp
and disintegrate my reality
I wish to be taken
hostage for a dream
it would seem most simply
escape is what I mean
I find myself thinking
of my keys
prism pavement
the open road
to just go
a  w  a  y  
get lost
which I've found
you cannot do 
to night 
I fight
pinned in place
notching another
non event rising day.

Image by Chameleon, via Wikimedia (Public Domain).

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...