Showing posts with label thing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thing. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2022

Pro Noun

When it is said

Something told me

Something made me

I sensed something-

where is the body

of the thing

that sometimes

does not resemble


Like things

that feel or don't feel


Aren't we feeling



Artwork by Robert Lewis Reid, 'The Mirror' c. 1910 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

And In the Fourth Place

Nice guys do not race.
Finishing is not the End
All-Be Told to Run.
It may be You have
Anxiety from lack of
Things to want-not Now.
Enstranglement is
too desirous of a Thing
that breathes not-Life.
You got what you want
in the past tense, now what more
does Tension require?

Painting by Louis-Marie Austissier (1772-1830), 'Lady with Basket filled with fruits', c. 1814 in Public Domain. 

Monday, October 28, 2019


Broken down, the All
was noplace, collectively
That there is no longer
there is no there there
no such thing as a moral hunter
there will never be
a thing
that is
wholly itself alone
and shatter-proof. 
There was nothing to see
that would help us
recognize entanglement
as a knot to be undone. 

Artwork by Salvador Rosa (1615-1673) in Public Domain. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Around noun

This is the thing,
I cannot finish a single-
Here's the other-
I understand that I am needed, required even
to do that-

I was looking for that thing,
behind me,
remind me, what was I seeking?
What was our-
did we love each other?

There is some-
          he wants to say
          that is coming
          that is waiting...
So I am left
I put one word after the period,
begin again
and see no-

Painting by Domenico Remps, 'Cabinet of curiosities' c. 1690 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Every thing

It used to be about Other Things
It was always about 'other things'.

The more you think about It,
the more It thinks about more.

Stare long enough at any thing
and you lose all light discrimination
inside those black-hole pupils.

It has been said things couldn't be worse-
something about change, smaller
but felt the same with more things
and blame.

It was cluttered with chatter,
static, white noise, white holes
and light bounces off rubber words.

If you blink now,
it will never change.
Time wiggles out of every thing.

Painting by Thomas Wijck (c. 17th century), Alchemist in his study with a woman making lace, uploaded by Chemical Heritage Foundation [Public domain or CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The wind was long

If I wrote 'Now' one thousand times-
Now, Now, Now-
am I not lying? Redundantly (pro)posing nothing new
on the page-

Now, Gertrude may say
the same,
there is no such thing like the thing itself,
repetition of point...
like Moore's Law-only holds so many holes
before disappearing
all together.

In soundness, over and over
is a slingshot past Here-

reason being no longer
enunciates itself
as individual
thingness and parsimony

it seems to me we should have
been focused on the duplicates

observing patterns of double talk
scholars without abjection to empty words,
placeholders or so called meta-
or merely masters by degrees

From this angle
Now was never
the center
errant signals disconnect
the radii from the thing.

Portrait of Gertrude Stein by FĂ©lix Vallotton (1907) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Threadbare Thingamajig

My container shows utility,
this for that;
hold this, carry me
like so and so-
Judging, by every day use
where I am thin
I am most transparent
all that you see through me
resists certain obscurity
You can clearly see
the stiff armored patches,
plates stacked precariously
porcelain worn and torn by utensils
in an empty cupboard.
I have no spares for repairs,
no double duty reinforcements
to protect and deflect the pointed
poisoned arrows aimed
at my limited capacity
for containing my
ultimate futility
I guess-
I don't know how this thing works.

Image By Sarah777 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, described as a device for dunking scholars (a.k.a. Thingy Dunker). 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...