Showing posts with label sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sea. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2019

To: Night, There will be no words

Moon shimmer atop the sea
                              Take me
Into your crested,
              Closing, wet black
          If I
Stand here,
                   listening to your
gentle snore, rhythmic as
                     White noise
No one voice
Rises up

High moon,
                    Mid-nite, we stand
edge to edge, like the
                    Folded note
I tried to sing
                   To you, like serenade
I made a solid
of my devotion

Anchor leaden legs
that sway and stay
in Place
ceaselessly churning in places
                              vast, liquid,
Beckoning as foreign skin,
sucking in
                  the air between
Us,          as a magnet may
Be attracted

The Other
is out there,
We stand here
and just Believe
We must.

Painting by Winslow Homer, "Moonlight' c. 1874 in Public Domain. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Solid ground

The earth is severely sere here.

The mud has alligatored,

the clay refuses to mix.

October, at the end of Fall,
the ground is cracking open
as if fault lies everywhere,
lies, blaming saints, spirits
and the howling or screaming
of wind through narrow channels
gives way to funneled expression,
dust devils and whistling

severs connections
and strains the crust, curling up
at the corners

The baselessness of these terra firma's
now below sea level
seem deprived of all
but the wound salt.

And while we stretch out
in our gravel beds
the ocean spreads
its legs, the rivers open slender arms and
canyons yawn, too tired to carry more
and have already
spent all
the time
in the world.

In need of nutrients and lubricants,
and seconds,
we wait for the weather to change
it's mind and stay the way it was
predicted to be by date.

Terrestrial we talk of air and water
as if we did al-
with fire.

We have no choice but to dig our ruts
and pace ourselves
to death.

Painting by Arthur Streeton (1867-1943), date unknown, in [Public domain].

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Graciously greening

Grateful grew
a waterfall-
when it seemed
the stream had fallen into
a lull
a bye and by chance
a babbling brook broke the silence,
the banks exhaled
a warm chill
mist its forests
and swelling by providing
to every atomic bead
aligned inside sealed springs
to thaw and draw
by means of appreciation
to rise in a flood
of movement
for no means other than
most simply Being
drawn willfully to the sea
of Eternity,
a wash in tranquility
when the thirst
for refreshment
all but evaporated.
This atmosphere
was everything we needed
to thrive.

Painting by Marcus Larson c. 1856 in [Public domain].

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How salt takes to wounds

I made it-
not to say that it is done-
that I can breathe now
that I know this.

I am here
by the sea
for me-
pleasures are all mine
in fine coarse grains.

I am aware,
that the measure of success
is off the charts, the beaten path
off the grid,
infinite and yet most
definitely a direction,
like horizon.

It does not move me
but still, I bother
to rise to each occasion,
daytime, in lightyears
despite the erosion, in spite of doubt,
the tides still rise
in order
to pull stars in
circular motions,
like me, reeling.

I am pulled back to sea.
The end begins again
with me
mixing carbon and salt,
separating oil from water
I found a solution
to stop the bleeding.

Watercolor by William Matthew Hodgkins c. 1894 in Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 23, 2017


So the sun insists its way in
and over,
taking priority back
of kissing the skin
and drawing the ocean
on dreamy maps
that glisten.

The ripe sea air consumes
a whole head,
and it is contagious
with this trivial sense
of summer breezes, appetites of air
and lusty whims
that swing wildly between
again and memory, either or

Time stretches it's long legs out,
roads unfurl possibilities in arcs, by bends
keeping mysteries, mountains echo
words overlapping in the distance,
and it can be heard playing for fun,
like us we were just
on the mend
and blending in,
taking our Time

Maybe migration meant more to us
since we got locked in-side
our own ornate cages, (in) security,
as if this accessorizing, plating, and heat
signaled we chose this, as if these
swift summers were worth this
All (in),
for one great trip
Sunsets only
a whisper a sway.

Painting by Robert Lewis Reid (c. 1910-1920) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Friday, June 9, 2017

The currency of pretty

How could you be so Beautiful
and not show anyone?

Why do you squander this Gift
doing nothing powerful
with it-

You don’t have enough to spend
frivolously, you said.
Our investments differ dramatically.
Meanwhile, I have been saving up
All my paper money
for disgraced tears
the old fashioned way.

Only trying to help you get
A head of yourself.

Your advice is not the flotation
I need to keep a heads up.
I think I am too heavy, too deep
to let it Be. Do not worry about me.
I would happily dissolve back into the sea
as in, dis-
coming back again and again in tide,
leaving crumby trails of gold.

This was you being ugly,
or just one of many duplicates.
Monotony blinds anyone who sees just
silhouettes and small talk, grains as significant-

Personal preferences aside, you should see
Yourself in this light.

Instead we blow off the complimentary
and make glass castles or ballerinas,
all so fragile where thinnest.
If only we could trade
matter and Purpose
melt in twisted hands,

beauty was nothing new.

Photo credit by Graham Crumb/ [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

She seas you

dreamt that you brought me
a bag of sand
for my hourglass

the gold flecks sparked, alit by
the sunlight in your eyes, whereby
the ocean leaked

and the bag was empty...

certain it was you.

Painting by George Bellows (1917) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Muffled cries in the marine layer

Everything comes in waves.
Everything that matters
will remain but moved.
Droplets as dew travel
covertly along these liquid lines
where air and water are harmonized
and expressed as external forces
weaving winds.

Victims of our voices;
cliffs conduct the falls,
reefs set the pitch,
reflections in the glass face(s)
blink back sharp silver lights
tossing frothy stinging beads
and foaming at the rabid lips.

The water was left wild.
The sand shows where steps,
the lines, the lyrics, the chorus
soothe all savages, beckons all beasts,
who seek definitive ends
in horizons.

The sirens wail while
time takes its toll in salt
and lets the rest settle.
Absorbed and absolved
in a sea of selflessness.

Image By Pogobuschel (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Sea of Soles (Haiku)

Learn to (not) look, (not)
see the mirror refracting
the shape of our soul. 

Image of painting by Paulus Moreelse, c. 1632 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Tide & True

The ebb and flow of tricky desire
peaking on crests
crashing loud and rolling calm
the horizon line wearies the eyes
taking in forever
a panoramic view
a scene in a moment with you.

Trudging against rocky seas
tip-toeing on the glassy surface
touching the liquid mirror
and licking the salt
of savory endings.

What does a wave want
more than release?
To rise and become more
than itself.
A glimpse of glistening face
in a marine metropolis
under the melting sky
gathering all the glow
and casting it back
in a reflection of the
whole whirled.

Image by By Amada44 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Elementary and Primary

these three things;
(by) Blood, (by) Air, and (by) Sea
and their causation with us
we are able feel inertia
in these,from these
most elementary, learn of
likeness, of course-ness, like us, 
matching a certain momentum, 
catching Time in between any of these
molecular miracles, mimicking 
all that we are (not) and more
that we may bear witness
as Being
as Blue
And though, it may seem true, 
but truly, beneath all three,
as deep as one could show,
I know and have long said
I would paint them red instead.
Call me color-blind
and paint me white
whatever you do
don't say,
I shouldn't be blue.

Image of painting by József Rippl-Rónai [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Las Olas para dias...

Way way
South                             West
Perhaps we are un poco loco
As Latin lingo-goes
Spanglish by the seashore
Las Olas-The Waves
peel like Naranjos
Nobody I know though
peddles oranges under freeways
These days

Here, where El Sol, warms the soul
holding sway
in the Santa Ana way,
winds                                Offshore
salt air beckons to play
Building castles made of sand
stuck on Land
frothing white mane in charge
liquid glass breaks at my feet
but See, the Sea, El Mar-La Mer-Las Olas,
-faces holding-                           Up
     o      l      n        along,
R       l     i       g
settingtogether  a  l  o  n  g
-Venus and her Sun-
hugging our vast horizon.

Composed 5/21/15.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...