Showing posts with label worth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worth. Show all posts

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Cut, color and clarity

Been programmed to feel,
like all little women,
small, incomplete,
naked without-
a veil,
and in total transparency,
I have no doubt, I will
never wear a white gown
in this life-time
I do
not be-come worthy
un-less, there is more...
                            Diamonds are numerous
                            as faithful friends
                            I have-family-bloodlines
                            circumstance and choice,
                            opportunity and onus
                            promises and pure white
                            lies, thule veiled truth
                            under an abundant umbrella
                            called Love
                            the ceilings will keep you
To be good-enough
for special occasions
with honor and rite,
is to be-have as
fortunate for the gifts
be-stowed upon our vessels
pulled by current and tide
toward each other
we shall always meet
                            Here, untouchable
                            amid this journey underway
                            outside of ourselves
                            we become found
                            reassured and rescued
                            from each other's line of sight.

Painting by Auguste Toulmouche (1829-1880) dated 1866 in Public Domain. 

Friday, June 9, 2017

The currency of pretty

How could you be so Beautiful
and not show anyone?

Why do you squander this Gift
doing nothing powerful
with it-

You don’t have enough to spend
frivolously, you said.
Our investments differ dramatically.
Meanwhile, I have been saving up
All my paper money
for disgraced tears
the old fashioned way.

Only trying to help you get
A head of yourself.

Your advice is not the flotation
I need to keep a heads up.
I think I am too heavy, too deep
to let it Be. Do not worry about me.
I would happily dissolve back into the sea
as in, dis-
coming back again and again in tide,
leaving crumby trails of gold.

This was you being ugly,
or just one of many duplicates.
Monotony blinds anyone who sees just
silhouettes and small talk, grains as significant-

Personal preferences aside, you should see
Yourself in this light.

Instead we blow off the complimentary
and make glass castles or ballerinas,
all so fragile where thinnest.
If only we could trade
matter and Purpose
melt in twisted hands,

beauty was nothing new.

Photo credit by Graham Crumb/ [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Want not, waste not

We have all wasted our time here. 
Let us be brutal and honest, each and every one of us
has wasted
Time; as in
effort, electricity,
money, opportunities
and all of these were Ours to squander, 
to squat and wanting what nots.
What is more seems to 
overspend on idle luxuries,
counting pennies and pebbles 
you say are lucky asteroids.

We should be Thankful.

We could be too coddled to recognize
all this preoccupation with preparations 
and knowing ahead
it was all superfluous.
But we are busy making;
deals, wishes, messes and mayhem,
money, babies, titles, costumes, trinkets, headway 
and art, a start at something real...Really?
We could do more to untangle our neural nets 
stuck up in sticky anxieties, worries
or not...some like it wound up that way.
And nouns hold more weight than necessary. 

As a rule, nothing is certain
to be 
Art, really. 

Painting by Pieter Symonsz Potter (circa 1597/1600–1652) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...