Showing posts with label red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Warning signs

Red dawn
sits quietly
behind Eastern hills.
is blue and cold
in moonglow flood-

A candle flickers
the window.
The birds stir
while wind
picks up any loose

...the purpose of a flower,
color can make us
Beauty is perishable,
like the light
of this day.

A reflection glows
warnings signs were every-
day breaks
hearts as light as air.

Painting by Herbert James Draper (1863-190), 'The Gates of Dawn', in Public Domain. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


The ocean rose
the sky fell
the rain beat the drums,
the fire spread,
the earth shook,
the sun set,
the moon was full,
the water ran,
the sound grew,
the people pled,
the stars said,
the cycle ends,
the wind screams,
the thunder claps
eager for more
Encore, Encore
the world wondered
if the message sent
or had been red...

Painting by Joaquín Clausell [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Some days
                  I see everything
                  as it should be
Grateful that the sun blazes
                 safely so far away
Lucky that the moon is so close by
                 and I still cannot feel
my own heart beat
                 or sense the spin,
a feeling of reeling along
at more than fourteen miles
                                   per minute

How far
                I've come and gone
making a present of the past
pulled into others gravity
and laced in fine ribbons
                of harmony.

Most days
it seems blinking and breath
                                  proceed without
                                  all the same
never was needed nor noticed
how it all blends together
                                 by degrees
always perfection
                                 in reflection
I said
It has never been Up to blue,
It was
Always red.

Painting By Otto Freundlich [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Elementary and Primary

these three things;
(by) Blood, (by) Air, and (by) Sea
and their causation with us
we are able feel inertia
in these,from these
most elementary, learn of
likeness, of course-ness, like us, 
matching a certain momentum, 
catching Time in between any of these
molecular miracles, mimicking 
all that we are (not) and more
that we may bear witness
as Being
as Blue
And though, it may seem true, 
but truly, beneath all three,
as deep as one could show,
I know and have long said
I would paint them red instead.
Call me color-blind
and paint me white
whatever you do
don't say,
I shouldn't be blue.

Image of painting by József Rippl-Rónai [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...