Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fish & Chips

There are many fish in the sea
but none exactly quite like me
Not one true carbon copy.
No nanotech cloning imagery.

Our markings are masterfully made
schooled in survival, games well played
decisions and debts to be made, repaid
resoled, rebooted,

eyes on tails
follow ink splotched surging trails
dreaming afloat where freedom sails.

Migrating maps pre-installed, recalled
streams of consciousness, or so-called
evolution, defragging currently stalled
in sleep-state.

Compress and refract by
blue chip, red chip, intelli-chip hacked,
flowing, downloading, backing-up tracts
for holograms in fact-

particulate of calcium carbonate,
brackish, choking, saline tracing, mineral state.
Four-going feets and fins of fate
sedated intoxicated waste-

carried along ripping liquid lies enmeshed in
holy nets, trawling along with severed ties and
anchored ambivalently under horizontal blue skies
and producing the Lowest Common Diatom

there can Be with so much salt. 

Composed 3/14/15.

Image of painting by Herbert James Draper (1910) "Flying fish" [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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