Showing posts with label spark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spark. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Opposites attract each others
At first sight
Rapture is often mistaken for 
an alternating current-
Notice the friction...
Sparks are not always a promising sign,
nor an indicator of warmth,
as in
A promise to burn.

Painting by Martin Ferdinand Quadal (1736-1811), 'By the light of the candle', c. second half of the eighteenth century, in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


She had been running like a top for the past 100 years.

All pistons were firing, the timing on, it was simpler then,
without all that electrical wiring and webs to get caught up in.

Everything started with a spark,
which caused the requisite chain reaction
needed for thrust and to accelerate
fuel through tubes and get the veins conducting
enough heat to signal friction, life, and movement
along with the exchange that lungs do, except
inside the dragon's breast, under the hood
there is smoke
where a heart should have been.

A simple jump was not enough.

It can always be fixed, we are reassured. With Parts
and Labor, the estimate is always exceeded.

She might have run forever,
had there been no end of gas, parts, expertise-

Or had the rules been followed as in right of ways
and merging. Had they not crashed, recklessly
leaving fumes, rubber, bolts and broken glass strewn,
we may have made it a little further along the road to civil

Aside from all the accidents and operator errors,
outside influences and distractions,
if we stopped all four ways, blinked Right and turned on Red
we would translate the road signs and Marx made,
as symbolic of the passed
and find a new way
to revolve.

She was broken down.

Photo credit taken 29 January 2005 . . Bogdangiusca . . 396x271 (52947 bytes) ({{PD}}) in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ambient light

Are we hard-wired to be afraid of the dark
to imagine ugly things in indistinct corners
lurking and watching
light-less-ness amplifying every sound
in stereo
our world spins on wires
acrobatic static
a puppet in space
Yay! We made electricity
to conquer and fill the empty void 
with our brilliant vibrant light
enhancing our sight
penetrating every nook and cranny
slaying the black matter with our gamma rays 
with the force of direct and alternating currents
knobs, buttons, censors, trackers
we've become all thumbs
coded languages, levers, tactile sight
and its own glaring response
on the fritz is something to fear
unplugged no more, we're wireless anyway
signal shields
afraid of the dark
fear and trembling is 
to know Life all depends 
on a spark
for our mechanical animal things
and as heavenly human beings
still afraid of the darkness
where the light cannot hide. 

Image of painting (oil) Joseph Wright of Derby [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 1769 'A Philosopher by Lamplight'.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...